
When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

■ Author: Uncle Nanshan

■ Original works, plagiarism must be investigated

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

01, the opening words: People to forty-five, it is out of the mountain tiger.

Ancients Cloud: People to forty-five, it is the mountain tiger. The meaning of this sentence is that when people reach forty-five, it is time to start to make a big show. Why? Because when a person is young, he often likes to struggle. In the process of struggle, there will always be some setbacks and blows. When a person has experienced the experience of life, after experiencing the cold and warm world of human feelings, he will see through the deceitfulness that exists in society, is not easy to be confused by appearances, understands his own strengths and weaknesses, and is more comfortable with the use of his own ability and the coordination of surrounding resources.

It is said that "thirty stands, forty is not confused", precisely because I am more sure of my life and more experienced. Therefore, people to forty-five people, whether it is family or career, the present or the future can start from the overall situation, long-term for the top, the talent at this time is the real tiger out of the mountain. When people reach forty-five, at such an age, we, as tigers, will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important. Then, when we reach forty-five, we will suddenly understand what these things really mean?

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

02, the first thing: people to forty-five, don't let your parents be lonely.

Man to forty-five is a very special age. This age is a marginal age between youth and middle age. At such an age, we have entered middle age, and our parents have entered the age of rarity, or even the age of old age. When people are old, it is inevitable that they will feel lonely, which is a very normal thing. Because of a person who is getting older, the relatives and friends around him will slowly leave, and some partners will even take a step earlier.

When a person enters old age and sees people who can talk to themselves, people who get along with them day and night, and leave like this, the loneliness in their hearts can be imagined. Therefore, people who are forty-five, even if they have a very successful career, even if they are usually busy, they also begin to know how to take time to accompany their parents, and will not let their parents feel lonely and lonely. It will not let our parents often walk alone, and it will not let our parents suddenly die in loneliness. When a person reaches the age of forty-five, after having an epiphany about this matter, we will be more filial to our parents, so that the rest of our parents' lives will not be regretted.

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

03, the second thing: people to forty-five, avoid marital pain.

By the time we reach forty-five, we have gone through more than ten or twenty years of married life with our lover. It can be said that all marriages will encounter the test of chai rice oil, salt and vinegar, and all marriages will hear the symphony of pots and pans. When a person reaches forty-five, walks through the seven-year itch with his lover, and comes to the threshold of middle age, we will suddenly understand: when a person reaches forty-five, we must avoid marital pain. Yes, it is said that "husband and wife are in the same heart, and their profits are broken". Yes, when people are forty-five, we must know how to manage our marriage well.

A good marriage is actually starting a business, in fact, it is making money, which makes a lot of sense. A husband and wife, a husband and wife, a husband and wife, a couple who are in love with each other, will definitely make their families prosperous. It is said that "poor couples are sad", people to forty-five, we must know how to work hard to avoid marriage fission, to avoid letting our marriage into crisis, know how to manage our marriage well. Because we know that by running our marriage well, we have managed our happiness, managed our future and happiness.

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

04, the third thing: people to forty-five, needless social toxicity.

By the time we reach forty-five, we have learned to cut down our circle of friends. It is said that "delete the complicated and simplify the three autumn trees, and lead the new February flowers of different standards", people to forty-five, we have understood that at such an age, those unnecessary social, those who only know how to eat, drink and have fun friends, we must stay away in time, or even delete it. At such an age, let our living environment and circle of life become concise, and become as clean and sharp as the Tree of Three Autumns. Therefore, when we reached forty, we began to like silence, like to be alone, and like to come back from work to accompany our wives (husbands) and children.

Perhaps, eating rough tea and light rice at home, watching TV with our families, chatting, and living our own ordinary days of human fireworks is a real simple happiness and happiness. And those who are needlessly social, those who only know how to eat, drink and have fun, are actually a kind of "poison". It will make us sink, make us not want to make a difference, and even make us a person who "can't stand the wall in the mud", and we will decisively abandon it.

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

05, the fourth thing: when a person reaches forty-five, good health is a blessing.

Man by forty-five, we have entered middle age. When people reach middle age and rest, and when we reach forty-five, we suddenly understand that at such an age, we must let our bodies recuperate well. When we reach forty-five, we are followed by several "tigers", of which the tiger of this disease is the most dangerous. Some people say: "The body is the capital of the revolution", in fact, this sentence is very correct. If a person does not pay attention to taking care of his body, when he is young, eating, drinking, and having fun, and excessively consuming his body, then, as he grows older, in the end, he will definitely be attacked by the tiger of disease.

When a person has a certain disease, especially a certain major disease, that kind of pain and mental torture will make us feel that life is tasteless. When we reach forty-five, we have learned that good health is bliss. Therefore, we prefer to raise flowers and grasses at home when we leave work, and tease the little flower cat. When you have time, go for a walk in Riverside Park, try to exercise every day, and try to keep your mood comfortable. A person who reaches forty-five has health, and he has blessings, and this is the most important truth that our group of people who have reached forty-five should understand.

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

06, Conclusion: When people reach forty-five, go with the flow.

Friends, "Sometimes there must be a destiny, and there is no time to demand it in destiny." "After the age of 45, we must know the destiny of heaven and do our personnel, many things, many truths, and before the age of 45, we will understand it." It is only after the age of 45 that there is a deeper understanding. Confucius said: "Forty is not confused, fifty is the destiny of heaven", and forty-five is the best proof of the value of this age.

Forty-five years old, we have established a family, experienced vicissitudes, read a thousand sails, will be more sober and witty about the ups and downs of life, and know how to take on more responsibilities for the family and society. Therefore, when you reach forty-five, you have understood "Toast to the Past", and you will suddenly understand these things, and the fourth thing is the most important. People say, is that right? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Thank you.

When you reach forty-five, you will suddenly understand these things, and the third thing is the most important

【About the author】:Uncle Nanshan, focusing on original emotional stories, folk stories and emotional beauty writing, has published 6 books on emotions, beautiful texts and stories. Major self-media platforms original plus V authors, major platforms have accumulated millions of fan authors, and major platforms have accumulated more than 500 million clicks. Uncle Nanshan aims to give everyone more small stories of positive energy through simple words, tell everyone some truths about being a person, and feel some beautiful little luck in life.

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