
Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Designed to be seen as a look?


Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

First of all, as shown in the picture above, you should have found the puzzling point of this "picnic social distancing" design: friends emphasize social distancing, but they can't emphasize wearing masks? And if you are all family together, it seems that there is no need to maintain social distancing?

In the end, it feels that it is not as straightforward as each of them to light up a health code.

Yes, in recent years, with the continuous changes in the global epidemic, even the new crown virus has undergone several generations of mutations, and many design thinking about epidemic protection has stayed in place, resulting in a large number of "useless designs".

This is undoubtedly a resounding slap in the face to the fact that "design should change with the needs of society". Today, we will take a look at what "useless design" about the epidemic has been released in the past two years.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

These designs seem to make sense, but they don't seem to make sense

· The Magic Hoods ·

If there is one thing about the epidemic design, it is undoubtedly the isolation shield, and this restaurant in Amsterdam has set us a "model".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Originally meant "Chambre séparée", this small house was originally designed to provide visitors with a dining experience that can be both protective and romantic under the epidemic, but in fact, it has turned the entire airtight cottage into a "large new crown virus petri dish".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

In actual use, it is not difficult to find that after each meal, this small house must be fully disinfected, which not only increases the burden on the waiters, but also increases the risk of cross infection.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

At the same time, due to the immediate exposure of the media after the launch, it attracted a large number of reservations, becoming a punch card place for Internet celebrities, which increased the opportunity for crowd gathering.

Of course, the store is happy: the turnover has increased, and anyway, we have also laid flat in Europe to add one more patient, which cannot be said to be our problem - it is quite true.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Also having the feeling of covering your ears and stealing bells is the viral baffle for wedding celebrations jointly developed by Japanese wedding company Crazy Wedding and Japanese designer Itazaka.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

This design concept comes from the magical idea that "the wedding scene is a moment when people are connected to each other's hearts, and it would be a pity if it is blocked by the partition".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Therefore, the designer designed three transparent baffles of different sizes to be used according to the situation to "prevent the spread of droplets".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Of course, we can also see the design characteristics of this product from the actual application of "anti-front and not anti-defense".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

At the same time, it can also be intuitively seen that this product also has the characteristics of "gaps everywhere, the height is not enough, and it cannot adapt to all ages and high-rises", so I don't know what exactly is prevented, probably mainly to give a psychological comfort.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Speaking of which, through google engine, you can see that this company has a variety of "やばい" keyword search, from this kind of design under the banner of protective design, there is actually no bird to promote marketing, publicity of the brand, it is indeed quite やばい.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

· Strange products ·

In addition to the confusing design of many covers, there are also some strange products that have appeared under the epidemic, making people wonder whether some designers are mainly designing to brush their own presence.

For example, the "mask bracket" below, the design idea is not very easy to touch the head.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

This mask holder, which is created for restaurants, hotels and other public places, emphasizes simplicity and is designed by Japanese designer Eguchi Nautori, which makes people wonder whether the designer himself usually wears a mask.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Since it is a public place, everyone can use this mask to hang, so will the indirect contact generated during the period not increase the possibility of virus transmission? Even if it is disinfected every time (once again increasing the workload of the waiter), but hanging up like this, psychologically speaking, do you dare to continue to use the mask?

And the designer himself does not even dare to put this product on the home page of his official website, which shows that he still has a number in mind...

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

The same type is also a personal cup cover designed by designer Tomoki Doi, which actually has a similar "superfluous" effect.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

When using it, we still have to touch the cup itself, and due to the use of fabric materials produced by Pingfeng, the action on the sleeve takes more time than the ordinary cup sleeve, but increases the contact opportunity.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory
Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

If it is said that as a daily carry-on cup cover, there is nothing wrong with it, but this product has participated in the design exhibition with the theme of "new crown epidemic protection", which is somewhat unequal in function.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory
Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Like this kind of "flashy", "at a glance it seems that there is no problem in the past, when it is actually used, it is found that there is no use", and there have been enough in recent years.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Of course, in addition to the professional design industry, the folk are also various, such as the "one-meter distance hat" used by Hangzhou Primary School, which once became an interesting story on the hot search.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Data show that in recent years, millions of designs for the epidemic have been released every year, from basic VI, masks to further disinfection lamps, various isolation products, tool groups, etc., but there are very few practical design works, most of which have become IQ taxes.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Of course, we don't want to do diodes, and there are many design products that fail practically, but they do provide new ideas for epidemic prevention and control. However, the market is filled with more design products that are still useless and only exist for brushes, which makes people sigh.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

There is still a good design in the effort!

Therefore, at this time, it is still necessary to introduce the more excellent design in the recent past. For example, Shigeru Ban, who has been addicted to paper tubes and tents in the past two years, has brought us some uses.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Using the latest anti-virus through the paper material Aerotechno and paper tube collocation, you can quickly build an isolation curtain, better sound passability than acrylic, while paper materials can also be easily discarded and recycled.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Due to the overall lightness and portability, even the weight of an individual compartment is controlled within 7.3KG, which is very practical for large group projects such as examinations.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

At present, the product has been in Ishikawa, Nara and other regions in Japan, as a temporary vaccination station and temporary isolation, shelter and other functions to use, low cost, easy to recycle, easy to build characteristics make this product involved in a wide range of applications, can be said to be an extremely successful design!

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

In order to solve the problem of the current changeable office form, Yodogawa Steel invited designer Toshihiko Suzuki to design a separate office area "YOKODO+" for free movement within the company.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Rollers are attached to the bottom and a combination lock is provided to ensure mobility and security in the separate office space.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory
Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

The design of the clothes hook and data rack is readily available, and the ultra-lightweight 3-layer dense high-strength aluminum board is adopted, which achieves a relatively balanced level of light weight and durability.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Practicality has nothing to say, if you can add some artistic aesthetic design improvements in the future, the acceptance may be better!

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

In the case of social distancing in public places, design studio NOSIGNER has developed a queued audio interaction device called "Social Harmony".

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

With specially designed sensing stickers, people step on the notes to sound the corresponding tone on the stave, while each note is spaced at sufficient social distance.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

While making the boring queuing process more interesting, it also ensures the safety between people, and at the same time can replace the tracks at will, and it is also very simple and convenient to dismantle.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

And in response to the problem of not setting social distancing and not knowing how far away from others, technology companies are also making efforts.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Through the application of AR technology, a virtual distance range circle is designed, and people can easily judge the distance through the corresponding app of the mobile phone, which can be said to be a simple and easy to use gadget!

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Of course, there are many more simple, interesting but practical designs that provide tips and protection for our daily lives.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory
Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Design, or from the reality

Writing here, this article is not to discourage the enthusiasm of designers, but to hope that designers need more thinking in the process of design, perhaps before starting to work.

Nowadays, many young designers have a "sense of engagement anxiety", believing that in areas where everyone is involved, they must do something, even if it is immature design.

In fact, it is easy to walk into the "design for design" misunderstanding, the final product is not a human need, just to satisfy the design desire of the product.

Play for the gallery? More and more "useless design" for epidemic prevention! Global toss-up design inventory

Truly successful design must always start from reality, abandon the flashy, design for the sake of design thinking, start from the most fundamental practicality and the basis of solving people's needs, and integrate more thinking about the needs and expectations of designers.

This may be something that designers urgently need to consider in the increasingly impetuous environment of the epidemic.

So, have you seen more "useless designs of epidemic protection" around you? You can also share it with you in the message area.

Image Material:



Crazy Wedding

Axis magazine

Tecture Mag

PR Times


Mainichi Shimbun

Some of the image material comes from the Internet

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