
Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

Today, March 28

It is the 27th National Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary School Students

Since 1996 the continent is determined

Monday of the last week of March every year

It is the National Safety Education Day for Primary and Secondary School Students

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

The purpose is

Comprehensively and deeply promote the safety education of primary and secondary school students

Vigorously reduce the incidence of various types of casualties

Do a good job in the safety protection of primary and secondary school students

Promote the healthy growth of students

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

It is understood

Sports injuries and drowning are present

Major safety hazards faced by students

Xiaobian hereby reminds the students

While loving sports

We must understand the scientific movement!

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

There are many factors that contribute to sports injuries

The most common is inadequate preparation activity

Start working vigorously with two random preparations

Prone to panic and chest tightness

Dyspnea, dyskinesia and other phenomena

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

Inadequate preparation activities were not carried out

This can lead to insufficient blood supply to the muscles

Exercise in such a state of body

Not only are the movements stiff and uncoordinated

It is also very easy to cause injuries such as ligament strains

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

Tens of millions of movements

Health and safety first

"Sports Trilogy"

Helps you reduce sports injuries

1. Do a good job of checking before exercising

Always pay attention to changes in physical condition

If you are unwell, you must not force yourself to exercise

The necessary health measures should be taken in a timely manner

Conduct a comprehensive inspection of sports equipment and venues

Ensure that the site is flat and the facilities are solid and reliable

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

2. When exercising, we must do what we can

Exercise intensity should be based on physical fitness

Step by step, from easy to difficult

Choose the load that is most conducive to strengthening the physique

Excessive intensity can damage the body

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

3. Full recovery after exercise

It is not advisable to drink water immediately after exercise

And don't drink cold water!

Warm water should be slowly drunk in small amounts and times

Also stretch and relax after exercise

It can make the human body faster and better

Transition from tension to quiet

If the movement stops suddenly

It is easy to lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain

Adverse reactions such as panic and fainting occur

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

Except for sports injuries

Drowning is also a major safety hazard for primary and secondary school students

According to incomplete statistics from the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security

57,000 people die each year from drowning on the mainland

56% of drowning deaths in children and adolescents

Drowning is the "number one killer" of the accidental death of primary and secondary school students on the mainland

Xiaobian combed through a few drowning self-help and his rescue knowledge

Take a small notebook and write it down

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

When someone is seen drowning

You should immediately call the police and take first aid measures

During rescue, you can use life rings, bamboo poles and other objects

Throw it to the drowning person and drag it to the shore

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

When you feel any discomfort

A loud cry for help should be made and the back position should be taken

The top of the head is backwards and the mouth is upwards

Try to expose your nose and mouth to the water

Can surface and wait for rescue

You can also hold your breath and try not to inhale to avoid choking

Never lift your hands or struggle

Because raising one's hand makes the person sink

Sports injuries? Students, if you love sports, you must be able to exercise

Children are the future and hope of the family and society

Physical education is an important lesson in a child's life path

Hopefully every child can be there

Healthy, scientific, safe in motion


Reporter: Li Dian

Editors: Hu Jiali, Lu Yuchen, Yu Sihui Yu

Photo: Bao Kangxuan, Wu Gang, Jiang Fan, Ou Dongqu, Jiang Han, Mou Yu

Some of the image sources are networked

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