
The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Hello everyone, I am your bureau chief ~ use your mother's heart to investigate the problem of parenting knowledge, and clear the fog on the road of parenting for mothers, there is only one truth! Be sure to keep an eye on the Director.Oh~

Recently, the Director saw a sad news:

On April 4, in the waters of the Nanxi River in Yongjia County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, a 13-year-old girl accidentally fell into the water while playing by the river, and her parents then went into the water to rescue her, resulting in the family of three unfortunately drowning...

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Weibo

Such news really made the director's heart ache so much that he couldn't breathe! Although the safety education about drowning is emphasized every year, such tragedies occur every year.

On the mainland, drowning is also known as the "first killer" of unnatural deaths of primary and secondary school students.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Source: Weibo @ Beijing Fire Protection

Recently, the weather has become hotter everywhere, summer is approaching, many children have begun to play in the water, swimming, and the high incidence of drowning incidents is also approaching step by step.

Today, the director will come to give parents a relatively complete anti-drowning science, for the safety and health of children, I hope that everyone can take a good look into it, and the education that should be done must be well implemented!

*The following is longer, it is recommended to order a collection first, and then read patiently.


Real drowning

It's not like you think

In the first step, the director first told everyone about the child's drowning performance.

Some people may wonder: what else can drowning do? When you see your child calling for help, struggling, and repeatedly slapping the surface of the water, can't you tell that he is in danger?

The director shows you such a case:

A Finnish boy went swimming in a swimming pool with his parents when he drowned by mistake from the children's area of the pool to the adult area without supervision.

He struggled for a full 4 minutes, but the adults who passed by all "turned a blind eye" to it...

Fortunately, in the end, the little boy was found drowning by the lady next to him, and was saved after being sent to the hospital in time.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Network

The boy is desperately struggling in front of everyone, but the other adults are looking at it coldly, is this really because they are cold-blooded?

In fact, they may not really notice that the boy is drowning, and the real drowning is not what you think!

In TV dramas, we often see drowning like this

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

The drowning man Zhang Huang was confused, always swinging his arms up and down, shouting and shouting...

Actually, the real drowning is very quiet, it looks like playing with water.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Network

When most people drown, they will actually become muscle stiff due to tension, coupled with the fact that the arm is busy paddling, it is impossible to reach out of the water;

The nose and mouth are also floating and sinking, and after the throat chokes on the water, it is difficult to make a sound if you want to call for help, and even lack of oxygen, generally no more than 5 minutes will lose consciousness, and at most 10 minutes will die.

The director summarized the 6 major characteristics of children drowning, which can be compared with the following text:

● Sink your head into the water, your mouth on top of the water, and you are short of breath or gasping for breath.

● Tilt your head back, open and close your mouth, and close your eyes.

● Hair is scattered on the forehead or eyes.

● The body is vertical, the legs are upright, and it looks very quiet.

● It's like climbing a stairs, but it can't get out of the water.

● Babies playing in the water will generally make a playful sound, if you find that the child is suddenly quiet, parents should pay attention.

If you find that the child is not moving, you should pull the child in time to see if he is normal.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Source: World Health Organization

Drowning, is it possible to leave the water, which means that the child is safe?

not necessarily! We also have to watch out for secondary drowning:

Some children are rescued after drowning, and on the surface they look like they are not abnormal, but after a few hours, fatigue, drowsiness, cough, chest pain, breathing difficulties, fever and other symptoms occur, and even serious to the point of life-threatening.

This is actually a process of pathological changes that persist after drowning and may be related to the entry of water into the lungs to destroy pulmonary surfactant.

After the child drowns while swimming, even if there is nothing wrong with the body at that time, parents should remember to observe more and pay more attention to the child's follow-up, especially within 24 hours.

Once you find the symptoms of the above "secondary drowning", or if your child has other physical discomfort, remember to take it to the hospital for examination.

Speaking of this, I believe that many parents may have seen the word "dry drowning" and have also come into contact with the story of this "10-year-old boy drowning in bed":

"An American 10-year-old boy, who played in the pool with his mother for a day, came home and took a shower, took a shower after the shower, and went to sleep. As a result, after an hour, the mother found that the little boy did not respond to the barking, and finally the boy's face seemed to be covered with white foam like a sponge, and he drowned in bed. ”

Just looking at the above case, combined with the literal meaning of "dry drowning", it looks even more terrible...

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Network

In fact, this incident has nothing to do with dry drowning, it is more accurate to say that it belongs to secondary drowning, and the text of the picture above also confuses the concept of dry drowning.

Dry drowning is not as mysterious as everyone thinks, and the popular explanation is that "I choke myself to death because of excessive fright."

The probability of occurrence is relatively small, and in drowning accidents, dry drowning accounts for about 1%. In general, children, people with poor physique, beginners in swimming and people with allergic constitutions are more likely to drown dry due to external stimuli.

So how should these kinds of drowning be distinguished? Look at the following figure to understand, there is a bottom in your heart, you don't have to panic too much:

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself


Three preventive measures for high-incidence drowning behaviors

The best way to avoid tragedy is to prevent problems before they occur, and drowning prevention education can really be regarded as a compulsory course for every parent and child.

The following knowledge, even if you have read it thousands of times, please repeat it.

First, communicate safety awareness with children

As parents, we must emphasize the safety awareness with the child, and tell the child that if he goes out, he must report to the parents "where to go, what to do, who to go with, how to go, and when to return.".

There are also the "six noes" and "two sessions" in the following figure, and children must also know:

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

Although this statement looks a bit old-fashioned, it is not rough. And when we convey these consciousnesses to our children, we can't just instill them three times in one sentence, but we have to be more detailed.

For example, the second point, "Do not swim with others and play by the water's edge", parents should consider that children like to play in groups, or meet to do something together.

Many times, at the instigation of small partners, children will forget the persuasion behind them and go away.

At this time, parents can patiently try to express this to their children:

Don't invite your friends to play with you, inviting friends will hurt your friends; even if you invite a small partner, you must learn to refuse and persuade the other party not to go; don't be reckless, don't be embarrassed to refuse for face, and put safety first.

2. Prevent swimming drowning

Every year, there is a lot of news of swimming drowning, especially wild swimming.

On April 10, an accident occurred in Meizhou: two teenagers about 12 years old and their companions went to the river to swim and drowned.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Network

Therefore, wild swimming has many hidden dangers, and there are many dangers in the water, parents can advise and take good care of their children, and don't let their hearts and minds get involved!

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

If a child wants to swim, he or she must go to a regular swimming pool accompanied by his or her parents and comply with the safety tips of the venue.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

Remember to put on a bright and conspicuous swimsuit for your child, some of the pool environment and blue, dark swimsuit almost integrated, parents are difficult to identify the child's location.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

A boy in blue shorts dived to the bottom of the pool and was instantly "invisible"

In addition, swimming should not be greedy, swimming for a while should be properly rested to avoid drowning caused by fatigue.

And the most important thing to emphasize is that parents should not be obsessed with mobile phones when accompanying their children's swimming.

Third, prevent drowning in play

In addition to swimming, children playing by the water's edge or playing water recreation are high-risk behaviors that lead to drowning.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Network

Playing with water is risky, everything is safety first, it is best to avoid it.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

Fourth, prevent skating drowning

Drowning accidents caused by children playing on the ice surface occur from time to time, especially when the weather is warmer, and the ice surface is even more dangerous.

Rescue from falling into an ice cave is extremely difficult, the rescue time required is long, and it is difficult for children to save themselves after falling into an ice cave.

In low-temperature water, people's survival time is very limited.

After scientific testing, when the water temperature is 0 degrees, the survival time of people is only about 15 minutes; at 2 degrees, the survival time is only about 45 minutes; when the water temperature is 0 degrees, the survival time is 90 minutes.

However, people who fall into ice caves often struggle fiercely due to fear or survival instincts, and the survival time will be relatively short.

Therefore, parents must advise their children to prevent the tragedy from happening again.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself


Must see! Drowning rescue measures

First, how to save yourself after drowning

If you are unfortunate enough to fall into the water, the first step must be remembered: steady, don't panic!

A few years ago, after a girl in Hengshan fell into the water, she perfectly implemented this.

The girl accidentally fell into the reservoir because she picked up her school bag, although she was afraid, she remembered that her teacher had said that if she fell into the water, she should not move around, otherwise it would accelerate the sinking.

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Source: Hengshan TV

Remembering the teacher's advice, she began to try her best to maintain her composure, neither crying nor struggling, and even rested her head on the floating bag behind her back, relaxing on her back, and the floating bag became a temporary "life jacket".

Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the little girl calmly went ashore. This style of not being afraid of danger, the director really admired it!

So, how to implement self-help after calming down? Take a look at the two charts below and you'll see:

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy
The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

Second, when others fall into the water, how to rescue

Not to mention children, most adults also don't have enough ability to go into the water to rescue others.

Parents must teach their children that when encountering others falling into the water, the first step must be remembered:

Do not go into the water to rescue without authorization!

The first priority of rescue is to ensure their own safety, otherwise it will add to the chaos and may even lead to greater tragedies!

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

The following rescue misunderstandings, be sure to avoid lightning!

The 13-year-old girl fell into the water, her parents gave first aid, and a family of three drowned! Learning this action early may save you from tragedy

Image source: Made yourself

Well, today's Bureau of Investigation will share it here, and we'll see you next time.


1, Ivy Dad In the summer, this "number one killer" is here again! Notes are summarized here, the first one you may not know!

2. Campus Safety Channel Key Points of Drowning Prevention Safety Education

3, Hebei youth incident Shijiazhuang! 2 boys fell into the ice cave, firefighters jumped into the -10 °C glacier rescue...

4, the Red Cross Society of China Training Center, Beijing Fire Public Number 5, Emergency Nighthawk 4-year-old child returned from swimming for 1 week mysterious death, "dry drowning" frightened parents, emergency doctor interpretation

This article is contributed by the exclusive column "Mom Investigation Bureau" of Mom Network, the copyright belongs to Mom Network, if you want to reprint, please contact us to obtain authorization.

Edited in this issue: Y.T.

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