
15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

On March 24, we officially released the horizontal review article "15 Popular Floor Washer Horizontal Reviews: High-end Less Than Expected, Mid-end Unexpected", which attracted the attention of many users. At the request of the public, we will successively release the detailed test results of each product and give an objective evaluation, which interested friends can continue to pay attention to.

The protagonist of this issue is the German Kach FC7, which is priced at up to 4290 yuan, and the general activity price is about 3400-3700 yuan. Kach is a professional cleaning home appliance brand, which has a high reputation and influence in the world.

This FC7 is also its current flagship household scrubbing machine product, and this product is also the jd. floor washer gold list product, winning the 2021 iF Design Gold Award and the 2021 Red Dot Award.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

01 Wet Waste Test (2nd Tier)

Since the Kach FC7 does not have a vacuum function, we directly conduct a wet waste test:

We put an appropriate amount of ketchup, soy sauce, old dry mother, and instant noodles on the test track, and each test channel has been sucked once, and the test results are as follows.

Kach FC7 wet garbage actual measurement effect

Through the actual test, we can find that the cleaning effect of Kach FC7 is still very good, but the disadvantages are also very obvious - because of its design of four roller brushes, the middle roller part has become a cleaning "blind spot", leaving an obvious trace on the test track.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

Mid-mounted scroll wheel

Some friends may say: The cleaning effect of Kach FC7 seems to be better than other parts of the product, why is it classified into the second echelon?

Personally, I would even like to rank Kach FC7 first in terms of cleaning effects, but its loss is lost in the collection and disposal of garbage.

After cleaning the garbage in the test track, when we lifted the machine, we could find that some of the garbage remained on the ground. (Pictured below)

Garbage residue

Secondly, when we opened the sewage tank of Kach FC7, we found that the bubble noodles were stuck in the position of the wiper board, which had blocked part of the water inlet and could not enter the sewage tank.

Instant noodles cannot enter the sewage tank

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

The red box selection is the water inlet

The Kach FC7 is the only one of the 15 products that uses scraping and collecting dirt, which cannot actively absorb stains through high-speed motors like other products, but can only scrape off the stains on the roller brushes through the scraper of the sewage tank, and then collect them into the sewage tank.

In addition, the sewage tank of the Kach FC7 is a assembled design with upper and lower covers, so once the sewage tank is tilted, there will be a water leakage.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

The sewage is all leaking

In summary, the Kach FC7 can only be divided into the second echelon by us. More precisely, it should be positioned between the second and third echelons, and design flaws make its powerful cleaning effect much less effective.

02 Stubborn stain test (excellent results)

The second test item is the stubborn garbage test. In daily life, you may encounter situations where dirt on the kitchen floor condenses into lumps, so we apply gouache to the ground, air dry naturally for 12 hours, and then perform a 2-minute cleaning test.

Kach FC7 Hard Bristle Brush Stubborn Stain Cleaning Test

Kach FC7 Soft Bristle Brush Stubborn Stain Cleaning Test

The Kach FC7 is equipped with both soft and hard roller brushes, both of which we tested, the hard brush can clean 99% of the gouache in two minutes, but will leave some white marks; the soft brush can clean 90% of the gouache, leaving a small amount of lumpy gouache.

03 User experience (excellent grades)

Corner cleaning test

It is inevitable that there are corners and corners that are not easy to clean in life, so we sprinkled some talcum powder in a corner of the wall, using the wet drag mode, and each machine drove to the highest gear, testing the cleaning effect of each washer for the corner position.

Kach FC7 corner cleaning test

The Kach FC7 performed very well in this test session, ranking in the second echelon. Thanks to the design of the rollers in it, the brush fits perfectly against the side walls and there are few dead ends directly in front of it. In addition, the cleaning results are excellent, one of the best of the 15 models.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

Tilt angle test

We tested the tilt angle of each scrubber when cleaning the sofa and the bottom of the bed, and the Kach FC7 ranked first with a score of 0 degrees.

The Kach FC7 is the only one among the 15 products that supports 0-degree flat use, which means that the bottom of the bed and the bottom of the sofa are no longer cleaning dead ends, and there are more suitable scenarios than other products.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

Friends may be curious: Why can the Kach FC7 be flat?

Because it gave up active vacuuming.

Other products use high-power motors to bring strong suction to absorb stains, while Kacher chose to scrape off the stains with the scraper of the sewage tank, abandoning the powerful ability to absorb stains, bringing a better experience of use, so that cleaning has no dead ends.

Feel weight test

We filled 15 scrubbers with water, and for the actual mopping process, the human hand held the case, each machine selected a common angle of use (60 degrees), and measured the weight of the hand. The Kach FC7 ranked first with a weight of 1.07kg, the lightest presence among the 15 products.

This is also the benefit of abandoning the motor, and the reason why other products are heavy is mostly in terms of motor and water tank capacity, thereby increasing the feel weight.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice


In the case of ambient noise of about 39 decibels, we measured the noise performance during the use of the scrubber by simulating the height of the human ear (1 meter and 8). The Kach FC7 came in first with a score of 66 decibels.

15 models of scrubbers cross-evaluation of Kach: if you only talk about mopping the floor it is the best choice

04 Summary: If the single theory mopping the ground Kach FC7 is definitely the first

Finally, combined with the actual experience of use, our evaluation is that if you mop the floor alone, Kach FC7 is definitely the first.

The Kach FC7 is a pure mopping player, and all of its functions and designs are built for mopping: it can be laid flat at 0 degrees, it can fit into the corners of the wall, it has an ultra-light feel and ultra-low noise, making it an excellent mopping experience.

But its wiper-type design of the sewage tank became the only failure - no large particles of stains, not to clean too much wet ground at once, and easy to leak when dumping the sewage tank.

So, if you don't have the habit of mopping the floor in the whole house, just want to use the scrubbing machine to solve the daily spilled soup water, there is no big particle of garbage, then The Kach FC7 can be said to be the best choice.


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