
Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

author:Leap dreams@

In the world of basketball, every time the list of major tournaments is announced, it touches the hearts of countless fans. Recently, the words of Zheng Wei, the head coach of the Chinese women's basketball team, have sparked a heated discussion about whether young player Zhang Ziyu should go to the Paris Olympics. Today, we will analyze this topic in depth and explore the deep meaning behind Coach Zheng Wei's decision.

Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

1. Asian Cup rising star Zhang Ziyu: The potential is unlimited, but the time has not yet come

In the recently concluded Asian Cup, a young player named Zhang Ziyu won the attention of fans and the media with his outstanding performance. Her technical characteristics are distinctive and her ability is outstanding, which makes people see the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. However, in the eyes of Coach Zheng Wei, although the rising star is dazzling, the time is not yet ripe for the Olympics.

Coach Zheng Wei said in an interview: "Zhang Ziyu's performance in the Asian Cup really satisfied me, her ability is very strong, and her characteristics are also very distinct. However, she is still young after all, and I think it may be too early for her to participate in the Olympics now. Although these words are brief, they reveal the care and expectation of the coach for the young players.

Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

Second, the internal line is strong: Han Xu and Li Yueru are in charge, and there is no need to pull out the seedlings to help them

The Chinese women's basketball team has two powerful players in the interior position, Han Xu and Li Yueru, who have repeatedly made meritorious contributions in the international arena and won numerous honors for the Chinese women's basketball team. Coach Zheng Wei said: "As long as they are injury-free, it is enough to cope with the Olympics. Even if Zhang Ziyu is brought in, it is difficult to have too many opportunities to appear. ”

These words are not a denial of Zhang Ziyu's ability, but based on the consideration of the team's overall strength and tactical arrangement. In the highly competitive Olympic arena, every player's opportunity to play is not easy to come by. Coaches need to consider the overall interests of the team and make the most reasonable choice.

Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

3. Accumulating experience and gaining self-confidence: Zhang Ziyu's growth path

Although Zhang Ziyu is temporarily out of the Paris Olympics, this does not mean that her basketball career is over. On the contrary, Coach Zheng Wei hopes that she can continue to gain experience and confidence by participating in high-profile competitions such as the Asian Cup.

"At present, I still hope that Zhang Ziyu will accumulate experience and gain confidence by playing high-level competitions such as the Asian Cup." Coach Zheng Wei said, "In this way, she can lay a solid foundation for the future to play in the senior women's basketball team." We can't pull out the seedlings to help them grow, we have to give her enough time and space to grow. ”

Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

Fourth, the list is announced: 12 out of 16, fierce competition

As the Olympic Games are approaching, the training list of the Chinese women's basketball team has also been officially announced. In this 16-man roster, every player is an elite player who has been rigorously screened. However, due to the fact that the Games require a maximum of 12 participants, it is inevitable that four players will miss out on the final Olympic journey.

The news undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on all the players who were selected. But as Coach Zheng Wei said, "I hope they can be ready for the final sprint and meet the challenges of the Olympics in the best condition." ”

Zhang Ziyu's Olympic Road: Coach Zheng Wei's thoughtfulness and expectations

Although Zhang Ziyu's Olympic path has been temporarily blocked, her basketball career is still full of infinite possibilities. We believe that under the careful guidance of Coach Zheng Wei, she will be able to continue to grow and improve, and contribute to the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. At the same time, we also look forward to the Chinese women's basketball team to achieve excellent results in the Paris Olympics and win glory for the country!

Dear readers and friends, do you think Zhang Ziyu should participate in the Paris Olympics? Or what are your thoughts on the Olympic prospects of the Chinese women's basketball team? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

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