
January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

The whole family is still immersed in the joy of the birth of the baby, never expected, so soon ushered in a new challenge, after the baby's full moon, the pink carved jade "little cute" who slept all day became inexplicable, and the "little devil" who cried with his throat at every turn was not good, the sleep was not real, and the grandparents were anxious.

This is the so-called "January sleep February crying" phenomenon, into the two months of age of the baby, began to cry frequently is a very normal performance, this is because their nervous system further development, more sensitive to the changes in the surrounding things, is the process of slow growth, bao dad and mother can observe whether the baby is hungry, pee, pulled, etc., timely care and comfort to the baby, can effectively alleviate the crying.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

However, some babies' "February crying" is very strong and very difficult to soothe, especially when there are the following performances, parents need to be vigilant:

If the baby has no reason, it can't help but cry for a long time;

If the baby cries fiercely at certain fixed times, such as dusk and early morning every day;

If the baby is accompanied by poor sleep, kicking, waking up on the ground, etc.;


When the baby's "February crying" has the above performance, it is likely to be the cause of "flatulence". "Flatulence" can make the baby very uncomfortable, and parents need to take the right care to make the baby feel better.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

What is the baby's flatulence?

According to a data released by the Ministry of Health, 80% of babies will experience different degrees of flatulence, the so-called "flatulence", in fact, there is gas in the baby's stomach that is difficult to discharge, resulting in feeling bloated.

Because the baby's age is relatively small, the gastrointestinal development is not perfect, digestion and absorption are not good, the stomach and intestines are more likely to produce gas, coupled with the reasons for the baby's physiological development, especially the muscles of the abdomen are relatively weak, it is difficult to discharge these gases autonomously through hiccups, farts, etc. The gas accumulates to a certain extent, which will make the baby swell very uncomfortable.

In the process of parenting, it is not difficult for parents to find that when the baby suddenly puts several farts in a row, the crying is immediately less severe, which is because after the baby discharges the gas in the stomach, the stomach is much more comfortable.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

On the whole, baby flatulence is a very common phenomenon, under normal circumstances, after the baby has passed 100 days, the symptoms will automatically ease, gradually to completely disappear, so the parents do not have to worry too much.

How to relieve flatulence in babies, pro-test a method is very effective

Ways to relieve your baby's flatulence include airplane hugging and exhaust exercises.

Airplane hugging is a posture of holding the child, so that the baby in a prone position (in the shape of an airplane), gently lying on the arm of the parents slightly tilted upwards, the hand presses the baby's stomach, can make the baby feel more comfortable, but also help the baby to discharge the gas in the stomach.

The principle of exhaust exercise and aircraft holding is the same, let the baby lie on his back on the bed, parents grasp the baby's legs to do leg pedaling exercises, like pedaling bicycles, upward can just press to the baby's stomach, promote the baby's intestinal peristalsis, discharge the fart out of the body, need to pay attention to the process of the action should be gentle, the number of times per day should not be too much.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

Another method is very recommended, at that time my baby's flatulence was also very serious, especially at night always crying and difficult to sleep, I would lie on my back on the bed, put my back up, and then let the baby lie in front of my chest, the baby immediately quieted down, after a few minutes you can hear the pleasant farting sound, and then quickly fall asleep, and sleep very deeply.

At that time, I used to sleep with my baby in my arms for two or three hours almost every night, and then I would move him down and put him back on the bed when he woke up in the middle of the night and let him lie down and continue to sleep.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

The principle of this method is the same, when the baby is lying on his stomach, the stomach is pressed, and the feeling of flatulence will not be so serious. However, sleeping alone for two or three months is very dangerous, and may suffocate and threaten life, so lying on the chest of the parents, you can feel the baby's condition at all times, avoid accidents, and the baby can listen to the parents' heartbeat and feel more secure.

Home with a flatulence baby? It's key to doing these 4 things

1. Avoid overfeeding

We are now advocating breastfeeding, the principle of breastfeeding is to feed on demand, but if the baby has flatulence performance, the mother must pay attention to it, the baby crying is not necessarily caused by hunger, if every time the baby cries with breastfeeding to soothe, resulting in the baby eating too much, will aggravate the situation of indigestion, so that the baby's body gas production more, into a cry more feeding, the more feeding the more crying bad cycle.

Therefore, for flatulent babies, mothers can adjust on-demand feeding to regular feeding, and generally two-month-old babies can be fed breast milk every two to three hours.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

2. Burping after milk is important

In order to prevent the baby's stomach from accumulating too much gas, after the baby drinks the milk, be sure to remember to hiccup, hold the baby upright so that he lies on his shoulders, the palm is hollow, gently tapping the baby's back from bottom to top, generally after a simple pat 3-5 times, the baby will make a "hiccup" sound, and then the mother can safely put the baby back on the bed.

3. Avoid inhaling air when feeding

Some parents lack parenting experience, such as the baby is very hungry to feed the milk lead to drinking too fast, inhaling air, or the bottle is too high, there are bubbles entering, will aggravate the baby's flatulence.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

4. Pay attention to the warmth of your baby's abdomen

If your baby has a cold in his abdomen, it can aggravate the indigestion reaction, resulting in more severe flatulence. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the baby's warm work, and the room temperature is most ideal to maintain at 24 degrees to 26 degrees. If the room temperature is low, pay attention to adding clothes to your baby. If the baby's flatulence is severe, you can also gently put a warm towel on the baby's small belly to promote the baby's rapid peristalsis and relieve flatulence.

January sleeps February cry! What is the "flatulence" that causes the 2-month-old baby to cry?

Write at the end:

Flatulence baby a loud cry, pounding the anxious heart of parents and mothers, I hope this article can help all flatulence babies, healthy and smooth through the "February crying".

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