
Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

As soon as the weather dries up, our skin will become more and more dry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and if you happen to have skin, tightness, dry lines, and makeup card powder at this time, the vigilance is that the skin is reminding you that "I am dry and short of water."

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

It is mainly caused by the following two reasons:

1. Decreased sebaceous gland activity

As the temperature decreases, the activity of the sebaceous glands is not as good as in the summer, so the sebum (that is, oil) on the face will be less than in the summer, and there is no way to secrete enough sebum, so that the sebaceous film that bears the burden of reducing the loss of skin moisture will form incomplete, and the skin will naturally feel dry.

2. The air dries out in autumn and winter

Autumn and winter precipitation is not as good as spring and summer, environmental humidity is reduced, skin vascular constriction, natural water loss will increase, this is a normal physiological reaction, so in autumn and winter hydration + moisturizing is very important!

The solution is very simple, mainly divided into three parts: mild cleaning, seasonal skin care, and proper hydration.

1. Gentle cleansing

In order to pursue high cleaning power and wash off the oil on the face, many people will choose a blistering soap-based cleanser, thinking that it will be very refreshing after washing. However, in the autumn and winter, the amount of oil produced is reduced compared with the summer, and continuing to use soap-based cleansing is easy to destroy the sebum film, resulting in accelerated loss of water, so it is recommended that you replace the milder amino acid cleansing products [1].

Dry skin sisters, Zhimei recommends that you try to wash your face only with water in the morning, and then use a combination of cleansing at night. In addition, some little fairies are accustomed to using exfoliating products regularly, and if they feel dry, flaky, and sensitive, it is recommended to suspend use or use less as appropriate.

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

2. Seasonal skincare

"The summer hoard of water milk has not been used up and the seasons have changed, and you can't buy new ones until the bottles are empty!"

If you have such a thought, please raise your hand consciously!

Many people are still using summer skin care products in winter, theoretically speaking, this is actually not very good, in addition to cold clothes to wear thick, our skin should also follow the season to change the corresponding skin care products.

Due to the cold weather and reduced temperature in autumn and winter, refreshing skin care products have been unable to meet the water-locking needs of the skin in autumn and winter, and if you still use the same skin care products as in summer, dry skin is also reasonable.

Therefore, according to the skin condition, choose some skin care products with more oil content and more moisturizing feeling, such as changing lotion into cream.

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

If you can't quite define what kind of skin care products are suitable for autumn and winter, you can see whether the ingredients contain squalane, squalene, mineral oil (such as liquid paraffin, mineral grease also known as petroleum jelly), etc., the above ingredient-based products can play a better moisturizing effect [2].

If you're often outdoors, or if your skin is super dry, you can also stack skincare products and oils together to form a thick oil film on your face to protect your skin and relieve tightness and dryness.

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

3. Properly hydrate

In addition to changing skin care products seasonally, proper hydration is also a good way to alleviate dry skin, if the skin is in a state of accelerated water loss for a long time, it is also very easy to bring some other problems, such as sensitivity, dry lines, fine lines, aging and so on. Therefore, Zhimei has sorted out 3 ways to hydrate and moisturize for everyone:

Apply a mask

Applying a mask should be the most convenient way we can think of to hydrate in our daily life. The principle that the mask can hydrate is actually to use the short time covered on the face to temporarily isolate the outside air and pollution, thereby increasing the temperature of the skin, expanding the pores and promoting the metabolism of the skin, and then infiltrating the moisture in the mask into the stratum corneum.

Therefore, the hydrating effect of the mask is immediate, and it can only make the skin look shiny and increase the sense of moisture in a short period of time, and do not have the idea that "there is no mask in the world that cannot solve the problem".

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

Many sisters may ask, if so, can I put on a few more tablets a day? A lot of celebrities do that anyway. You don't have to!

Too much use of the mask can cause the skin to overhydrate and cause cuticle damage, which can impair the skin's barrier function [3].

So even in autumn and winter, it is enough to apply 2 to 3 times a week, each time controlled at 15 to 20 minutes.

It should be noted that although the mask can temporarily hydrate, it is equally important to lock the water in autumn and winter, so it is best to wash the face with water after applying the mask and then apply a layer of cream, so as to firmly lock the water.

Regarding the choice of mask, in fact, do not care too much about the efficacy of those bells and whistles on the market, what whitening, anti-aging, repair, as long as you choose the basic moisturizer, because the real effect of all masks is the same, that is, hydration.

Apply the hyaluronic acid stock solution

Hyaluronic acid is a water-absorbing moisturizer, it can absorb moisture in the air to moisturize the skin (so it does not hydrate), but also our skin itself exists in the ingredients, so pure hyaluronic acid stock solution (the composition is only hyaluronic acid and water), basically will not be irritating to the skin. It is gentle and moisturizing, making it suitable for any skin type[4].

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

Inject a water light needle

First of all, the water light needle is not an emergency project, but more suitable for usual maintenance, so it is not recommended to inject during the sensitive period.

The principle of the water light needle is to inject hyaluronic acid directly into the dermis layer, and hyaluronic acid itself is water-absorbent, so when the injection is completed, the skin does not immediately become visible to the naked eye [5].

Therefore, it is recommended that after injection, you can drink more water and apply more masks (medical dressings) to let the hyaluronic acid injected into the skin absorb enough water, and the skin will look watery.

It should be noted that the effect of the water light needle also has a "shelf life", according to the skin type and injection method, cycle is different, the moisturizing effect is also slightly different, please choose rationally.

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

The above is all the autumn and winter skin moisturizing guide, if you think it is useful, don't forget to give me a thumbs up duck!

Lack of water! Dermatologists tell you 3 ways to "drink enough" water for your skin

Review expert: Wang Yongchun | Attending physician of the Department of Dermatology, the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University


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*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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