
What is the psychology of people who want to send a circle of friends after the death of a loved one? The complexity of human nature is hard for you to imagine


With the advancement of communication technology, the circle of friends has become another new platform for mutual understanding and communication between people.

As long as you open WeChat, you can share all kinds of people and things around you with your fingers.

But what puzzles many people is that the behavior of sending a circle of friends after the death of a relative in his family has caused a lot of criticism.

Two days ago, I listened to my friend complain privately:

"The death of a loved one should be a particularly sad thing, at this time you send a circle of friends, what is the purpose?"

It turned out that one of his colleagues suddenly took a leave of absence to return to his hometown, and the next day the circle of friends posted a picture of himself attending the funeral, which seemed to be sending mourning.

And everyone's first reaction is almost always: diaphragm should even be disgusted.

Of course, this kind of thing is not easy to evaluate because you don't know what kind of state of mind or purpose the other person has.

But what kind of psychology is this? Let's take a look at it together

What is the psychology of people who want to send a circle of friends after the death of a loved one? The complexity of human nature is hard for you to imagine


I remember hearing a saying that human sorrow and joy are not the same.

Even if some people send a circle of friends to win the attention of others, but everyone is independent and has their own ideas, we must learn to understand:

1, in order to express venting, to dispel the sadness of the heart

It is well known that telling can alleviate human suffering.

Just like Lu Xun's Xianglin sister-in-law, she is too painful, but she does not know how to do it, and can only tell it over and over again...

In this era of developed networks, the circle of friends has invisibly become an important place for us to express our feelings.

The departure of a loved one is a very sad thing.

Almost everyone who tells about family affairs is largely because they are too sad to hold back, hoping to be heard by others, not cold eyes and contempt.

Therefore, it is better to be tolerant and let them vent this thought through social networks in order to control their emotions and then return to normal life step by step.

What is the psychology of people who want to send a circle of friends after the death of a loved one? The complexity of human nature is hard for you to imagine

2, in order to avoid all kinds of troubles

In fact, the most direct purpose of sending a circle of friends is to publicize it.

Because I don't want to tell them one by one, I still choose to say it in the circle of friends, so as not to be disturbed and accidentally uncovered in the future.

When my grandmother died, the phone calls at work continued, and some even hit the mobile phones of my family.

Later, I simply sent a circle of friends, and everyone knew the situation and did not bother me anymore.

What's more, in our daily life, friends laughing and playing inevitably mention each other's relatives, in case they don't know that they just happen to touch the sore spot, it is easy to make no one get off the stage.

Really, sometimes the circle of friends sent when a loved one dies is not for any special purpose, but to remind everyone not to mention the deceased relative in front of you recently.

3, reserved as a souvenir, is also a kind of strength

"I miss him."

I once saw a message from a netizen, and on the night of his father's death, he sent a circle of friends.

He was only 15 years old, and many people didn't understand the move.

But at that time, when he was in the code, he was in tears, secretly telling himself that his strongest backing was gone, and he had to face the future ups and downs alone.

Some of the photos of his father's life were also edited into videos and sent to the circle of friends with text, but only relatives could see it.

Since then, whenever he encounters obstacles that he can't get through, he will open this circle of friends to see.

In fact, using the circle of friends to record the mood at that time is not a memorial, but also a kind of calmness about the future and life and death.

What is the psychology of people who want to send a circle of friends after the death of a loved one? The complexity of human nature is hard for you to imagine


I like this sentence:

"There is no empathy in this world, most of them are just cold and warm self-knowledge, earth-shattering injuries to themselves, and dust that people have blown away."

In the end, the circle of friends is just one of the ways to pin that slight thought and pain, there is no need to go online.

The death of a loved one or not to send a circle of friends is also a person's freedom.

If you want to send, it is best to set only friends related to deceased relatives to be visible, so that your circle of friends has more records, and other people's circle of friends is also more clean;

If you encounter someone who sends this kind of circle of friends, don't feel diaphragmy, silence is the best comfort that can give the other party.

In summary, keep in mind:

Everyone expresses their emotions differently, and respecting others is respecting yourself.

You may wish to make good use of your circle of friends and use your friends to pass on more positive energy, which is what we should do.


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