
What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

Now our country has gradually entered a well-off society, basically every household has a car, friends who have a car at home should know that cars generally travel 5,000 kilometers and need to be maintained once.

Maintenance needs to replace the oil, on average, a car maintenance, replaced waste oil is about four liters, and the mainland has at least hundreds of millions of vehicles need maintenance every year, you can imagine, how huge the amount of waste oil eliminated.

These obsolete waste motor oils will eventually be collected centrally, and then there will be a special company to recycle them.

My friend earns millions of dollars a year by recycling waste motor oil, and he told me before that as long as he can recycle 500 tons of waste engine oil every year, then he can make more than one million a year, and you can imagine how many trade secrets are hidden behind this.

Today, in response to this topic, let's talk about what is waste motor oil? What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

First of all, let's understand, what is waste engine oil?

Generally speaking, the oil replaced during car maintenance is waste oil.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

Waste engine oil refers to the process of use of the car, the oil is mixed with moisture, dust and other impurities such as metal powder produced by the wear of miscellaneous oils and parts, resulting in the color of the oil becoming black and the viscosity increasing.

Of course, if the oil deteriorates, substances such as organic acids, gums and asphalt are also waste oils.

Old drivers know that the car basically needs to replace the oil once a year, because if the car does not change the oil for a long time, then the vehicle will easily break down, so the role of the oil on the vehicle is still very large, the main role is the following points:

1. Lubrication

When the car is running, the engine will run at a very high speed, and friction will occur between the components, which requires oil to lubricate the pistons, cylinders and other components, reducing friction and preventing damage.

2. Cooling effect

The engine generates a lot of heat when it is running at extreme speed, and the oil will carry some of the heat back into the oil pan to dissipate, thereby reducing the heat of the engine.

3. Cleaning effect

Engine running for a long time, parts will produce grease, carbides and wear of metal particles, as well as inhaled dust, over time it is easy to form carbon deposits, at this time through the oil circulation flow can play a certain role in cleaning.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

Through the above points, we can see that the effect of motor oil on the vehicle is still very large, and it is also known as the "blood" of the car.

Because the effect is very large, after a long period of use, its ability will decrease, so at this time it is necessary to change the oil, otherwise the vehicle will be easily damaged.

The replacement oil is the waste oil we are going to talk about today, waste oil is of no use to each of our car owners, and for those who specialize in recycling waste oil, it is "baby".

So why do they recycle waste motor oil?

Recycling waste engine oil is mainly to protect the environment, according to national regulations, waste engine oil is a hazardous waste, if not centralized treatment, it will cause irreversible harm to the environment.

Therefore, in order to protect the environment, there will be a special company to recycle waste motor oil, and after processing, it can be put back into the market.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

What is the role of waste motor oil?

1, waste engine oil can be extracted from diesel and gasoline

The step of refining is to dehydrate the waste engine oil first, and then dehumidify, and then dehumidify, and then add a catalyst to form a fission through high temperature after the water and impurities inside are completely separated.

Then add acid and alkali refining and clay refining, and then through high temperature distillation, when the temperature reaches 180 degrees, gasoline can be distilled, and diesel can be distilled when the temperature reaches 180 to 360 degrees.

However, the distilled diesel and gasoline are not of very good quality, and they are very smelly, and then they can be used normally through a series of treatments.

If the oil has deteriorated, then it is only necessary to use pickling and alkali washing to remove impurities such as organic acids.

2, waste engine oil can produce concrete mold release agent

The concrete release agent raw material used on the construction site is waste engine oil.

The production process is also very simple, only need to mix vegetable oil, waste engine oil, liquid paraffin, preservatives and aromatics together, according to a certain proportion, you can produce concrete release agent.

The concrete release agent produced can not only prevent the concrete from sticking to the construction formwork, but also play a certain anti-rust and anti-corrosion effect.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

3, waste oil can be used to maintain the chain

Although waste engine oil cannot be used on cars, it can be used to maintain bicycle or motorcycle chains.

Friends who have ridden bicycles or motorcycles know that if the chain is not maintained for a long time, then the chain will rust and often drop the chain.

At this time, if you have waste engine oil at home, you only need to apply some waste oil on the chain to play a certain lubrication role to prevent the chain from rusting or dropping the chain.

4. Waste motor oil can be used in pig farms

In the pig farm, the pigs in the same pen may fight because of food grabs, at this time, if there is a wound on the pig's body, you can use the waste motor oil to apply, which can not only prevent the wound infection, but also other pigs will not bite it after smelling the waste engine oil.

5, waste engine oil can be used directly as fuel to heat

You should know that waste engine oil can be directly burned, just like our usual gasoline and diesel.

Friends in the north should have seen a special use of waste engine oil as raw materials for heating stove, this waste engine oil heating furnace is to pour waste engine oil into a small jar, through the waste engine oil combustion, play a heating effect.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

6. Waste engine oil can be used for road dust prevention

The oil itself is a very viscous organic substance, even if it is waste oil, but its viscosity still exists.

If these waste oils are sprinkled on the dusty roads, they can not only stick to the dust on the road, but also play a certain role in dust prevention.

7. Waste engine oil can be extracted from low-end oil

After the waste oil is dehydrated and de-impuritized, some additives are added to it, and after a series of operations, the low-end oil can be produced.

The low-end oil produced can be put back into the market.

The above seven effects are enough to prove that waste motor oil has recycling value, and other functions I will not explain here.

What are the trade secrets behind the waste motor oil?

The role of waste engine oil is so large, can individuals recycle waste engine oil?

The answer is: No

According to national regulations, if there is no qualified company or individual to recycle more than three tons of waste motor oil without authorization, it is an illegal act and will be severely punished by the law.

Because waste motor oil is a dangerous substance, if you want to recycle waste motor oil, you must have a professional disposal certificate issued by the local environmental protection department.

In addition, it is necessary to apply for the "Hazardous Waste Business License" and the "Dangerous Goods Transport License".

In addition, it is necessary to have the ability to collect, store and dispose of hazardous wastes.

Therefore, it is very difficult to recycle waste motor oil, not only to apply for a permit, but also to have the ability to dispose of waste motor oil.

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