
The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

author:Scenery explorer


The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

Have you ever heard of that dance wizard from a small town? The 5-year-old boy who made the national audience scream for him and go crazy for him on Chinese New Year's Eve? He is Zhang Junhao, a name, a legend, and an existence that people can't ignore. Now, let's uncover the story behind him and see how this teenager shines on the star-studded stage.

The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

First, the light of the town is beginning to show its edge

In a distant town, there lives a boy named Zhang Junhao. From an early age, he showed a talent for dancing like no other, and whenever the music played, he could move his body to the rhythm as if he were one with the music. His parents discovered this talent and decided to fully support him in pursuing his dreams. So, Zhang Junhao began his dance path.

Second, the dance skills are amazing, and the stage of the Spring Festival Gala became famous

Time came to 2015, the Chinese New Year's Eve that all Chinese would never forget. 5-year-old Zhang Junhao appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and at that moment, he seemed to be the focus of the audience. He wore a cool dance costume and danced to the rhythm of the music. Every movement is precise and every expression is infectious. The audience was captivated by his dance and applauded and cheered for him. At that moment, Zhang Junhao's name spread all over the country, and he became a little star in the minds of countless people.

The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

3. Pay equal attention to studies and dreams, Zhang Junhao's double challenge

However, Zhang Junhao did not become complacent because of his achievements. He knows that if he wants to go further on the road of his dreams, he must put in more effort and sweat. Therefore, he not only constantly pursues progress in his acting career, but also strictly demands himself in his studies. In addition to practicing dance, he has to complete a heavy academic task every day. But he never complained, because he knew that only in this way could he become a real dancer and realize his dreams.

In the school classroom, Zhang Junhao is always the most serious student. He listened carefully and spoke actively, and his results have always been among the best. His teachers and classmates were impressed by his talent and hard work. They all say that Zhang Junhao is a true genius who not only has talent, but also has the perseverance and determination to pursue his dreams.

The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

Fourth, the representative works appeared, Zhang Junhao's dance charm

In addition to the stunning performance of the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Junhao also launched a number of well-received dance works. One of the most well-known is his "Street Dancing Boy" series. In this series, Zhang Junhao integrates hip-hop elements into his dance, showing his own unique dance style. His dance moves are smooth and powerful, full of power; His expressions are rich and varied, and he is able to accurately convey the emotions that the dance is intended to express. These works have been loved and sought after by a wide range of audiences as soon as they were launched.

In addition to the "Street Dance Boy" series, Zhang Junhao also tried a variety of different styles of dance works. He has challenged a variety of dance forms such as classical dance and folk dance, and each time he can bring a new visual experience to the audience. His dancing talent and innovative spirit have impressed people.

The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents

Fifth, family support, the strength behind Zhang Junhao

Behind Zhang Junhao, there is a family that silently supports him. His parents have always been his strongest support. They are proud and gratified of their son's achievements and have always given him endless love and support. They knew that Zhang Junhao's dream was to become a dancer, so they fully supported him in pursuing his dream. They accompanied him to various competitions and performances; They prepare delicious meals and a comfortable living environment for him; They give encouragement and support when he encounters setbacks. It is precisely because of such a warm family as the backing that Zhang Junhao can go further and further on the road of his dreams.

The most bullish child star": became famous at the age of 3 and went to the Spring Festival Gala at the age of 5, and now he has become the pride of his parents


Zhang Junhao's story tells us that as long as we have dreams, perseverance, and family support, we will be able to succeed. He has written a legendary growth history with his own efforts and sweat, and has become a role model in the minds of countless people. His story is not only a story of dreams and perseverance, but also a story of family and growth. Let's praise Zhang Junhao! Let's applaud his dreams and persistence!