
Above the tide of rising prices, the "scalper" war on new energy

Above the tide of rising prices, the "scalper" war on new energy

Scalpers are everywhere, and this is the more immutable truth of the consumer market.

Recently, the industry that began to lose order because of scalpers finally turned new energy, and seeing that the tide of price increases flooded the entire car-making circle, scalpers took advantage of the trend to make a lot of money. Scalpers are not interested in the tram business, as early as before, CCTV Finance pointed out in the report that a Tesla Model 3 order transfer can make scalpers easily earn ten thousand yuan in transfer fees.

Since the delivery cycle of new energy vehicles has been dragged out longer and longer, many vehicle orders on second-hand platforms have emerged in an endless stream, and some sellers will also mark the order model, price and pick-up time, and the transfer price ranges from 2,000 yuan to 8,000 yuan. In addition to Tesla, Xiaopeng Motors' orders are also popular on second-hand trading platforms.

It is reported that The price of a car in Xiaopeng has soared from 185,800 yuan to 201,900 yuan, an increase of 16,100 yuan, but on the second-hand trading platform, the transfer order price is only 7999 yuan, some time ago, Xiaopeng Automobile contracted the user's car purchase rights, while the second-hand order can also send 5,000 optional rights and other points.

There is no doubt that the crazy scalper has once again stirred up the already unstable pool of new energy vehicles. In desperation, major car companies have introduced corresponding measures, such as Xiaopeng's product orders are associated with the real name of the ID card, and the identity information needs to be verified before the contract can enter the delivery link. If a customer cancels a reservation for personal reasons, the vehicle order will be reintegrated into unified management.

But in the face of huge interests, there may not be no loopholes to drill.

Anxious car owners with "assist" car companies

Not only the second-hand trading platform, even the social fields such as Zhihu and Xiaohongshu have been occupied by orders from several popular new energy vehicle brands such as Tesla, Extreme Krypton, Euler, Wuling, Ideal, and Xiaopeng, and there are more than 1,500 notes on the Little Red Book alone, and the chaotic trading environment has forced car companies to go down personally.

But even so, in the face of layers of price-increasing vehicles and long delivery cycles, scalpers can also pinch the urgent emotions of car owners in the siege to kill a blood road, it is reported that after the transfer of new energy vehicle orders is constantly blocked, most of the transactions gradually transition directly from orders to new cars, first pick up the car, and then increase the price transfer, in order to avoid the relevant policies of the manufacturer or avoid the risk of unsuccessful user information modification.

Above the tide of rising prices, the "scalper" war on new energy

Open a lot of second-hand trading platforms, "same day processing", "accompanied by the car", "on-the-spot transfer" and other transfer words can be seen everywhere, for anxious car owners, a new second-hand car can also meet them in the complex car market. Although this trading method will make the new energy vehicle with a low retention rate worse, it still cannot stop the owner from going forward and following.

The owner of the car and the scalper here are bitterly lonely, and the car company follows the chase and interception.

In March, some car owners posted a Tesla "no resale commitment letter", it is reported that Tesla will require the owner of one or more cumulative orders of vehicles to promise not to resell to a third party within one year, violators pay liquidated damages according to 20% of the vehicle fare. Taking the Tesla Model 3 after-drive version of the model as an example, the guidance price of this model is 279,000 yuan, and the 20% penalty is more than 50,000 yuan.

At the same time, the new car lands seconds to become second-hand, which means that the second owner will lose a lot of rights and interests, for example, many car companies only have preferential policies for the first car owner to charge and replace the battery, warranty and other aspects. These drawbacks are obviously not a secret, but when the production capacity of car companies cannot keep up with the growth rate of terminal demand, users who are anxious to pick up cars do not have much choice.

Interestingly, not all car companies are deeply disgusted by order transfers, in addition to those hot car companies that do not lack a market, there are still some brands that are still struggling with fire and water.

For example, Porsche's first electric vehicle, the Taycan, actually booked more than 10,000 vehicles, compared with 30,000 bookings. Including Tesla has also faced the problem of low conversion of booking orders, in 2016, when new energy vehicles have not yet been active, the cancellation rate of Model 3 after six months of opening the booking reached 50%.

Nowadays, some car companies have begun to implement the order difference system with the help of tram Dongfeng, and the additional rights and interests of different orders are different, and Extreme Kr has allowed prospective owners who have paid a deposit to open a "transfer channel" before locking the order, so as to transfer the vehicle to others in the future. There is no doubt that with the imbalance of the production order of the new energy car circle, the situation of disorderly transfer will only intensify.

Ubiquitous scalpers, impatient car owners, occasionally push waves of car companies... Various factors continue to exacerbate the chaos of new car delivery, and the attitude of some car companies alone may not be able to end this absurdity.

Price increase is the last "bottom card" of car companies?

Following the lack of core, a keyword that cannot be escaped in the car circle in 2022 is "price increase", more than 50 models led by Tesla have put price increases on the agenda after the beginning of the year, coupled with the market trend of raw materials such as batteries can not bear to look directly, in the eyes of consumers, the price increase of new energy vehicles seems to be excusable.

But calm down and think about it, the reason why the price increases of new energy vehicle companies have followed, the cost reason may only be part of it, more is the upsurge in this field, the sudden changes in capital and the car environment, will soon set off an immeasurable dark war. Moreover, after the low tide of market speculation, the price of some raw materials has begun to gradually fall.

It is reported that Lun Nickel has fallen for four consecutive days after resuming trading on March 16, and on March 22, Shanghai Nickel also closed down 3.55%. Putting aside all external factors, the price increase of new energy vehicles is actually a "bottom card" for self-help. As we all know, no matter how lively the car-making forces look on the surface, they are indispensable to worry about profits behind their backs.

Ideal Auto's gross margin of 21.3% in 2021 is already quite eye-catching. According to the survey, the gross profit margin of zero-running cars in 2021 is -44.3%, and in February this year, Euler suspended the sales of black cats and good cats, which accounted for more than half of the total sales, only because these two price-friendly cars are really hopeless to make money.

In addition, in July 2021, Xcar reported that the profit of a Wuling Hongguang MINI was only 89 yuan. The price increase of new energy seems to be on the string and has to be sent.

An interesting phenomenon, how to price new energy vehicles may be a key issue related to life and death, as Autocarweekly data show that from January to August 2021, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in the national "< 50,000 yuan" reached 78.1%; while the penetration rate of "50,000-200,000 yuan" cars was between 3% and 9%, and further up, the higher the price, the more obvious the market advantage, and the penetration rate of "> 200,000 yuan" was generally above 13%. However, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles of more than 300,000 is as high as 22%.

So it fell into an embarrassing cycle, Wuling Hongguang, Euler and other beautiful price micro electric vehicles have a false market name, and the models in the middle area are unpopular, more than 200,000 cars envy the high penetration of 300,000, but perhaps the price increase can be achieved by changing the positioning. Today, after several years of running-in, the next car-making forces have obviously led the way to the luxury car track.

On the one hand, the higher the price of new energy vehicles, it can quickly awaken the attention of the market, on the other hand, the entire luxury car circle is not too good at chasing new energy. Taking Mercedes-Benz and Porsche as an example, the Pure Electric SUV Mercedes-Benz EQC, which was launched on November 8, 2019, prides itself on being the first domestic luxury pure electric model in the Chinese market, but due to various problems, a total of 10,104 EQC units have been recalled since August 15, 2022.

Coincidentally, the NEDC standard endurance on the Porsche Taycan is only 465km, and only 323km under EPA conditions. By comparison, tesla Model S's 100kWh battery pack lasts up to 630km, almost twice as long as the Taycan. That is to say, in the new energy luxury car track, there is no birth of a solid head car company.

To relax the scope a little more, Tesla counts as one, and the domestic moment benchmarks the ideal of the BBA, and Weilai is barely counted as one.

Above the tide of rising prices, the "scalper" war on new energy

It is not difficult to understand why car companies suddenly run wild, facing this market gap, and some brands are more direct. According to Tianyancha, the first car positioning of the unknown Luoke Automobile is the benchmark Mercedes-Benz G series, and the Niu Innovative Energy founded by Li Yinan, the founder of The Little Niu Electric Vehicle, and its first car from youjia NV refers to the ideal ONE and Lantu FREE from 300,000.

How the strength is temporarily unimportant, and the adjustment and elevation seems to be the secret weapon of these car companies to drive straight into new energy. It is worth affirming that when the sphere of influence of car-making capital gradually spreads, brand influence is particularly important for a new energy vehicle company and even the global automotive circle, especially in this era when market value is king.

In the list of market capitalization of some international car companies in 2021, Tesla topped the list with a market value of trillions of US dollars, which is four times higher than the market value of Toyota, which ranks second, and is 9 times that of the third-place Volkswagen, but from the basic sales situation, Tesla is far less than Toyota and Volkswagen, and Nissan and Hyundai can easily crush it.

The reason can be understood, just simply pull up the price, change the positioning is more like a blind gamble, a little inattentive, full of losses.

This year's young people take the tram as a "tide play"?

Young people's minds are the puzzle that the consumer market can never guess, sneakers can be fried into wealth management products, blind boxes can also be bought and listed, consumption upgrades carry the burden given by capital across all corners of life, any product can add multiple layers of symbolic meaning, feng shui turns, and today's wind is blowing impressively to the automotive circle.

Before the rise of new energy vehicles, cars had nothing to do with the traditional impression of "fashion consumer goods", but after the electric vehicles portrayed the technology circle and environmental protection brought superiority, the green cards running on the road also became fashionable. Before the rise in oil prices, in some third- and fourth-tier cities in the north, Tesla's pulling degree was enough to rival the BBA.

After the rise in oil prices, overlooking the major social platforms, the superiority of new energy car owners can not be hidden, in their eyes, it seems that all fuel owners are big "complaints". Driving an electric car means that young people are at the forefront of global technology, and they can always empathize with Musk and talk about Wei Xiaoli.

Above the tide of rising prices, the "scalper" war on new energy

I have to admit that once any product is in line with social and trend, it can immediately stand at the top of the consumer contempt chain and look at all sentient beings, and this mindset has been tried and tested in young consumer groups. At present, new energy vehicle companies are clearly aware of these advantages, and examples of jumping from technology to trend perspectives abound.

NIO Auto has launched the NIO Life lifestyle brand, and signed a contract with the former LV royal luggage co-designer and the former Cartier jewelry co-designer to launch an environmentally friendly luggage series and jewelry products. Perhaps the way new energy car companies attract users at the beginning is different from that of traditional car companies, most of them bear the aura of science and technology, and frantically hint at the consumption atmosphere of products.

According to media reports, there are more than 80 car brands in the shopping mall in 2021, most of which are new energy vehicle brands, the first floor of Beijing Chaoyang Joy City from the westernmost to the easternmost, Weilai, Ideal, Xiaopeng, Extreme Krypton, Tesla almost none of them are absent.

New energy vehicle companies seem to be desperately separated from traditional fuel vehicles, when the latter is still waiting for customers in the suburban 4S stores, the former has been in the bright shopping mall and Starbucks two by two, this short period of time does not represent anything, but at least in the impact of young people's vision, the establishment of emotional connection in the face, the tram preemptive step.

In addition, the acceptance of the value of car experience in China has always been relatively high, taking intelligent networking and autonomous driving technology as an example, according to the 2020 Deloitte Global Automotive Consumer Survey Report, 76% of Chinese respondents agree that the development of the Internet of Vehicles will bring more convenience to drivers, much higher than consumers in the United States, Germany, Japan and South Korea.

Deloitte survey shows that more than 90% of Chinese consumers are willing to pay for IoV-related technologies, of which 25% to 30% are willing to pay more than 5,000 yuan. The tide of new energy vehicle price increases continues, and with the participation of young people, their confidence is also more sufficient.

Koi Finance, deep fun good luck, public number: jinlifin. This article is an original article, and any form of reproduction without retaining the author's relevant information is not retained.

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