
Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

I don't know when to start, now the anchor industry has become a high-pressure industry, many anchors said that now there are anxiety, depression tendencies, and there are already some anchors with depression, it may be that the income is not as much as others, it may also be that many netizens complain, and often a person to the computer, after a long time, it is inevitable that there will be this feeling, and recently the female anchor Sophie on this matter and netizens chatted.

Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

Some netizens said that the anchor is super strong in his heart, otherwise he really can't stand up to the ups and downs. About this news, little Sophie said, being an anchor is really very easy to be depressed, you think about it, talking to the computer all day, staying at home every day will go crazy, anxiety when it is good, more anxiety when it is not good, but it is also very normal, the anchor earns more, but it does not make a lot.

Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

Subsequently, the topic of the live broadcast room also once talked about the anchor of a certain sound, and some netizens said that what you see is the pyramid over there.

Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

But little Sophie said that the pyramid over there is really high, usually I also look at it, the person I watched felt a million flowing water a day, he meowed, and I was starved to death.

Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

Some netizens said that they could convert the platform, but Sophie Jr. also said: Don't talk about another platform on this platform, first finish the contract and then say! Netizens said that indeed, this mountain can not look at the mountain high.

Generate 1 million in one day! A female anchor said that the anchor is prone to depression, who believes this?

So how do you think that anchors are prone to depression? If everyone is allowed to live the life of an anchor who talks to the computer every day and cannot go out to play, can everyone accept it?

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