
Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

A pair of sweet lovers, entering the palace of marriage, is the real beginning of happiness. Of course, from love to marriage, there are also many processes that cannot be ignored. The most typical is the engagement ceremony and the marriage ceremony, although everyone has their own marriage ceremony, but not everyone has their own engagement ceremony.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

Generally, in the engagement ceremony, both men and women wear the ring on each other's middle finger, so is this engagement ring bought by the man or the woman? It's really not the same for everyone, you know?

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

Does the engagement ring buy it for the man or the woman? One: the man buys, the engagement refers to the man's dowry, and the woman made a marriage contract. Then the engagement ring, as a keepsake of engagement, is naturally purchased by the man, which also expresses the man's sincerity. Second: women buy, with the opening of the mind, women buy engagement rings are also more common. Usually refers to the woman's courage to express her emotions, but also a kind of understanding for the man. Although the price of the engagement ring is not expensive, but the meaning of the man's purchase and the woman's purchase are really not the same?

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

The man buys an engagement ring

The man buys an engagement ring, which is a more routine operation. Although there is nothing new, it also symbolizes the care and love for the woman. Even if the woman has no interest in the gold and jade things, the man still prepares them according to the usual etiquette, which shows that the man really puts the woman in his heart.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

After all, engagement is not a matter of two people, a romantic engagement ceremony, expressing the yearning for love, but also showing their intentions and determination. So many times it is not a question of whether the woman wants to or not, but whether the man really wants to pay.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

The golden jade thing naturally cannot measure the feelings of two people, but if you can't even give something with a clear price, let alone the sincerity that can't be seen and touched? Therefore, engagement rings are generally purchased by men. In particular, it is necessary to give the woman a surprise without the woman's knowledge.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

The woman buys an engagement ring

There is also a saying that what era is it now, and what kind of male superiority and female inferiority are also paid attention to. Who said that the woman can not bravely pursue her own love, the woman can make her own money, Mo said to buy an engagement ring, that is, the woman buys a house and buys a car.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

The woman buys an engagement ring to express women's yearning and pursuit of love, such women have their own insights and ability, hoping to dominate their love. And for the man is also particularly liked, only enough like to be willing to pay for it.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

Nowadays, women buy engagement rings everywhere, indicating that women's minds are becoming more and more open and their abilities are getting stronger and stronger. You can dominate your own life and choose your own love. This is the openness of thought and the progress of the times.

Does the "engagement ring" be bought by the man or the woman? It's not really the same for anyone to buy, you know

Well, the above is the fashion information that The Little Madness shared with you today. Now do you know whether the man or the woman should buy the engagement ring? Share fashion trend tips for everyone every day, pay attention to it quickly! (Original text, image source network.) If there is any infringement, please contact to delete it. )

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