
The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

Hello everyone, I am a dumbbell mom who strives to be an authoritative parent!

Have you found that after the birth of the child, no matter how you look at it, you think your baby looks good. It is said that "other people's homes are not as good as their own homes", and this sentence is most appropriate for parents to their children.

However, parents do not dislike their children, but it does not mean that children do not dislike their parents. There are many children, after reading and understanding things, will dislike their parents, and even feel that their parents have humiliated themselves. This so-called face, however, has broken the hearts of parents. Therefore, when children have such signs, parents must guide them in time, otherwise they will only become more and more intense.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

There is an old Chinese saying, "Children are not ugly mothers", children will not abandon their mothers. However, too many children in life behave unsatisfactorily. We give everything to our children, and children not only have no grateful heart, but also hate their parents.

The 9-year-old boy's mother went to school to volunteer, and her son's words made her mother sad and indignant

A friend cried to me that he had been rejected by his son. Her son Xiaojia is 9 years old, in the third grade of primary school, and her mother is a full-time mother. My son's class needs the help of several volunteer parents to organize an outdoor activity. The teacher asked in the parent group: "Which parents have time and are willing to come and volunteer, can come and sign up for the participation." ”

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

Xiaojia's mother signed up, and she and two other parents helped the teacher to do a lot of preparation in advance, and the teacher also expressed his gratitude. Xiao Jia's mother said to the teacher: "I usually do some housework at home except for taking the children, there is no formal work, if you need my help in the future, I can be on call." ”

The teacher praised the enthusiasm of these parents in the class, but Xiao Jia started a temper tantrum with her mother after returning home. He said: "Everyone else's mother has a job and makes a lot of money, is it honorable that you don't have a job?" He also ran to our school and said, I'm bored. ”

The mother burst into tears in an instant, why did the mother go to school to do volunteer work, is it not for the sake of the child?

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

At the beginning, I also graduated from college, if it were not for the fact that my child had a better living environment and did not let him be a left-behind child, I could also find a good job. In order to take care of the child and not to work to make money, perennial thrift, but now the child in turn dislikes that you will not make money, no job, very shameful his face, which makes Xiaojia's mother sad and indignant, which may also be a mother's biggest sorrow.

Children look down on their mothers, and some children look down on their fathers, of course, this is some problems in parental education. If we can't correct it in time, maybe our hard work is likely to cultivate a "white-eyed wolf" who does not understand gratitude.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

If the child has the following performance when getting along with his parents, it may be that he has a contemptuous idea of his parents from his heart

★ Children are always skeptical of what their parents think.

Some children listen to their parents when they are young, but as they grow up, they always question their parents. As long as it is the advice of his parents, he feels that it is unreliable.

The relationship between parents and children is the closest, should be completely trusted, the child's distrust of parents, is the parents' ability, feelings and even quality of doubts, indicating that the child has begun to look down on you.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

★ Children always lose their temper with their parents inexplicably.

There are also children whose way of expressing dissatisfaction with their parents is to lose their temper. You buy him a toy and he feels not advanced enough and throws a tantrum at you. The meals made by his mother, he hated to be unpalatable, and he lost his temper. His mother accompanied him to write his homework, and he was also annoyed and began to lose his temper again.

You said that this child always yells at his parents, obviously he is disrespectful to his parents, he looks down on him, at this time you understand it as rebellion, let it develop, the child will only get more and more inching forward.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

★ Children always praise other people's moms and dads for how great they are.

We often use other people's children to educate our own children, but sometimes children also want to use other people's parents to educate us.

Children reach a certain age, and there are certain requirements for parents. When you see that other people's parents are knowledgeable, capable, and attractive, they will be very envious. Therefore, some children look back at their parents and feel a little lost.

Sometimes, they also blame their own shortcomings on their parents, because my genetic genes are not as strong as others, you see, whose parents are graduates of Tsinghua University, can the children not be smart? When children always mention other people's excellent parents, they may be a little looking down on their own parents.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

Parents are the closest partners of children on the road of life, and they are also the guides of children. If the parent-child relationship is not good, the child always disrespects his parents, which has an impact on the child's growth and the happiness of the family.

Therefore, parents should constantly improve themselves and be an example in their children's minds.

Parents should not denigrate each other in front of their children, but establish a good image of parents.

Father and mother are the child's relatives, when there is a conflict between us, do not hurt and denigrate each other in front of the child. Once the shortcomings of parents leave a bad impression on the child's mind, it will be difficult to set a good example image. Therefore, in front of the child, do not reveal the short, leave a good impression on the child.

The mother was kind enough to go to school as a volunteer, but she was hurt by a sentence from her 9-year-old son: The baby was raised

Parents should truly love their children, and they must strive to be themselves.

Parents should love their children wholeheartedly when they treat them, especially in families with several children, and parents should not be biased. In addition, we want our children to study hard, and we must also work hard to do our own things, so that our children feel that their parents are also very inspirational.

To be the last self, to be a role model for children, is to give children the best education.

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