
DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

The new version of DNF110 is updated in Hanbok, and the national service is also actively preparing, and the advance service will be opened in April, planning to ensure that the latest update will be in the anniversary. That is to say, the 110-level version is getting closer and closer to us, through the sorting out of the Hanbok version, Xiu'er brings the brothers a "100-level high-value preservation material summary", and now prepare in advance to prepare for the 110-level.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

Time Guide Stone

Level 110 has two "Super Abyss" quests, Silent City and Noble Secret, which requires "1 ticket of corresponding difficulty" to enter, players can use time guide stones to buy in the NPC Shop, 1 noble confidential ticket of normal difficulty requires 960 guide stones, and 1 normal difficulty of silent city ticket requires 480 guide stones. Therefore, it is recommended that brothers can leave the indefinite guide stone in the backpack and brush off the time-limited guide stone.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

However, it is not recommended that the brothers go to the Tun Guide Stone, and now the starting point is already the "Receiver", because the ticket of the "Super Abyss", in addition to the Guide Stone redemption, can also be exchanged for "active points", and can also be randomly obtained in the copy (ordinary drops are not tradable ordinary or tradable adventure, adventure drops are not tradable adventures or tradable warriors, warriors drop untradable warriors or tradable warriors), and the super abyss quest will be the strongest gold copy of the 110 version.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line


The core material of the 100-level version has experienced many price ups and downs, affected by the free activities of the group, once fell below 3000 gold coins, was hoarded a lot by the big businessmen, and after the end of the free group, the price has risen. Iolite in the 110 level version, is there still a use?

First of all, level 110 has revised the group ticket, directly consuming gold coins, no longer consuming iolite;

Secondly, the level 110 equipment inscription system needs to consume 50 iolites each time, and you can also choose to consume 25W gold coins;

Third, the level 110 equipment inheritance system consumes 5 iolites at a time, or you can choose to consume 2.5W gold coins.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

That is to say, iolite is planned to be priced, up to 5000 one, brothers look at their own region of iolite, if the price is lower than 5000, you can buy some spares in advance, but the number should not be too much, in case of future iolite collapse, do not be afraid, you can also be in the fox NPC there, 6666 gold coins to sell.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

Inscribed stone

Level 110 still has an inscription system, you can build 100 level equipment, reproduced on level 110 equipment, to avoid the re-creation of equipment, the number of inscribed stones, depending on the specific degree of equipment creation, to increase by 11 as an example, 1 piece of equipment needs 11 inscribed stones, the specific number of national service version prevails.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

However, we have all experienced a long journey of the 100-level abyss, in order to brush the strongest epic set, in order to brush the strongest mythological equipment, in the long-term multi-character liver abyss, there should be a large number of wisdom crystal fragments in the backpack, Xiu'er checked my backpack, there are more than 50,000 fragments, it should be enough. If the brothers use the fragments to equip the crossover, they can consider preparing a little in advance.

DNF: 100 grade high-value-preserving materials summary! Prepare for level 110 and win at the starting line

Epic soul

The 110 level version, the demand for the epic soul, is also very large, just the equipment entry upgrade this item, a upgrade needs to consume 1, a piece of equipment from level 1 to level 60, the whole body 12 pieces of equipment to upgrade to level 60, need to consume a lot of epic soul. The epic souls in the brothers' backpacks, don't mess around, try to save some spares.

brief summary

Level 110 gameplay and equipment system, very worth looking forward to, in this boring waiting period, brothers can refer to the above content, properly prepare relevant high-value preservation materials, prepare for the new version of level 110, and win on the starting line.

I am a player show, I wish the warriors the abyss of flashes non-stop, the group gold medals continue, mythical equipment to see every day.

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