
DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

Hanbok sent a "security enhancement system" in version 110, so the material and gold coins of this system consume a lot, but what is the probability? When +11 is +12, the basic probability is only 3%, and each failure increases by 1%, which is directly calculated. The little fox Jun directly concluded: it was the official conspiracy to recover gold coins, and the same as the Shelock auction equipment, the official thought that the brick moving party was too rampant and wanted to recover a wave of gold coins.

DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

DNF: 110 version of "security hardening" actual test,

First, this system is very undesirable! In fact, it is not as cost-effective as direct reinforcement, I +12 probably spent more than 30 million points. Iolite 3000w is a good luck, recently in the number of trumpets on 12, personal feeling that the average expected value is about 5000w on a hand.

DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

+12 Weapon probability is human, just use the diamond coupon!

Second, in addition to gold coins, safety enhancements also require liver brush materials. Security Booster requires specialized materials and a large number of game coins, and the Amplifier Booster is a normal mode. Therefore, the new profession of civilians after that does not play except for the fixed injury profession, and the planning is really too careful in order not to pit civilians. Good luck one or two days 1 put 12 bad luck 13 days even kneeling.

DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

"Dungeons and Warriors Little Fox Junai Talks About Game E-sports" No. 573 "DNF: 110 Version "Security Enhancement" Actual Test, +12 Weapon Probability is human, directly use diamond coupons! In addition to buying tickets with 30 viola, you can also use 150,000 gold coins. That is, up to 5000. Greater than or equal to 5,000, basically no one buys the auction of iolite for tickets. The advance suit is basically no one to hit Ozma now, because the reward is too much to compare to the 105 epic. I have only used 55 of the 500 iolite sent by the service, and the demand is particularly small. The old rules to get faster, directly on this official service to send out the strongest enchanted orb of the actual test screenshot show:

DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

Note: The above content is purely the personal opinion of Little Fox Jun, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! The article is original, the picture source network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to delete. Reproduction without permission is prohibited! Like the player can like the attention, every day there is a new game information and skills, every night around 10 o'clock, unified reply to the player's message and questions! The next few issues of the preview are the Spring Festival version and the detailed explanation of the level 110 dungeon brick moving and upgrading, interested players please pay attention.

DNF: 110 version of the "security enhancement" actual test, +12 weapon probability is human, directly with diamond coupons

Summary: Now civilians want to make a boost 12, so it is better to save a little bit of iolite for refining space-time stone to strengthen. Remember to do a Harlem Legend to enhance, cheaper, can be engraved on 100 epics.

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