
Children lying is a sign of brain development, and parents should learn to guide them correctly

Surveys have shown that lying by children is actually a relatively common phenomenon. Some children exhibit lying between the ages of 2 and 12, which is known as the least dishonest age.

Experts point out that at this age, the probability of children lying is 96%, while children aged 4 are 80% lying, while children aged 6 are lying once in an hour.

Children often lie and have a lot to do with family education, and parents should learn to guide them correctly and let their children become an honest person.

Children lying is a sign of brain development, and parents should learn to guide them correctly

Does the child understand his lies

The child is still very young and may not realize that he is lying. The lies told by children are usually nonsense, such as when his parents ask him if he has eaten fruit, and he says that he has eaten it, but the plate in front of him is still full because he has not yet hidden his lies.

At school age, children lie to avoid punishment or for other more complex reasons. Lying in children can increase their strength and control. At the age of 6, children will gradually understand that parents do not know everything, and what they think in their hearts will never be known by their parents.

The reason why the child lies

Tania said lying is actually a sign of children's brain development. The child lies because he knows the truth of the matter, he is thinking about other things, and he hopes that his words will convince the other party.

Some experts even believe that this is a child full of imagination and creativity, and will even tell "malicious lies".

Children lying is a sign of brain development, and parents should learn to guide them correctly

How to make children not lie

One way is for parents to proactively tell them, "Tell me what's going on." ”

And, when a child tells the truth, parents should praise him, encourage him, and let him put integrity first. Tell your children that they will love to hear you tell the truth.

If parents find that their children are deliberately misleading themselves, they can tell him that lying is not recognized and accepted, and they must learn to tell the truth and let their parents have more confidence in you.

Parents also have to tell them that the more they hear a lie, the more they lie. Children will notice the words and deeds of their parents in their daily lives, so whether parents are telling white lies or irrelevant lies, they cannot say them indiscriminately. Parents also need to let them discern the nature of lying, especially in preschoolers.

Children lying is a sign of brain development, and parents should learn to guide them correctly

Fantasies and imaginations are common when children are growing up, so parents can't arbitrarily classify them as "lying."

In life, parents can appropriately compliment their children: "Your imagination is awesome! Especially when a child says something exaggerated, playful, such as, "Our pet is a dinosaur." How do you usually play with it? ”

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