
Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

Since General Raiden went online, everyone has carefully studied the general's team. In addition to the common "Lei 90,000 class", the most popular team should be the "Lei National Team". That is, in the previous "national team", the heavy cloud was kicked off, and then Thor joined in, so that a team that could cause a strong DPS was born. It is the team with the highest appearance rate in the abyss at present, and Chongyun is also directly unemployed because of the arrival of Thor.

Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

Can Chongyun be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

At present, most of the teams do not have the position of heavy clouds, and Ling Hua's permafrost team, Hu Xingzhong, Xinhai Armed Forces, Gongzi Armed Forces, and so on, are all unable to plug Heavy Clouds. This makes many netizens feel more sad, after all, Chongyun was also a role with a high appearance rate in the abyss list, and now not only in the abyss, the big world is no one cares. Is it true that there will be no more teams to give Chongyun the opportunity to find employment again?

Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

The appearance of the Aya people in the gods broke this situation. The arrival of this new character is also making everyone crazy to study how to match Ayajin Shinri. First of all, the multiplier of the god Aya is actually not very high, and the current level of damage is not as exaggerated as that of Thor or his sister. However, Ayato has a good feel, and the E skill cooldown is relatively short, and it does not consume physical strength in the continuous output, and the use environment is very comfortable. At present, the best match for Aya people is the "Attack Speed Stream".

Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

Minus CD too critical? Ayato outputs just over 3 seconds of vacuum period!

In other words, we can find characters in the current original gods who can increase the attack speed to match Ayajin. The first to be tied to Ayato must be Yunyan, who has a very high bonus for the general attack, and in the Ayato hanging stage, the use of skills will also drop crystal shields to provide protection for the team. Then the team is missing a milk position. If there is a two-life piano, it is basically solved, the piano can not only milk, when collecting elemental particles, it will provide the team with 15% movement speed and attack speed, and the wind sleeve will cause a reducing effect in the Ayato hanging water stage, making the Ayato damage higher.

Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

So who was the last person? First of all, Shigeun's talent "Tuna Zhending" can increase Aya's attack speed by 8%, and of course this is not the most critical. The most critical is the heavy cloud's second life "weekly rotation". This ability will reduce the release of elemental bursts and elemental combat cooldowns within the Heavy Cloud E skill circle by 15%! Aya's E skill is 12 seconds, lasts 6 seconds, cools down for 6 seconds, and has a long vacuum period in between.

Hara: Chung Yun can be employed again? E skill with Ayajin Shinri, attack speed plus minus CD is too fit!

If there is this life seat of The Heavy Cloud, then the cooldown will probably be a little more than 3s, that is to say, after Aya's use of the E skill to cut, you can change several other characters to throw a set of skills to add a set of skills to Ayato, and then quickly come back, within 3 seconds you can play a set of quick cuts to continue to output. Let the uncle output uninterrupted! I have to say that the employment opportunities of Chongyun are coming!

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