
Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

Foreword: The original god currently has forty-eight characters, although they have their own characteristics, each has its own gameplay, but it can not be denied that there are indeed some characters with high intensity and excellent feel, and it can even be said that every player must practice. And just in April, THE US SERVICE PLAYERS VOTED OUT THE TOP15 REQUIRED CHARACTERS. I have to say that from the ranking point of view, overseas players' understanding of the game and the national service players there is no small difference, after seeing the first 3, many players are also directly calling the truth.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

Walnut is only in tenth place, but the fish surpasses walnut?

Walnut is the deserved king of traffic among the original gods, and the huge flowing water brought by the last reproduction of the walnut for the original god actually made the original god reach the top of the thirty-two countries and regions, which is probably something that Mihayou officially did not expect, I am afraid that only General Raiden can cover the walnut. A large part of the reason why the walnut is so strong, in addition to the cuteness of the character itself, is the strength of the walnut. Walnut is known as "Glass Moon 3C" by national service players, and it is also the strongest fire C in the current game, and players who like to fight fire water evaporation reaction are naturally inseparable from walnut. With Walnut, the game became much simpler.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

However, Walnut only ranked tenth in the list of American clothing, and even after the "Fish", which made it difficult for national service players to understand. It is not that the fish is not strong, and the fish is also one of the "3 Cs of the Glass Moon", but the fish has not had a useful holy relic like the walnut for a long time and the "abduction" as the seventh life sign, and his use rate in the national uniform has been far lower than that of the walnut. Perhaps the reason why AMERICAN SERVICE PLAYERS LOVE "FISH" is because of the "Fish" persona.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

And after the walnut and the fish, it is basically the second-line main C of Youla, Yidou, Gongzi, and Xiaogong, whose strength is indeed average compared to the former, and it is not surprising that they are ranked in this position. But Xin hai actually only ranked thirteenth. Xinhai's strength was initially questioned, but later her performance in the abyss proved that she was not just an "ornamental fish", and currently Xinhai ranked among the top in the abyss usage rate. It may be because the US service players feel that the function of the heart sea is too replaceable, so they do not want to see the heart sea.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

The national team style is still the same, and all the members are on the list

I think that Chongyun was also one of the national teams, but Chongyun was quickly optimized by other roles, and Bennett, Xingqiu, and Xiangling were firmly seated in the national team lineup. The strength of the three characters can definitely be called a four-star role ceiling, and it can even be said that it is completely strong to become a five-star role, no matter which suit it is, the status of the national team is difficult to shake. American service players ranked it sixth, seventh and eighth respectively.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

In fact, this ranking is a bit low, and almost every player will have these three four-star characters, and they will inevitably be trained. It can even be said that if you don't practice them, you won't be able to come up with a decent lineup in the early stage. With that being said, they should be ranked higher on the list.

There is one or gain, and the first three are too real

Several of the roles at the top of the list of american clothes are very fiercely competitive, but the first place Zhong Li, the second general of thunder and lightning can be said to be thunderous, it seems that overseas players also know that the seven gods are bound to smoke, and domestic players also have to sigh the truth. However, the US service players believe that Ganyu can rank third, which is very controversial. You know, the strongest damage in Ice C, and the most suitable for the current abyss environment, is undoubtedly Ayahua Shenli, but Shenli Ayahua was left behind Ganyu, which was very unreasonable.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

More players believe that neither Ayahua Noriko nor Ganyu should be the third, and the third should be the Wanye Heavenly Emperor. This statement is very reasonable, after drawing Manba to explore the great world efficiency will become very high, Manyo is also a true sense of the golden oil in the abyss, he can rely on the characteristics of injury increase and monster gathering for a long time to dominate the abyss. In terms of applicability, the main C of Ganyu and Ayahua of the gods is really not as good as Manyo. Speaking of which, Manyo's position should have been taken by the wind god Wendy, but unfortunately Wendy fell in the abyss environment.

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

Summary of personal analysis

It can be seen that the gap between the united states and the national service on the game is there, especially Ye Tiandi's failure to climb the top three, which is really unreasonable. There is a small rule in the list, the role of The Moon is basically pressed on the same grade of the Rice "Wife" character, I don't know if it is because the beauty service players prefer the portrayal of the Glass Moon version, and the Rice Wife version is not cold. So who do you think can be shortlisted for the Proto-God Characters TOP15? What are the top 5 characters in your mind?

Original God: "Top 15 Characters in Beauty Costume Training" is out! The fish surpassed the walnuts and saw the first 3 after, real

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