
Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

author:Feng Ge is not serious about the research institute

The Russo-Ukrainian war continues, and the Western world, led by the United States, kicked the latter out of the dollar system in order to sanction Russia, making it difficult for Russia to export oil. At that time, Russia is a big oil exporter, which in turn leads to a sharp rise in oil prices around the world!

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

Biden's seven wounds wounded the enemy one thousand and injured eight hundred, which is not under the dual pressure of domestic inflation in the United States and the situation in Russia and Ukraine, the domestic oil price in the United States has continued to climb in the past three months, according to the American Automobile Association released data on March 31, the average gasoline price in the United States rose by $1.3 from a year ago to $4.225 per gallon.

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

A gallon is about 3.785 liters, and a dollar is about 6.36 yuan (April 2), and we can simply convert it to know that the price of oil in the United States has now soared to 7.09 yuan per liter!

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

This is unbearable for the American people, and Biden has to take the "trick" of releasing reserve oil in order to cool down the rising oil prices in the country!

The United States established the Strategic Petroleum Reserve system in 1975, with legislation authorizing the president to release oil reserves in the event of a "severe interruption in energy supply." According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve was 568.3 million barrels as of March 25.

A large number of oil reserves are not a good thing for a country that has long served as the "world police", and it is foreseeable that in the next few months, the US Pacific Fleet and Air Force will greatly reduce the number of missions, and Biden is really open-minded in order to reduce domestic oil prices!

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

Biden is out of the woods, but his allies are not so lucky, according to the Global Petrolprices website on March 28, the British oil price of 13.61 yuan per liter, Germany 14.45 yuan per liter, France 13.88 yuan per liter, Poland 9.82 yuan per liter, Ukraine 7.34 yuan per liter.

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil
Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

Although most of these countries are developed countries, the landlords' families have no surplus grain; the national income is not low, but it cannot stand the sharp rise, and the people of these countries are "stubborn", and they do not know how to "welcome the rise in oil prices", making trouble all the time, making the country's prime minister and president a mess, of which France is particularly strong.

Oil prices are rising, biden is going to put reserve oil

Next, we will prepare small benches, peanuts and melon seeds and small tea, see what "tricks" the United States will make to sanction Russia, and be careful of "lifting stones and dropping them on their own feet"!