
There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Recently, some people maliciously slandered Mr. Yi Qianxi for "illegal admission to the middle school entrance examination" and other related false information.

Yi Qianxi's studio came out at the first time to respond and sued the rumor-mongers.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Now Yi Qianxi has a successful career, is a hot actor, some people are red-eyed and begin to spread rumors about black material.

However, he is not afraid of the shadow oblique, all the way to his duty, relying on his own efforts to have today's achievements.

Yi Qianxi debuted because he joined the TFBOYS group, when he was still a humble child, and he had no achievements, and he was not favored by everyone.

However, now that TFBOYS exists in name only, the three people have developed independently, and the best development is Yi Qianxi.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi, born in 2000, to an ordinary family in Hunan. Because of the millennium, his family gave him this name.

When Yi Qianxi was not yet born, his mother had already planned the life of this child, whether it was a boy or a girl, he must cultivate into a big star.

Yi Qianxi is the hope of this family and the hope of her mother.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In order to achieve her wishes, his mother learned various skills from prenatal education, and often read him books on art when he was a child.

At the age of 2, children of the same age were still learning to walk, and Yi Qianxi had been sent to study art.

But the family feels that the child is still young, and it is not too late to learn again in the future. And the cost of this is high, and the family can't afford it.

Yi Qianxi's mother has a different view, and it will be too late to learn later, and if she learns a little, she can also know the child's advantages and likes.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

She quit her job to study art with her children, and went all over the country to find good teachers.

Yi Qianxi's father not only became the pillar of the family, but also was far away from his wife, and the time for contact was very small. Even if it is contact, it is around the son, and there are often quarrels.

For a while, Yi Qianxi's mother wanted to be busy with her son, and she was angry with her husband, and she was in a particularly bad mood, and he looked at it in his eyes.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In order to make his mother happy, he can only listen to his mother's words and behave well so that his mother can be happy.

At a young age, Yi Yi qianxi learned Latin dance, gourd silk, hosting and other skills, and also participated in "Talent Training Camp", "Wisdom Tree", "Sunshine Boy" and other programs.

Although he performed well, he never attracted attention.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi's mother let her son join the "Flying Youth" and debuted in the form of a combination. I participated in several events as a group, and there was no heat.

He withdrew from the group to develop alone, or lacked an opportunity. Kung Fu paid off, and Yi Qianxi finally waited.

In 2013, Yi Qianxi was 13 years old, and he has developed in the entertainment industry for four or five years, and has been tepid.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

It just so happens that The Times Fengjun wants to launch a boy band and set up the TF family to train trainees here.

Yi Qianxi's mother felt that the opportunity had come and quickly signed up for her son. The excellent Yi Qianxi was selected, and his mother told him to refuel and seize this opportunity.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In the TF family, excellent children with Yi Qianxi abound, but the company selected three people to debut in a group.

Before this, the company has already chosen candidates, Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan because of their good singing, they have long booked quotas, and there is the last one that everyone wants to seize.

After layers of selection, Yi Qianxi stood out with his excellent dance ability, and he and Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan just complemented each other.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In the end, Wang Junkai, as the captain, led Wang Yuan and Yi Qianxi to form a TFBOYS combination and officially debuted in the entertainment industry.

As soon as the three of them debuted, they attracted a lot of attention, and also held their first EP premiere concert in Chongqing, which was crowded with people.

Since then, no matter what they do, they are Yi Qianxi, Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan, who are inseparable friends.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

They shoot TV series together, they go to shows together, they sing and dance together, and the more works they do, the more popular they are.

Not only does the TFBOYS group have many fans, but Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Qianxi also have fans of their own home.

If any of them have more shots, fans will still be jealous.

They were getting better and better, so the situation was more obvious, but it had no impact on Yi Qianxi.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Over time, the TFBOYS group has become more and more popular, and there are many fans no matter what they do.

Even if you take a plane, there are many fans to pick up, and there are fans to support the scene.

Every time the fans went to the scene early to support them. In addition to the group fans, there are also their personal fans, who will give idols help.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

I often see a wave of Wang Junkai's fans, Wang Yuan's fans a wave, and very few fans who support Yi Qianxi.

Once the company organized an event where fans could meet their idols. Their fans were so excited that they had already gone to the scene to wait.

The three people came to the scene and the fans were very excited, and one by one they went to meet the idols and gave gifts to the idols.

Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan could not take it in their hands, and Yi Qianxi, next to them, only one fan asked for a group photo, and there was no gift in his hand.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

He watched alone as the other two teammates happily interacted with the fans without a single smile on his face. At that moment, he was a little bitter.

The three of them were often compared, and Yi Qianxi was always the one who was inferior to others.

Even when the three of them went to the interview together, the reporter also actively inquired about Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan, and there was no problem in Yi Qianxi's place.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

And in each interview, Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan were particularly active, and the two also broke the news of private life interesting things for each other. Yi Qianxi was silent and did not speak next to him.

Because Yi Qianxi's performance is not outstanding and is not optimistic about everyone, fans feel that he has the resources he has now, which is stained with the light of the combination.

And he doesn't care about these voices at all, good people will be seen one day.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In 2017, Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan and Yi Qianxi each set up a studio. In the future work, they will not only have combined resources, but also personal resources.

It's very fun for their individual fans to see the idol develop alone and not be dragged down.

The fans were not very happy, afraid of not seeing the three of them. The company made it clear that it was "going it alone but not disbanding".

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi, Wang Yuan and Wang Junkai are still members of the group, and when there is a need for work, they will also fit together. But most of the time, they work alone.

Since then, the three of them have also participated in several cooperations together, but after 2019, Wang Junkai, Yi Qianxi and Wang Yuan are not in the same frame.

Even if the three of them are invited to the event, they all perform their own shows, and it is difficult to get together.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

In public, neither of them could mention each other's names.

Once Wang Junkai participated in the event, the host asked about the other two people. He tried to answer, but the staff stopped him.

It's as if they're saying yes and choose not to hear.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

However, the three people have a good relationship in private, and when each other produces new works, they will promote each other.

It's just that fans want to see them in the same frame again, which is more difficult than ascending to the sky.

On the 8th anniversary of TFBOYS, fans have been looking forward to the concert, but waiting for no news.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

The three of them were close friends at the time, but now they are strangers.

All this is still related to their development, especially after personal development, it is possible to touch the interests of the other party.

And the contrast between the three people is getting stronger and stronger, and the gap between each person is getting bigger and bigger.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

As the oldest member, Wang Junkai ushered in the college entrance examination early.

He came from a singing and dancing background, but planned to study acting and enter the film academy in Beijing.

In order to be admitted to the desired study, study when you are not working, and in the last few days, you give up your work to actively review, and finally get the admission letter.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

He studied at school while working. However, most of the resources received are variety shows, and there are very few stage performance activities.

Wang Junkai doesn't care, because he wants to take the road of acting, and if there is a good work, he will participate in the performance. However, he did not get the approval of the director, and there were not many opportunities to find him to shoot.

Instead, he participated in the homework assigned by the Beijing Film Academy and filmed "The Ancient Secret Covenant".

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

However, after the broadcast of this drama, Wang Junkai's acting skills were ridiculed by the group, and his acting skills were sloppy at all. With these voices, even fewer people find him to shoot, let alone want to enter the show business circle.

Nowadays, Wang Junkai's variety shows, scripts and other resources have declined.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

And Wang Yuan's situation is similar to That of Wang Junkai. He also had the trouble of studying in college.

Wang Yuan himself knows very well in his heart that his studies are average, and if he takes the college entrance examination, he may not be able to get good results. And if he were acting, he would be a competitor with Wang Junkai and Yi Qianxi.

At the beginning, I was compared, and after learning to act, I compared more.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

After much deliberation, Wang Yuan decided to study music abroad, did not take the college entrance examination, and was admitted to the Berkeley Conservatory of Music.

Many good musicians have attended this school, and fans are proud of him.

Later, While studying, Wang Yuan made music and launched a lot of new songs, all of which were not bad.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

However, because he left the country for a few months to go to school, his resources declined seriously, and he was invited to participate in variety shows and activities.

And Yi Qianxi was the one who had changed the most.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Since flying solo, Yi Qianxi's resources and personal abilities have improved visible to the naked eye.

At the time of the combination, he was an obscure person, and now he exudes excellence throughout his body. He was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama to study acting with the first place in both culture and professional subjects.

Yi Qianxi has had very little time since he was a child, but he has not delayed his studies, and he was still a scholar.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Although he has acted before, he has not made any splashes, and his acting skills are average. He knows that to be a good actor, he must learn to act.

In college he was more serious and hardworking. It is this spirit that attracts the attention of the director.

He began to participate in TV dramas, such as "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an" and "Blood Together", and achieved good results.

Yi Qianxi's acting skills have gradually improved, and it has also attracted the attention of directors in the film circle.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

How many actors want to gain a foothold in the film circle, but it is very difficult, but I did not expect that Yi Qianxi, who was born after 00, succeeded.

In 2019, he was invited to shoot "Young You", partnering with film queen Zhou Dongyu.

In this drama, Yi Qianxi needs to cut her head, and for an idol, the hairstyle is very important.

Lu Han filmed "Shanghai Fortress", the director asked to cut his head, but he insisted on leaving bangs, and he was complained about.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi agreed without saying a word, and the crew accompanied him to cut his hair.

In the end, Yi Qianxi and Zhou Dongyu wiped out the splash, the film achieved a good box office, and Yi Qianxi's acting skills were recognized.

Many scripts have thrown an olive branch to him, and he has not chosen any scripts.

He doesn't make TV dramas to mix with the film circle, and he cooperates with big producers because he has the confidence.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi began to cooperate with Wu Jing, Zhang Yimou, and Chen Kaige, and also received their praise.

Wu Jing said that he was born to be a film actor.

In fact, Yi Qianxi has come to this day not only because of talent, but also because of hard work.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Yi Qianxi has worked very hard since he was a child, even if he is forced, he will not say bitterness. At any time, he would remember that.

Even if you are already the top stream, you will not forget to work hard, and you will humbly learn from your predecessors.

When he was filming with his predecessors, in order not to drag his feet, he also studied acting during his rest time, and often saw him sitting there alone without speaking.

Because the filming became popular, Yi Qianxi's value rose, and many activities invited him.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

At the beginning of the conflict with filming, he took a leave of absence with the crew to participate in the event. Later, I felt that this was not possible, so when I entered the group to shoot, I did not take any activities.

Yi Qianxi will suddenly disappear for a few months, and he doesn't have to think about it to know that he is filming in the crew.

Only such a spirit can shoot good works.

Today' Yi Yi qianxi has become a first-line actor in the film circle, and has also become the first actor to break the box office of 10 billion yuan after 00, occupying the 10th place in the history of Chinese film.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Such a Yi Qianxi has already left Wang Junkai and Wang Yuan, who debuted together, far behind. If they want to catch up with Yi Qianxi, they still need to work hard.

The members who were not optimistic at the beginning, in just 1 year, successfully counterattacked through hard work, and Yi Qianxi will definitely bring more surprises to the audience in the future.

I hope that the other two will also work hard, especially Wang Junkai. The same actor has to come up with a work.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Nowadays, Yi Qianxi has become a representative of the post-00 actors, acting skills and appearance coexist, but also very hard, even if it has been red half of the sky, but also constantly improve themselves, how can such a star not be red?

Yi Qianxi has won at the starting line since he was a child, and his mother took him to learn a variety of skills.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

Although he did not ask his son if he liked it, he did not want to disappoint his mother and worked hard to learn various skills. As long as he did his best, his mother was very happy.

According to his mother's plan, he entered the entertainment circle and developed in the form of a combination with Wang Yuan and Wang Junkai.

As soon as they debuted, they were very popular and had a lot of fans, and as the smallest in the group, Yi Qianxi was not optimistic and did not perform positively.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

As a result, after they developed separately, Yi Qianxi was the one who surprised everyone the most, from the person who was not optimistic to the person who was relied on, and was the existence of the top stream.

Let's not underestimate a person, maybe it will shine in the future, as long as you keep trying to succeed, it will come to you.

It is gold that always shines.

There is a kind of "plastic surgery" called shan fei not disbanded, Wang Yuan Wang Junkai has not changed much, and Yi Qianxi has changed greatly

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