
The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

author:It's not like a little swimming
The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Text | It's not like a little swimming

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As the old saying goes: "If the melon field is not accepted, the plum will not be crowned".

It is said that people must know how to avoid suspicion in every move, otherwise it is easy to attract some unnecessary suspicion and trouble to themselves.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

In the entertainment industry, many male stars can be said to have deeply rooted this sentence in their brains.

Especially when they are in the same frame and screen with female artists, they really don't dare to squint and put their hands indiscriminately.

For fear that the unintentional act will be amplified by the media, I will accidentally fall into the storm of "rubbing oil" and "sexual harassment".

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Interestingly, in terms of "avoiding suspicion", the "tricks" of male stars are also endless.

Sometimes it seems a little embarrassing and funny to onlookers.

Below, let's take a look at the actor's "Eighteen Styles of Avoiding Suspicion".

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

William Chan

When it comes to male celebrities' suspicion-avoidance actions, everyone must be familiar with the so-called "gentleman's hand".

It refers to when a man has to have physical contact with a woman, such as hugging, princess hugging, or carrying the back.

Deliberately vacate the palm of the hand so that it does not really touch the girl's body.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

And William Chan can be described as "out of the blue" in this regard, he has created a safer gesture of his own.

Once when he took a photo with the popular actress Zhao Liying, he put his left arm on Zhao Liying's shoulder.

If his palm is open at this time, although it will not touch Zhao Liying, it will hang in the air to the other party's chest, giving people a bad association.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

William Chan was also in a hurry, and hurriedly clenched his hands tightly into fists.

Wait until you finish taking the photo and separate yourself from the other person before you dare to open your hand.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

and in 2015, during the filming of "Living Color", William Chan and Shu Chang played a couple, and the two inevitably had some intimate scenes.

For example, in one episode, the script requires William Chan to hug Shu Chang from behind.

It stands to reason that when you hug someone from behind.

A person's hand will either be placed on the other person's waist or on the stomach, which is a more natural state.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

But William Chan may be afraid of being suspected of "borrowing oil from drama".

So he put one hand on Shu Chang's arm, and the other hand was even funnier, and he actually grabbed the corner of Shu Chang's clothes.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

I have to say that in order to avoid suspicion, William Chan really racked his brains.

In 2017, William Chan ran on the man, and was asked to carry actress Zheng Xiuyan on his back in a game session.

This time, he didn't even dare to scratch the corners of the other party's clothes, and passed his two hands under the other party's legs.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

grabbed it directly on his pants, and no matter which angle the camera shot, he couldn't find anything wrong.

I have to say that this "stubborn little hand" is really full of desire to survive.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Yang Yang

Yang Yang's impeccable appearance is simply born to play the male protagonist of idol dramas.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

However, although he has countless "screen couples" when he is in the play.

But once he was outside the play, not only did he never "fry CP while it was hot", but he also tried his best to avoid suspicion.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

For example, in 2020, "You Are My Glory" held a launch ceremony.

Yang Yang and Di Lieba, who played the couple in the play, came to the scene together, and this combination of handsome men and beauties is indeed quite eye-catching.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

But the strange thing is that they kept their distance the whole time, and they didn't even make eye contact, for fear of being played by the media.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Then an embarrassing thing happened, I don't know where a bug flew and fell on Di Lieba's body.

She screamed in fright, not knowing what to do.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

For a while, the entourage of the crew went up to clear the siege, but Yang Yang was the only one standing by the side, watching from beginning to end.

In fact, this is not because Yang Yang is indifferent, but because he knows that once he goes up to catch insects.

Inevitably, you have to touch Di Lieba, and once the report is added to the fire, you can't say it clearly.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

In fact, this is not the first time that Yang Yang has deliberately avoided suspicion of Di Lieba, as early as 2019 when he participated in the "Starlight Awards".

Originally, Yang Yang, Xiao Zhan, and Wang Yibo sat on the same sofa, looking very relaxed.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

After Di Lieba also sat down, Yang Yang's whole body immediately tensed, and his body almost bounced up to the side to avoid it.

almost gave up more than half of the position to Di Lieba, and didn't even touch a corner of the other party's clothes.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Yi Yang Qianxi

Although Yi Yang Qianxi is young, he has always given everyone a sense of youth, maturity, cultivation and demeanor.

Especially when interacting with women, his high quality is vividly reflected in his every move.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

For example, in 2017, Yi Yang Qianxi held his 17th birthday concert.

At that time, he collaborated with a female dancer on stage, and he rarely danced a hot dance that was almost close to his body.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

However, although this dance move is very bold, Yi Yang Qianxi is still very shy and restrained.

Especially when he needs to put his hand on his dance partner, his hand is almost always dangling, and he is already a gentleman at a young age.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

and when she participated in an award ceremony in 2018, the hostess stepped forward and handed the microphone to Yi Yang Qianxi.

In order not to touch the hostess's hand, he cocked his little thumb.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

I pinched the microphone with only my index finger and thumb, and from a distance it looked like I was cocking my "orchid fingers".

Although this scene is a bit funny, Yi Yang Qianxi's politeness and sense of proportion that knows how to avoid suspicion are still worthy of everyone's praise.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Huang Xiaoming

Huang Xiaoming once collaborated with Yang Mi in "Why Sheng Xiaomo", in which they starred in a couple who made the audience "kowtow".

But outside the play, Brother Xiaoming, who was still married at the time, "avoided" Yang Mi, for fear of a scandal.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

For example, in 2017, "Starlight Awards" was held, and Huang Xiaoming, Yang Mi, and Hua Chenyu sat in one position.

Although they talked and laughed, Huang Xiaoming's eyes kept looking away, and he didn't dare to look at Yang Mi.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Yang Mi, who had a cheerful personality, wanted to make a joke, so he took out a flower from the vase on the table and "presented" it to Huang Xiaoming.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Huang Xiaoming had no choice but to take it.

However, he hurriedly put the flower back into the vase in the next second, not giving the media a chance to hype it up at all.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

and participated in "Weibo Night" in 2019, and the program team arranged for Yang Mi and Huang Xiaoming to appear together.

At that time, Yang Mi was dressed up to attend and wore an elegant trailing long skirt.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

It stands to reason that the male star will usually help to hold the skirt at this time, or directly support the woman's arm to prevent her from tripping.

However, Huang Xiaoming may think that he is a "married man" and should not be so attentive to other women.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

So he had to pretend that he couldn't see it, and he walked in front alone.

Fortunately, Chen Kun on the side was very careful, and he hurriedly stretched out his hand to Yang Mi and helped her onto the stage.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

In fact, Huang Xiaoming's attitude is not only aimed at Yang Mi.

Even when he was filming with his actress, he was very thoughtful.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

For example, in the filming of "Emergency Public Relations" in 2021, there is a plot that requires him to take off his pants and expose his thighs in front of actress Cai Wenjing.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Huang Xiaoming put on a "pain mask" on the spot, repeatedly asked to borrow a position to shoot, and refused to expose his body in front of the actress.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Andy lau

When it comes to avoiding suspicion, Andy Lau is the predecessor of all male stars.

In 2011, he and actress Gong Li attended the press conference of their collaboration "I Know a Woman's Heart".

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Maybe it's because the atmosphere is very lively, or maybe it's because Andy Lau's charm is irresistible.

Gong Li, who has always been dignified and steady, seems to have become an enthusiastic "little fan".

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

first stretched out his hands and hugged Andy Lau tightly, and then stretched out his mouth to kiss him.

This frightened Andy Lau, and for a while he had no better way to resolve the "crisis".

had to turn his head very bluntly and quickly, so as to avoid the "shocking kiss" that he didn't know what kind of "earth-shattering kiss" he was going to write about by the media.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

In 2012, Andy Lau encountered a similar situation again.

When participating in Hunan Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, a female fan suddenly rushed onto the stage and forcibly hugged him.

With Gong Li's experience last time, Andy Lau is obviously much more relaxed this time.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

He retreated unhurriedly while reassuring the excited fan, and then asked her to sing along on stage.

It's really a mix of suspicion avoidance and high emotional intelligence to the extreme.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Du Jiang

Du Jiang is a well-known "model husband" in the circle.

In the more than 20 years since he married Huo Siyan, although his acting career has become more and more popular, he has maintained almost zero scandals.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

And this is mainly because Du Jiang has a special sense of proportion and knows what to avoid suspicion.

In 2018, when participating in the variety show "Brave World", Du Jiang interacted with female guest Wu Yingjie.

He was very careful in his every move, leaving enough respect for both the other party and his wife.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

At that time, the program team arranged a game and asked Du Jiang and Wu Yingjie to try it out to see which of them could make each other's heartbeat faster.

Wu Yingjie may know that her next behavior will be a little out of bounds, so she apologized to Du Jiang's wife in front of the camera.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Then he began to lean his whole body towards Du Jiang, and Du Jiang's reaction was very direct, he shouted:

"You don't have to be so close to me!" directly stopped Wu Yingjie, who was approaching, on the spot.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

If a plan failed, Wu Yingjie asked Du Jiang to kiss her forehead again.

Although Du Jiang did not directly refuse this inappropriate request, he would never do it.

He just leaned his face over and made a "kiss in the air" action, keeping a distance from Wu Yingjie from beginning to end.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

But Wu Yingjie seemed to have lost her patience, she directly took the initiative to stretch her face towards Du Jiang quickly.

Fortunately, Du Jiang reacted quickly, and he hurriedly straightened up.

So Wu Yingjie's forehead only hit his chest, and no other intimate contact occurred.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct


Whether in the entertainment industry or in the ordinary workplace, the relationship between men and women is very delicate.

The slightest inattention can lead to reverie and add infinite distress to yourself and the other person.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

Professional artists should be like these six male stars.

Be strict with yourself at all times and in all places, and maintain an appropriate social distance from the opposite sex.

The actor avoided suspicion at the moment: William Chan clenched his belt, Yi Yang Qianxi orchid fingers, Andy Lau was the most direct

This is not only considerate of others, but also respect for oneself.

I believe that the more you know how to avoid suspicion, be measured, and don't rely on vulgar scandals to hype your own stars.

The more potential there is to become a real literary and artistic worker with both virtue and art.

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