
A woman is thrown out of the house by her husband's family, and her husband: she is the one who wants to go

As the saying goes: evil will be rewarded.

The evil in this sentence is not all about the kind of evil that is extremely vicious, and the evil is also divided into major evil and small evil.

Killing people and setting fires is a great evil, and mental misconduct is a small evil. Small evils are small, but they will also be punished.

There was a rural girl named Liang Sisi, who was punished because of her improper mental skills.

Three years ago, Liang Sisi married Zhou Bing.

Zhou Bing's family is a demolition household, and there are two six-story buildings in Changsha. And Liang Sisi is just an ordinary rural girl, after marrying over, because of this inferiority in the depths of his heart, Liang Sisi always feels that the Zhou Bing family excludes himself.

A woman is thrown out of the house by her husband's family, and her husband: she is the one who wants to go

And now, Liang Sisi has been kicked out of the house by the Zhou Bing family, what is going on?

Liang Sisi found the reporter, and after telling the reporter about the incident, he hoped that the reporter could expose the Zhou Bing family and thus give himself justice.

But the reporter was very puzzled, because as the saying goes: no wind and no waves. If Liang Sisi didn't do anything, the rural family's background alone would not be enough for the Zhou Bing family to sweep her out of the house.

But after all, now Liang Sisi has been driven out of the Zhou family, and with the idea of mediating the contradiction, the reporter took Liang Sisi to Zhou Bing's home. After arriving at the Zhou family, Liang Sisi saw her daughter, who hugged her and cried and told her thoughts.

A woman is thrown out of the house by her husband's family, and her husband: she is the one who wants to go

But the daughter did not show miss her, but cried and broke free. At this time, the child's grandmother snatched the child from Liang Sisi's arms, and Liang Sisi cried even more painfully at this time.

The reporter followed Liang Sisi to the Zhou family, and definitely wanted to resolve the contradiction, but Zhou Mu said that the contradiction between Liang Sisi and the Zhou family had reached the point where it could not be resolved.

It turned out that the Zhou family had driven Liang Sisi out of the house for no reason. According to Mother Zhou, when this Liang Sisi first married into the family, she could be described as virtuous and virtuous, and people could not fault it a little, but after less than a year, her fox tail leaked out.

A woman is thrown out of the house by her husband's family, and her husband: she is the one who wants to go

Because the Zhou family has two six-story buildings, Liang Sisi has been holding Zhou Bing's family apart, because after the separation, Zhou Bing can get at least one of them.

However, even if the family is not separated, the second elder will definitely leave these two buildings to Liang Sisi and Zhou Bing, so why has Liang Sisi been stirring up the separation of the family?

It turned out that Liang Sisi had a younger brother who was about to get married, but Liang Sisi's family was poor and couldn't afford to buy a house, so Liang Sisi wanted her husband and parents to separate the family and get a building, and then take out one of the houses for his brother.

But it was only natural for the sister to help her brother, and Zhou Bing could not drive his wife out of the house for this matter.

Zhou Bing said: "I didn't want to throw her out of the house at all, it was she herself who said she was leaving, and she said that she wouldn't come back without separating the family, and it had been five or six times, this time I was really anxious, and if I really wanted to leave, I would never come back." ”

A woman is thrown out of the house by her husband's family, and her husband: she is the one who wants to go

In fact, I think that as an older sister, Liang Sisi should pull her brother in life, but it is indeed a bit excessive to shake up her husband's family and use the property divided by the family to help her brother.

The emotional master Wendelu said: People should not be too shrewd.

People like Liang Sisi are just too shrewd, or they will not end up in such a situation.

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