
Cold, cold, it's over

Cold, cold, it's over

The fundamental reason why two people have a relationship is not the arrangement of the heavens, but the two people who accept the arrangement of the heavens, and are willing to pay their time and energy to maintain this relationship, and carefully manage this relationship to make it blossom and bear fruit.

If two people are not willing to accept this love affair, even if God arranges for them to meet, the two people will eventually be separated and parted ways, and it is difficult to have a deep-level interaction.

That is to say, a good relationship is often based on the cultivation of the heart, two people have the intersection of life, when together, willing to actively interact, take the initiative to do something, bring a positive impact on each other's life, the love of two people can be maintained for a long time.

On the contrary, when two people are together, they do not know how to cherish their fate, often snubbing each other, even if The Heavens arrange for them to meet several times, they will eventually miss it in vain, leaving endless regrets for each other's lives. Just as when two people are together, each other does not put each other in the eyes, often ignore each other's existence, in life, treat each other as transparent people, long-term snub each other, and finally the feelings of the two people will often slowly fade, cold, cold, and the fate is over, I hope you have not experienced such a regrettable thing.

Cold, cold, it's over

1. Important days, do not contact.

When two people are together, they will put their minds on each other, on some important days, they will squeeze out time to accompany each other, spend every important moment in life with each other, accompany each other to do some interesting things, and the feelings of two people will often slowly heat up and become more and more stable.

On the contrary, when two people are together, they do not pay attention to each other, lack of attention to each other's affairs, rarely ask about each other's living conditions, do not care about each other's affairs at all, and are not willing to take time to accompany each other on some important days.

Such as Valentine's Day, the other party's birthday, they will forget these days, will be absent in these days, the other party will inevitably feel cold, feel "very weak" together, and finally the relationship between the two people will slowly fade, to the end of this step.

Cold, cold, it's over

2. When the other party encounters something, do not contact.

When two people are together, they can treat each other as their own, can warm each other, can support each other, and whenever each other encounters difficulties, they can come to each other's side for the first time, stay with each other, work together to solve problems, and finally they will often establish deep feelings in tribulations.

On the contrary, when two people are together, they have their own hearts, they do not put each other in their hearts, and when the other person encounters things, they are not willing to lend a helping hand to the other party for some help.

They will snub each other, lack patience with each other's affairs, both people feel that they can't count on each other, and they will slowly get tired of being with each other, and finally the two people can easily go to the step of breaking up.

Cold, cold, it's over

3. When the other party takes the initiative to contact, it will snub the other party.

Feelings are two people's affairs, if one party has a heart, the other party does not have the will to be together, one party pays true feelings, the other party does not pay true feelings, one party takes the initiative to do something to close the distance between two people, and the other party does not appreciate it, always doing something that hurts the feelings of two people.

In a relationship, one party to the other to give true feelings, when he takes the initiative to find each other, the other party always let him eat closed door soup, let him embarrass, the result can be imagined, a person took the initiative for a long time, will also feel tired, always by the beloved person snubbed, will also slowly die, the last two people are likely to become people who have no luck in the end.

Cold, cold, it's over

4. There are misunderstandings, there are estrangements, and they are not resolved.

When two people are together, it is inevitable that there will be a misunderstanding, at this time, explain to each other in time, eliminate the estrangement, and the two people will often freeze the previous suspicions and get back together.

On the contrary, when two people have differences, contradictions, and some misunderstandings, they always snub each other, are unwilling to take care of each other, and are not willing to resolve the gap in time, but hope that the other party can compromise and give in to themselves, bow their heads and admit their mistakes.

However, when two people hold such a mentality, they are not willing to give in to each other, the result will be that the two people will be deadlocked, and for a long time, they all feel that they are "boring" together, it is easy to enlarge small things, and it is difficult to get over the water when they go to the end of this step.

Cold, cold, it's over

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