
These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

On the short video platform, I saw an emotional blogger share women's experiences in dealing with feelings in gender relations.

Bloggers say that in fact, if you analyze it from the perspective of a man, most men cannot resist the charm generated by women when they are spoiled.

Even if we hear the word "spoiled" and can't help but feel that this is a manifestation of pretentiousness, it is undeniable that as soon as it appears, it will make a soft mess of men's hearts.

In the comment area, netizens replied, saying that they were in favor of being a blogger.

Every time she spends money indiscriminately, every time she does something wrong, as long as she is spoiled, her husband has no temper at all, and spoiling is especially useful for men.

It can be seen that spoiling is a must for a woman to "conquer" a man, and it is also a process of shrinking herself and amplifying the other party.

In the process, men experience the feeling of being cared for, and women achieve their goals in the way of "surrendering without fighting", which can be described as the best of both worlds.

Psychological research has shown that these three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible.

These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

The tone is softer, after all, language is a weapon to enhance each other's feelings

How much power can a soft tone be in a relationship between the sexes?

Wang Gui in the TV series "Wang Gui and Anna" is not used to washing before going to bed at night, he feels that it is something that women do, and he is blindly mixed with a big old man, which is really incomprehensible.

But Anna loves to be clean, and she feels that she does not wash or pay attention to hygiene before going to bed at night.

Therefore, she took a tough attitude and let Wang Gui wash up, and said that if she didn't wash, she wouldn't want to touch herself, but Wang Gui was "mighty and unyielding", that is, she refused to wash.

Later, Anna changed her strategy, before she went to bed at night, she asked Wang Gui to wash up in a particularly soft tone, and at the end, she kissed him.

These small actions made Wang Gui's heart explode into a cloud of small fireworks, especially resisting washing before going to bed, took the toiletries, jumped three feet high and ran to the bathroom.

It can be seen that the woman's tone is soft and can invisibly "control" the man.

Carnegie once said: "Women must be clear that men's desire to gain the admiration and approval of women is not a matter of machismo, but in fact it is only a manifestation of their nature." ”

Men are creatures with strong self-esteem, and a tough tone will only make them feel that their dignity is being offended, and naturally they will not achieve the purpose we want.

Therefore, the tone is softer, exuding their own feminine charm, in order to achieve their own goals.

These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

The movements are a little more feminine, and the feelings expressed by body language are incomparable

In a relationship between the sexes, women who love to laugh are prone to crying, while women who love to cry are easy to coax, and women who are easy to coax are more likely to get the happiness they want.

If soft language is the first condition for pampering, then feminine body language is an auxiliary tool for seduction.

When we are spoiled in a gentle way, if we want to hit the iron while it is hot, we need to use some intimate physical contact to achieve our goals.

For example, we can grab one of his hands while coddled and gently swing it from side to side;

For example, we can hold each other with our heads buried in his arms and gently rub back and forth;

For example, we can hold each other's hands, hold them tightly, and so on.

Body language is a truth we can trust when dealing with relationships between the sexes.

Although it has no sound, it is better to be silent than sound, and the emotions expressed by body language are incomparable, and it tends to be more profound.

These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

Look natural, all the beauty comes from the sincerity without adding any embellishments

The bunny girl in the movie "The Best Life of a Spoiled Woman" made her immediately cry bitterly because she came up with a dish of spicy rabbit meat when eating.

While crying, he said, "Why eat rabbits, rabbits are so cute, and I am still a rabbit." ”

When she saw this scene, her boyfriend was happy, but the others got goosebumps.

Over time, her boyfriend also felt that her way of spoiling was too pretentious and even made people feel tired, so he proposed to break up.

When women face the people they really like, they are self-taught about the skill of spoiling, there is no need to be deliberate, we can release the most authentic self in front of each other.

However, if the language and action are too deliberate, it will give people an unnatural feeling of excessive force.

There is a line in the TV series "Flower Non Flower Fog Non Fog": "You seem to be a flower but not a flower, I seem to be a fog but not a fog." You seem to exist and not exist, and I seem to have you and not have you. ”

These three ways of spoiling, men like it in their hearts, and learning one of them can make him irresistible

The ultimate meaning of childishness is the sense of obscurity, which naturally emanates from the emotions displayed by a person's heartfelt liking. Only if it is generous, it is naturally the best.

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