
Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

author:Xiaoshan chatted about gossip

The summer season of 2024 was supposed to be a lively moment in the film market, but it was unexpectedly deserted. Among the many new films, the new work "Legend" starring Jackie Chan has attracted much attention since it was announced. Can this big production with an investment of up to 50 million US dollars (about more than 300 million yuan) break the silence of the market and become the focus of the audience's attention? Recently, a grand premiere of "Legend" was held in Beijing, and a viewing event was arranged in advance, and the reputation of the premiere was also released.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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The premiere was star-studded and full of anticipation

"Legend", as the sister chapter of the classic movie "Myth" 20 years ago, itself carries the feelings and expectations of countless audiences. At the premiere, Jackie Chan joined hands with Zhang Yixing, Nazha, Li Chen and other stars to appear, star-studded, and the atmosphere was warm. The filmmaker also specially arranged to watch the film in advance, so that the invited media and audiences could have a sneak peek.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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The beauty is like a cloud, and the service is praised

After watching the movie, many viewers were full of praise for the beautiful characters in "Legend". Kim Hee-sun made a surprise appearance as an easter egg, and actresses such as Nazha and Peng Xiaoran also attracted many eyeballs with their outstanding performances. Nazha plays the extraordinary "Hun Fugitive Princess" Mengyun in the film, and has many wonderful fight scenes with the Hun prince played by Li Zhiting, which not only shows her good acting skills, but also makes people speak highly of the film's costume design. Many viewers said that there are many beautiful characters in "Legend", and the costumes are exquisite, which adds a lot to the film.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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The play is heavy, and Jackie Chan's style is still the same

As Jackie Chan's movie, the fight scene is naturally the part that the audience pays the most attention to. Judging from the feedback from the premiere, the fighting scenes in "Legend" are full of weight, from Jackie Chan to Zhang Yixing, to Nazha and other actors, all have wonderful performances. Although Jackie Chan is over the age of old, the action scenes in the film are still clean and neat, and his style has not diminished back then. With live-action shooting, these scenes have undoubtedly become a major selling point of the film, making the audience addicted.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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Plot shortcomings: Although there are feelings, it is difficult to delve into them

However, under the aura of beauty and play, the plot of "Legend" has become the focus of many audiences' complaints. Many viewers said that although the film carries the feelings of "Myth", the plot itself is difficult to study and seems a little weak. As the screenwriter of the film, Tang Jili and Jackie Chan have collaborated many times, but previous works such as "Rush Vanguard" and "Kung Fu Yoga" have been criticized in terms of plot. "Legend" is once again directed by Tang Jili, and the audience's worries about its plot are naturally self-evident.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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AI Technology Highlights: Jackie Chan is back to 27 years old

It is worth mentioning that one of the technical highlights of "Legend" is the use of AI technology to bring Jackie Chan back to 27 years old. At the premiere, the filmmaker directly exposed Jackie Chan's dynamic image of the young general in the film, which sparked heated discussions among the audience. Some viewers said that AI technology made the young Jackie Chan look almost indistinguishable from Zhang Yixing, adding a lot of freshness to the film. However, some viewers have questioned the excessive publicity of AI technology, believing that it may distract the audience from the plot itself.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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Market outlook: Challenges and opportunities coexist

In the face of the desertion of the market and the doubts of the audience, the market prospect of "Legend" is full of uncertainty. However, as a blockbuster film that carries the feelings of countless audiences, "Legend" still has a certain market potential. As long as there is a breakthrough in the plot, and with the blessing of AI technology, the audience can be visually and emotionally satisfied, "Legend" may be able to succeed in the summer file.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

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The word-of-mouth of the premiere of "Legend" was released, although the beauty and the fight scene won a lot of praise for the film, but the weakness of the plot has also become a shortcoming that cannot be ignored. In the face of the challenges of the market and the expectations of the audience, can "Legend" break the silence of the market with the dual blessing of feelings and technology and become a dark horse in this year's summer file? Let's wait and see.

Jackie Chan's "Legend" premiered, and word of mouth was released! The beauty is eye-catching and the play is exciting, but the plot is slightly weak

Originated from the Internet

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