
The peasant hoeing the land accidentally picked up "a nest of coins", which turned out to be the "crosser" Wang Mang's golden wrong knife

In April 1987, Zhang Mengqi, a villager in Qishan County, Shaanxi Province, hoeed the land in his own field. Unexpectedly, this hoe went down and actually dug out a "nest of treasures"!

Buried under the loess are the "coins" of two thousand years ago! Two of them could be exchanged for a pound of gold in ancient times

Zhang Mengqi, a villager who lives in Zhengjiayuan Village in Qishan County, has been working in the field with his back to the sky all his life, and he never thought that one day he could dig up treasures from the ground!

But this time, God took care of him! As soon as Zhang Mengqi went down with a hoe, he heard a crunching sound! At first, he thought that there were big stones in the mud, but he pulled it open with his hand and looked at it, good guy, it was actually a few copper pieces full of patina...

The peasant hoeing the land accidentally picked up "a nest of coins", which turned out to be the "crosser" Wang Mang's golden wrong knife

Qishan has a place with a rich history since ancient times, and the place where "Zhou Zhixingye, Partridge (phoenix alias) sings in Qishan" in the Chinese Zhou Yu. Qishan is one of the birthplaces of the ancient culture of the Chinese nation, and there are indeed countless treasures and secrets buried underground!

As Zhang Mengqi, who has lived here for generations, has listened to the wonderful stories of "who digs up the treasure" from his old age, this time it is his turn...

Zhang Mengqi pulled the dirt, and in a few moments he was able to plane dozens of copper pieces of different sizes and shapes from the deep pit just now, and there was also a rusty copper mirror!

Zhang Mengqi has some insight, he estimates that these copper pieces should be coins used by ancient people, but it is not clear what they are...

However, no matter what dynasty's coins he is, buried in the ground is a treasure! Zhang Mengqi looked around at no one, so he hurriedly took these things into his pocket and trotted all the way home...

For several days after that, Zhang Mengqi took these copper pieces at night without any trouble, and his wife saw him so demonic and scolded him, "Be careful that things that are dead are unlucky!" ”

However, this is something that he can see as a farmer, and he loses patience when he comes and goes!

Coincidentally, the Baoji City Museum went to the folk to collect cultural relics, and everyone enthusiastically took the "pots and pans" at home to treasure! Zhang Mengqi also couldn't sit still, and he also went with a few copper pieces...

However, the staff of the museum did not react much to what he brought, only saying that it was some ancient coins, worth not worth a few dollars, hoping that he could donate them to the country free of charge!

Zhang Mengqi was a little discouraged, and he thought that he had dug up the treasure and could exchange some money, but he was determined by experts to have no value, and he also let him donate free of charge?

After returning to Qishan County, zhang Mengqi, who was not dead hearted, ran to the Qishan County Museum, took out a few copper pieces, and continued to let experts identify...

This time, he heard a different result!

Now that I think about it, I don't know whether the staff of the City Museum is careless or the experts of the Qishan County Museum are more discerning. This time, the expert recognized what Zhang Mengqi was in his hand!

Experts told Zhang Mengqi that these things in his hands are from the New Deal era of Wang Mang two thousand years ago, including: two golden wrong knives, a deed knife, a cargo cloth, a dozen pieces of Daquan and a dozen pieces of cargo spring and a bronze mirror.

Among these things, the most valuable are the two "golden wrong knives".

This "golden wrong knife" is manufactured by Wang Mang, and the money body is composed of a knife ring and a knife body, and is cast in bronze. It is divided into two parts: the ring handle and the knife body, and the ring handle is a round square hole money.

There is an inscription on the ring "one", the next "knife", the word is yin, the word is filled with gold, and polished, so that the literal and the money face are level, so it is also called "golden wrong knife", the knife body is cast with the yang text "flat five thousand" three words.

This means that one "golden wrong knife" can be worth five thousand five baht money, so converted down, two "golden wrong knives" can be exchanged for a pound of gold at that time!

In fact, the "golden wrong knife" is just a tool and means for Wang Mang to plunder the wealth of the people, and to accumulate a large amount of gold through monetary reform!

Therefore, Wang Mang's monetary system was quickly resisted by the people, and the circulation time of the "golden wrong knife" was quite short!

It is precisely for this reason that this coin is very rare in existence and has become a very precious cultural relic...

Zhang Mengqi's two "golden wrong knives" are 7.2 centimeters long and weigh about 30 grams, which are very well preserved and perfect in appearance, so they have high historical value!

After consultation between the two sides, the Qishan County Museum rewarded Zhang Mengqi with 7 yuan, recovered these ancient coins in his hands, and considered his round-trip transportation costs, food and accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses, and finally gave him 20 yuan and 6 points!

Zhang Mengqi's small wish is "realized", and the treasure he dug up is indeed a treasure!

So, what is the market value of this rare "golden knife" today?

Looking at some auction records of the past decade or so, the "Golden Wrong Knife" went from an auction price of about 96,000 yuan in 2010 to a 190,000 yuan auctioned by the US Federal Auction Company in 2019.

In fact, the most special thing about the "golden wrong knife" is the historical value it carries, as well as the artistic craftsmanship of gilding!

This is a physical evidence of the ancient Chinese process, and it is also directly related to the physical object of Wang Mang, who is known as the "crossing man"...

As for the value in the end, the benevolent see the wise...

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