
People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

author:Fun dubbing

In our current life, many people have unhealthy habits due to their diet, they often eat some high-calorie and high-fat foods, resulting in higher and higher blood concentrations in the body, for a long time, it may lead to an increase in blood pressure, and the emergence of various chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure.

In our daily life, the incidence of hypertension is also increasing year by year, before, we all thought that hypertension is a disease of the elderly, but in recent years, hypertension has gradually become younger, no longer only belongs to the elderly, many young people in their twenties and thirties also suffer from hypertension, which requires attention.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

Hypertension is also a very common chronic disease, once diagnosed with hypertension, in addition to lifelong medication, dietary control in daily life is also a key point.

Therefore, many middle-aged and elderly people gather together, the most talked about topic may be how to reduce blood pressure, we all know that hypertensive patients must eat a light diet, pay attention to less oil, less salt, less sugar, many people also have some doubts in their minds, hypertensive patients should finally eat what staple food? Is it better to eat rice or steamed buns?

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

Do you know that people with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

On the mainland, basically influenced by ancestral transmission, most people will choose steamed buns and rice because of their high starch content, which can provide a lot of energy for the body, fill the stomach, drive away hunger, therefore, steamed buns and rice are not absolutely good or bad, but provide energy for our body.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

The reason why we need to make a choice is mainly because our physical condition is not optimistic, and scientists have found that neither rice nor steamed buns directly affect our blood pressure, but this does not mean that people with high blood pressure can eat steamed buns and rice as they wish.

Because there is no direct impact, but there will be an indirect effect, for many patients with high blood pressure, we need to control their weight, obesity is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, steamed buns and rice are staple foods, they will provide us with a lot of calories.

So, from a calorie point of view, whichever it is, it is not our ideal food, because after eating 100 grams of rice, our body can get about 116 calories, while 100 grams of steamed buns are 109 calories, both of which are not low, which is not good for our weight loss, even if we want to eat staple foods, we also have to control the diet.

Some friends may also be curious, because our previous generations have been eating these things, if we eat more, how can we get fat? On the one hand, we eat good food and vegetables every day, and on the other hand, we don't work in the field every day like before, facing the loess and facing the sky, these two are the main reasons.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

From a scientific point of view, these foods do have an impact on everyone's weight, for example, as we said before, steamed buns and rice are foods with a high starch content, and their carbohydrates belong to amylopectin, which means that we humans can easily digest them.

Therefore, when we do not control the quantity well, we will face many problems, for example, some carbohydrates will first be converted into glucose in our body, some will be synthesized by the liver, liver glycogen will be stored, and excess will form fat and accumulate in us.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

What kind of foods should people with high blood pressure eat regularly?

1. Potassium-containing food

Onion is an indispensable food in daily life, onions are rich in prostaglandin A, eat more can dilute the blood, reduce blood pressure and blood lipids, prevent patients from hardening of the blood vessels and thrombosis in the body, secondly, potassium supplementation also helps to reduce blood pressure, eat more celery, oranges and apples can supplement the body with enough potassium, promote the recovery of blood vessel wall elasticity, and benefit health.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

2. Foods rich in dietary fiber

People believe that we are not unfamiliar with foods such as dietary fiber, and that millet, wheat and japonica rice, which we often eat in our daily lives, belong to this food, collectively known as coarse grains, which are rich in dietary fiber.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

The presence of this ingredient can accelerate the metabolism of the body, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, for patients with dyspepsia, eating more can effectively improve indigestion, for people with cardiovascular disease, it can also promote the stabilization of blood pressure, which is conducive to maintaining health.

In this kind of food, people with high blood pressure and high blood lipids can eat more purple potatoes, a university in the United States once conducted a study, subjects ate 6-8 purple potatoes a day in a month, the results were shocking, they did not gain weight, blood pressure did not rise, on the contrary, their diastolic blood pressure dropped by 4.3%, it can be seen that purple potatoes do have a hypotensive effect, in addition, it can also reduce fat deposition, avoid atherosclerosis.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

3. Foods rich in pectin

Apple contains certain pectin components, ingestion of pectin can accelerate cholesterol metabolism, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications in patients with hypertension, in addition, kiwi fruit also contains a large amount of pectin and arginine, which can speed up the body's metabolism, control blood pressure, stabilize the cardiovascular system, prevent complications such as inducing hypertensive encephalopathy.

People with high blood pressure should eat steamed buns or rice?

Although patients with high blood pressure can not eat foods with high fat content, this does not mean that they can not eat meat, if you want to eat meat, you can choose to eat lean food, such as fish and beef, the fat content is relatively low, a small amount of eating will not lead to increased blood pressure, however, we should avoid eating fatty meat, barbecue and other foods, otherwise blood pressure and blood lipid value will be significantly increased in a short period of time after eating, resulting in worsening of the disease, in addition, avoid eating foods with high salt content, such as kimchi, salted fish, etc.