
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

author:Observe the universe

As the pinnacle of reptiles, dinosaurs appeared as early as the Triassic 240 million years ago, but they really erupted after the Jurassic extinction event more than 200 million years ago, and from then until the asteroid hit the earth 65 million years ago, the entire dinosaur population ruled the earth for a total of 160 million years.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

During this time, there were the huge carnivorous tyrannosaurs, as well as the equally huge herbivorous dinosaurs, as well as the small wounded odontosaurs, as well as pterosaurs and feathered dinosaurs. However, many of the dinosaurs we are familiar with have never been in the same frame at all, and what is really likely to evolve a dinosaur civilization is actually a small tooth-breaker.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

Some biologists believe that if it had not been for the asteroid that hit the earth 65 million years ago, the odontosaurus would have had a chance to re-evolve its brain, and then produce a complex group hierarchy, so that they could become dinosaur civilizations, and it is also possible to walk upright, completely liberate their upper limbs, and become lizardmen-like images.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

Unfortunately, all the current dinosaur fossils show that the brain of the dinosaur is far inferior to that of humans, and the complexity of the nervous system is too low.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?
It can even be said that dinosaurs have developed for more than 100 million years and evolved many different species types, but their brains are not much different, from Tyrannosaurus rex to Saurodontosaurus are very limited, which reflects natural selection, that is to say, there were no natural enemies of dinosaurs on the earth at that time, and they did not need to evolve their brains to maintain their ability to survive, but they were small mammals at that time, that is, the ancestors of later humans, who needed to constantly change and adapt to the new environment.
Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

According to the results of paleontoarchaeology, almost immediately after the extinction of the dinosaurs, that is, more than 60 million years ago, small mammals began to evolve rapidly after escaping the fifth mass extinction, and they began to eat fruits and live in trees, exercising spatial stereoscopic vision and flexible upper limbs and fingers.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

Most importantly, they are social and collective, a process that lasted until 6 million years ago, when the emergence of the Great Rift Valley isolated two gorilla populations, one of which reached the forestless African savannah, where it had to walk upright and become the first human ancestor.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

We all know the later story, which is nothing more than the use of tools to use fire, the use of cooked food to further develop the brain, and finally the evolution of human civilization.

Looking back on the evolutionary history of human beings, it is not difficult to find that the harsh living environment is the main driving force of the evolutionary brain, but the dinosaurs did not have this survival dilemma at all, in fact, after the fifth mass extinction, the remaining feathered dinosaurs also began to adapt to the environment, and turned into birds and today's chickens, ducks and geese.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

However, it is certain that human beings are still slowly evolving, and in the future, after entering space from the earth, the average height of new humans living in the microgravity environment of space will be taller than that of people on Earth, and after the future immigration to Mars and the moon, human beings will also undergo new changes in the new environment.

Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 160 million years, why didn't a dinosaur civilization develop?

All of the above are still the adaptation of the human body, and there may be mechanical prostheses in the future, and even half-human and half-mechanical humans.

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