
Han Xueli: Chess is the third part of the opponent's love for the upper floor (3) take one step and look at one step, and do not plan too far

Text/Han Xueli

Fall in love with the upper floors – this shareholder, being too cheap

Mike shook his head, not too cheap, is a free gift, you know on the line, if there is a promotion thing, you contribute some force, you come up with the idea, borrowing the counter of Liyuan Mall to do brand promotion is OK, there is anything else, more can enhance the image.

Qiao Ting thought, the golden hairpin grass can be, go to the beauty, are tall crowds, no money can not go in, moreover, they are now also making an appointment, I really don't know, how now, are on the rush to beauty.

Golden Hairpin Grass, Mike nodded, I'll go for a run, and also, you haven't thought about using the Yuanhuang real estate sales center.

Qiao Ting was stunned, in fact, I heard He Hui say that the business is OK, and your wife is still in the fetal stage, it is not easy to be tired, do you need to promote it like this.

Mike smiled, our later brand came up, is to raise the price, the high price can raise the quality. You think that the rent of this lot, the decoration of this tall, the things used, a lot of it is imported, and now the investment in the early stage, you think it is a decimal number, look back at the account to know, we are in accordance with the Shanghai grade configuration.

Qiao Ting suddenly realized that I felt good, and I didn't feel anything good.

Mike smiled, that fresh air system, don't you feel it, the feeling here, much more comfortable than the average air conditioner, higher than the configuration of a five-star hotel, don't you feel it.

I said, you made an appointment to meet here, Qiao Ting nodded, yes, I am a shareholder, too cheap. Don't worry about anything, well, I said to Mr. Tang, put some leaflets in our place, but you can't send people to the scene, we can't share with your brand, people who come here are unlikely to convert into customers.

Mike shook his head, OK, you can, I talk to Jiang Hanxing, let him and Peng Dong say hello, let him come forward, so that everyone will not pick you, you can rest assured, your shareholder identity, not many people know.

Qiao Ting shook his head, forget it, Jiang Hanxing knows, it is difficult to keep secrets.

Talking about the feeling of career, it is really comfortable, Qiao Ting has a sense of accomplishment, than facing Wanjie, the mood is much better, she thinks, I may like to talk about work.

She got up, I'm leaving, it's almost time for class, Mike took out a set of cosmetics from the cupboard, OK, put a snack on your face, your skin, it doesn't look as good as Yi Jia.

Qiao Ting took over, but not polite, can I compare with your wife, what people eat and what, with your good husband, even the affairs of the family, do not have to care, He Yuanjia's affairs, is not all you have to worry about, I see that your father-in-law is not even participating in the board of directors of Liyuan. He was relieved.

Mike nodded, don't you understand, why He Li He Yuan can cooperate so well, the two families, the relationship has been good, my father-in-law's family, are more gentlemanly, some lazy, people He Yuan's side of the people, just the opposite, you look at Shen Yunjing to know, that is the matter must come to the family, this is good, my space is also larger, otherwise, can I have such a great autonomy, but I want to grasp the layout, in the end He Yuanjia is my father-in-law's son-in-law, my son-in-law, is only half a son.

Qiao Ting nodded, I know, you are not easy, where is the horse easy to be, that is, you little brother-in-law, there is no strong sense of enterprise, with Shen Yunjing half, you don't have to be in Liyuan.

She came out and drove to school, thinking about eating something, and now that she had an appetite, she went to the cake shop outside the school and bought her favorite tart.

Eating, Tang Tao called, you are not in Lao Jiang, Qiao Ting said, I am not there, his meal, either alcohol or tobacco, not annoying enough, I have a class today, at school here.

Tang Tao was a little displeased, you don't say a word to me, I thought you were here, I came over, and now it's time for me to eat his meal, and it's difficult to get out.

Qiao Ting wondered, he is not overbearing, is there anything wrong with you, in order to enter the board of directors.

She guessed correctly, Tang Tao praised, you are smart, but can I speak randomly, he does not want to think, I am in Peng Dong's place, where there is so much say.

Qiao Ting smiled, he is a person who understands, is some too concerned about this matter, you are more advanced than him on the board, let him have some imbalance, originally thought that he was the first, the result was the first to let Shen Fan rob, the second returned to you, I and him such a senator, there is no share.

Tang Tao nodded, Presumably so, I'll go socialize and pick you up when I get back.

Qiao Ting immediately stopped, forget it, you don't toss here, I will go to the sales center tomorrow, you persuade him, calm down, how a little self-confidence is gone, Peng Dong most want to let in the person, is him, afraid of something.

Falling in love with the upper floors – always taking one step at a time, not planning too far

When Qiao Ting left class, he saw that Tang Tao did not appear, he was relieved, but he was also a little disappointed, he was really obedient, I said no, I really did not come, she drove, slowly walked home, thinking in her heart, I would like him to come, or do not want it, do not want it, or the exam first, if this time if it can not pass, it is really troublesome.

Seeing Tang Tao's car downstairs, there was some joy, this person ran here, she went upstairs, the coolness of the room, look at the air conditioner, opened to twenty degrees, she adjusted the temperature to twenty-four degrees. Tang Tao greeted, you come over to dinner, I guess you must be casually sent off before class again.

He saw the big bag of Qiao Ting, what have you done, such a big bag. Travel.

Qiao Ting's expression was slightly lost, my classmate's, is the most genius, the teacher understands as soon as he says it, much stronger than me, Wan Sister's, she did not take the exam, gave me the information and notes.

Tang Tao looked at Qiao Ting's expression, did not ask why he did not take the test, he could guess the point, he turned away from the topic, eat it, it is almost cold, you like the West Lake lettuce soup, and lotus porridge.

Qiao Ting sat down to eat, it was a little strange, she could digest Wanjie's things now, thanks to Mike, she wondered, why don't you inquire, why didn't she take the exam.

Tang Tao was helpless, this lady was really shaft, people did not ask, he had to say, everyone, every period, there are relatively important things, she must have more important things than the exam, the two interests of the right to choose the weight.

Qiao Ting asked rhetorically, what is more important than the exam.

Tang Tao was helpless, where do I know, I can't ask her.

Qiao Ting put down the spoon and gave birth to a child, this is the top priority, you say yes or no.

Tang Tao instinctively nodded, didn't you say that she was older than you, that of course it was a big deal.

There is nothing wrong with this, but it is older than me, Qiao Ting is a little annoyed, I am very big, my boss is not small, Qiao Ting is a little angry.

Tang Tao sighed, not big, not big, very small, okay, good to eat, okay, people's business, what are you angry about.

Qiao Ting drank porridge and soup, she was a little strange, why did you make porridge and make soup.

Tang Tao was helpless, go to the fire to become it, I didn't think so much, well, little aunt and grandmother, you don't have to lose your temper. You're not happy, I know.

This made Qiao Ting also feel a little unreasonable, she got up, cleaned up the table herself, and then began to meditate, she wanted to mention the exam with Tang Tao, she decided, take the certificate and mention the marriage again.

But if this time can pass, only a few months, if this time can not pass, then, the time is not easy to say, think too much, but also trouble, she is a cheerful personality, has always been to take a step to see a step, do not do too remote planning.

Fall in love with the upper floors – is there a higher reason?

She hesitated how to open her mouth, she was not unaware, this reason, some reluctantly, because this time, she was not sure to get the certificate, if not, this time can not say. There seems to be no deadline. For the first time, she had no confidence in the examination, and the one who was most likely to have lived had to give up.

Thinking of this layer, she sighed, Tang Tao looked at her, what's wrong with you, is it hot, turn down the temperature of the air conditioner, you too, he took the switch and adjusted it to twenty-two degrees.

Qiao Ting finally gritted his teeth, but his eyes did not dare to look at Tang Tao, it seems that she has some words and no faith, it turned out that when she was the vice president, she said at that time, directly superior and subordinate to talk about love, let people doubt professionalism, it is not easy, now she is in the media, they do not have a direct relationship between superior and subordinate, if it is simple to talk about the superior and inferior, now he and her, there is no direct relationship.

I, at last, opened my mouth, I want to discuss with you, I want to get the tax certificate, before considering our marriage, if this year can not pass, next year.

Tang Tao holds the remote control of the air conditioner in his hand, if you can't get by next year.

Joe Ting is under some pressure, I, then just wait. Her voice was unnaturally low, some weak-hearted, some dazed, some helpless.

Tang Tao sneered, what does your marriage have to do with your examination, is this the same thing, what you want to do, when I don't support it, we have known each other for a few years, it is when you are fighting for a position, what you want to do, which one is not 100% supportive of you, wholeheartedly complete you, including, you think of the media, is your words interesting, as if I influenced you to study, are you looking at He Yuanjia is now single, have ideas.

Qiao Ting was surprised, a little angry, you don't talk nonsense, what does this have to do with He Yuanjia, he is him, I am me, I am impossible with him, it is impossible at all. What are you pulling him for.

Tang Tao sneered, is it impossible, then He Yuanjia's sister, He Yijia let you invest in the Confinement Center, are you rich, or contribute, your people, do not stick to other people's cheap, why did you take this pie. Why, isn't it for He Yuanjia, if you become, isn't it a family?

Qiao Ting was a little surprised, this, this, she did not know how to explain, can not say, she was a shareholder of the confinement center, because of Mike, not because Ofijia, Mike owes her, willing to use this way to repay, she did not refuse, because, she was a little cruel to Mike, the things of the year, Mike can say half innocent, she opened her mouth for a while.

Tang Tao looked at her, I said right, you mean this, you think of that diamond returnee, only do not want to offend his sister, only willing to have a bright and just reason to enter and exit the He family, right, you want to break up, just say directly, I do not block your chance to marry the rich, such an opportunity, is not much, there is one, who is willing to throw ah, don't pull any tall reasons, he said, throw the remote control on the sofa, pick up the car keys and bag, slammed the door and left.

Qiao Ting froze for a moment, some did not understand, ten minutes ago, there was still talk and laughter, how to turn the moment, it became like this, he actually said to break up, actually slammed the door and left, she was a little incredible, a little dazed. Momentarily stunned.

A few minutes later, Qiao Ting went to the balcony, saw Tang Tao's car underneath, she was a little strange, what he meant, she suddenly understood, he wanted to see her, would not chase down, or call, look at her attitude, she was relieved, picked up the mobile phone, but hesitated, now say what, if her attitude is unchanged, then how to communicate, she hesitated, Tang Tao's car started.

Qiao Ting was a little sad, a little lost, but there was a voice in his heart, he couldn't hesitate, he made a decision, he had to stick to it, feelings are to see fate, if you blindly accommodate, what is the use. No, can't compromise, thinking of Wanjie's eyes and lonely expression, no, I must first get the certificate and go all out. It was the first big thing, nothing could affect this, nothing, she said softly, nothing.

Fall in love with the upper floor - if you are not afraid of Shen Yunjing laughing at you, the joke is far away

Jiang Hanxing made a good appearance at the first meeting of Yungang, that plan, so that Shen Yunjing has nothing to criticize, some small differences, just the problem of the time node of the work process, she feels that this work plan, the overall no problem, that is, the time can be advanced.

Jiang Hanxing deliberately stressed that Mr. Shen, after all, the construction period is not something we can control, and the following key work is the matter of project bidding, which is nothing more than one company undertaking construction, or two companies.

Shen Yunjing thought about it, the shopping mall part, we arrange people, outside the mall, you are responsible, Jiang Hanxing feels fair.

He happily went to see Peng Dong, Peng Dong for the construction of things, also feel feasible, well, the main body of the building, equal to or we are responsible, so OK, bidding, specific qualifications or something, I let Jiang Chenyang responsible for good, he called in the secretary, you and the financial director Jiang to communicate, develop a plan for the bidding of the Yungang project.

The secretary hesitated, Director Jiang's son will take the college entrance examination next year, he said, this holiday is particularly important, he takes a month's leave, to take his son to go beyond the middle school tuition, his children, only he can manage, he wants to live there.

Jiang Hanxing was surprised, that the promotion rate is extremely high, the management of the militarized devil school, my God, yes, the average person can not bear it, people will start classes on July 15th.

Peng Dong frowned, he went for a month, that financial work, he frowned a little.

The secretary explained, he said, he will come in a moment, and you face to face to ask for leave, let me report first, he looked at the watch, half an hour later came.

The secretary went out, Jiang Hanxing turned his brain, a month, not long and not short, in fact, for the group finance department, since he dared to leave the post, to prove that there would be no problems in the work, the problem was a sudden situation, such as now, Peng Dong directly arranged things, such things, how to dock, this is Qiao Ting's opportunity, he understands in his heart, Jiang Chenyang's people, half are Zheng Dong's original people, older, Peng Dong does not want to move, one is those few, professional ability is good, the second is to discuss things, there is no out of line, the other half is a newcomer If this is the case, it is most appropriate to pave the way for Qiao Ting.

He rolled his eyes, boss, in fact, people's sons college entrance examination, is a lifelong event, since you opened your mouth, you can't not be close to people.

Peng Dong glanced at him, you said lightly, the director of a group, say one month, just one month, okay, but it is painful. However, I can only promise.

Jiang Hanxing said, yes, can only promise, that, you see.

Peng Dong looked at him, do you want to push Qiao Ting. Don't think that Qiao Ting will thank you, she doesn't take your affection at all.

Jiang Hanxing smiled, she was stupid and didn't understand things, but she couldn't have been unaware of the good and the bad, and she would definitely know my good intentions in the future.

Peng Dong hesitated, the opportunity is to be given, can not be too blunt, see what Jiang Chenyang said, if he mentioned, I can nod, if he does not mention, then there is only some work, I directly arrange Qiao Ting.

Jiang Hanxing nodded, the boss is considering the whole thing, boss, then my business, you can't just take care of them, no matter me, Shen Fan has entered the board of directors, I, I am now, this Yungang debut, aren't you quite satisfied.

Peng Dong looked at him, a little happy, you mean to say, your plan, did you get it, if it weren't for the fear of Shen Yunjing laughing at you, the joke is far away, I didn't bother to care about you. I also want my secretary to come forward, your face is quite big.

Jiang Hanxing is not annoyed, yes, I have a few pounds and a few pairs, do you think that her plan is her own, that is also Liyuan Group production is not good, everyone is the same, there is no difference, it will be on the right track, as long as it is not officially opened, you see, every activity of the two sides is a contest between the two groups.

He is a person who understands, understands everything, and has nothing to say about human feelings, but professionally, Peng Dong thought about it, well, I will mention it, you can also listen to it, if there is no problem, just like this.

Jiang Hanxing was very happy, then it was good, I said, the boss can't be eccentric.

He calculated in his heart, Peng Dong nominated, basically no problem, Jiang Chenyang will not say no words, others are more fine, he turned to Qiao Ting, boss, Qiao Ting can complain that you pit her.

Peng Dong asked rhetorically, I pit her.

Jiang Hanxing smiled, you give her a hat is not small, what yuanhuang media manager, can be in the real estate that office, and, the personnel structure, or the original planning department of the real estate, the cost is still hanging under the name of the real estate, she feels that the loss is big, nothing else to say, the original, she is the vice president in the real estate, you can take the total commission, now it is gone, inside and outside, the position has been promoted, but the money is much less.

Peng Dong sneered, it is not you tossing, you and Shen Fan Qiaoting, the three of you, do not know what was wrong that day, together said, it is necessary to separate brand operation, need to start a media company, well, I promised, do not agree to how, such an occasion, you three talk together, I do not give face, this is what she wants, the world does not have two things in the world.

Jiang Hanxing said, we, we and Shen Fan are not the same meaning, forget it, I can't say it clearly, anyway, now Qiao Ting's workload is not smaller than the original, but the money is much less, it is not in line with your principles, more work and more.

Peng Dong smiled, she was promoted.

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