
Han Xueli: Chess meets the opponent's third love floor (11) I am really a very lucky person

Text/Han Xueli

Fall in love with the upper floor – accompany you to see the lotus

Tang Tao is driving, I really can't imagine, you are also fooling around, you are not afraid of killing Jiang Hanxing.

Qiao Ting smiled, no, the two of them really sat at a dinner table, he still ate and drank, he would not be aggrieved at all, but, Tang Zong, who I eat with, no need to ask the leader.

Qiao Ting finished speaking, looking at Tang Tao's face.

Tang Tao was obviously unhappy, as for you, jealousy and eat like this, I looked at Li Fei twice, you ran to eat with Shen Fan, it was too much, you said I can not manage.

Seeing that he obviously had emotions, Qiao Ting sighed, OK, you are still angry, I was a working meal, it could not be done, he asked me out last week, in fact, yuanhuang media, according to the said I owe a personal feeling, I am also strange, he suddenly quite cared for me, strange.

Tang Tao sneered, what can be strange, he can't offend people, you can't become his opponent, he is enough for a Jiang Hanxing, now out of a Li Fei, it is estimated that he is also annoyed, although I don't know what he is bothered about, but obviously he is not polite to Li Fei, even the surface kung fu is too lazy to do, this is not like his style.

He was a little strange, what did the two of them say in English.

Qiao Ting was funny, nothing more than a pleasant cooperation, but it seemed that it was not pleasant at all, and moreover, Li Fei asked him to provide a copy of Yungang's financial system, and he actually asked Li Fei to find the financial secretary on Yungang's side, which was the person arranged by Liyuan.

Tang Tao sighed, his attitude is estimated that Peng Dong frowned, you have not considered why Peng Dong used Li Fei so high-profile, and li Fei's relationship with him is obviously not ordinary, but he has not found out what they have to do with each other. There are not many people in the Peng family in the local area.

Qiao Ting wondered, what is there to consider, the bosses do things, are particularly peculiar thinking, I am too lazy to pay attention, I just need to do my project well, now, for you, let Manager Cao mention the deputy manager is the focus, however, Peng Dong's meaning, you still wait, don't be too hasty, it is estimated that you have some emotions for the cooperation between Wu Accountant and Jiang Chenyang.

Tang Tao nodded, people like you, but also worry about it, things are also very good, follow you, Manager Cao's business, there is no short way, wait, but, knowing this, we must also bring up Old Wu, otherwise, he looks at Qiao Ting, in case you are transferred from your current post, we will be passive.

When he arrived in the county, he did not go directly to the tourist office, but drove to the northwest.

Qiao Ting was a little surprised, didn't he go to the Secretary of Literature.

Tang Tao said, you look at the watch, now this point, less than two o'clock, later, he has the habit of taking a nap, go to the lotus garden, don't go again, this year's lotus has fallen.

Qiao Ting saw on TV, this is another attraction pushed by Li County, Lotus Garden, 10,000 square meters of lake, lotus blossoms, to a lot of photography enthusiasts to go, and then the provincial station also reported, Qiao Ting remembered, or Quanzi hosted that issue, she also deliberately changed the costume, and, showing her recent work, Ling Bo fairy figure, she painted a white lotus, quite difficult, you can see, she is attentive.

Originally, there has been no time, this time, but it is rare to have a chance to see, she immediately changed her happy expression, well, I wanted to come earlier, there has been no time.

She had some hesitation, wearing high heels, she was a tourist shoe when she drove, when she got off, she changed into high heels, but the mood was still happy, this point, there are really few people watching the flowers, there is no one, and Tang Tao walked and stopped, if you don't consider foot pain, you really want to walk along the lake, all down. The sun wasn't too hot, the wind was blowing, and it was rarely refreshing. The feeling of total heat dissipation.

Took a few photos with the mobile phone, the angle has a very good selection, she is quite satisfied, she took a lotus, Tang Tao took two photos of Qiao Ting, she looked at the flower, just like a child, with a simple love, Qiao Ting thought, or to thank him for having a heart, Qiao Ting's mood is much better, he took two photos of Tang Tao, sent it over, and then deleted it on his mobile phone, Tang Tao frowned, as for you, there are still people who move your mobile phone, I have your photo on my mobile phone.

Qiao Ting looked at him and wanted him to delete it, but it was estimated that it was useless. Tang Tao looked at his watch, forget it, go to the Director of the Bureau first.

Qiao Ting sighed, if it is good to be in this day, it is possible not to eat, this is really beautiful and delicious.

When she got out of the car, Qiao Ting opened the makeup mirror and began to make up her makeup, her face was a little red, but she rarely had patience and fine makeup.

Tang Tao sighed, as for it, it is not unfamiliar, everyone is old acquaintance, he is the one, there is only money in his eyes, now there is only a task, you see, the cultural tourism festival in September, is the focus, the spokesperson is looking for a good, this year's county liberal arts and science champions, there is Quanzi.

Qiao Ting suddenly had a clever move, you said, Li Fei is not good to participate.

Tang Tao was a little surprised, you don't think that this spokesperson is a beautiful temperament, on temperament she is much more powerful than Quanzi, but can she cooperate with those propaganda activities, and take the time to socialize, you don't underestimate this socializing, Quanzi is quite powerful, can flex and stretch, her social level, not under Jiang Hanxing.

Qiao Ting thought, it is not impossible, but this matter, you and I are not good, I want to think, I let Jiang Hanxing come forward, he sent a few words to Jiang Hanxing text message, and then put away the mobile phone, looked in the mirror, well, we don't mention this matter, Jiang Hanxing and director Wen have a good relationship, see what he means.

For Jiang Hanxing said that Li Fei's move, he would not be idle, and he was interested in things that could give Shen Fan a headache.

Tang Tao had nothing to do, if it were not for Xiang Shu's intention, for the affairs of the secretary of the bureau, he might not be willing to intervene too deeply, but in the end, the director of the engineering bureau of sifangyuan gave it to him, and the checkout has been quite punctual.

The two went upstairs, and the secretary of the bureau asked the secretary to greet them, and Qiao Ting was a little strange, he was so polite.

Tang Tao smiled, rest assured, he would not be polite in vain.

Director Wen is the implementation of the tuition fee issue of the two titles, this Tang Tao is a promise, when will we pay the fee, this is the original Peng Dong approved.

Director Wen said, we want to have an event, he looks at Qiao Ting, Qiao Ting, you see, you can promote your project by the way, Quanzi promised to do a program, good for everyone.

Qiao Ting nodded, you see how to arrange, we all cooperate, I let Rong Yu contact you.

The Director of Culture and Culture has taken this event as the launching event of the Cultural Tourism Publicity Festival.

Qiao Ting nodded, OK, according to your meaning, the location of the activity can be placed in the Qingxi Courtyard, very good, we will fully cooperate.

Director Wen nodded, your garden landscape, or good, Li County Governor mentioned, can be used as a point for our exhibition area, this detail, back to us to talk in detail, time is tight and the task is heavy, you can fully support my work.

Qiao Ting nodded, surely, you have something to command. She looked at Tang Tao, Tang Zong, you look at the deputy director of Your Office Rong Yu, responsible for the details of the implementation of the activity, okay.

Han Xueli: Chess meets the opponent's third love floor (11) I am really a very lucky person

Fall in love with the upper floor – she is the angel

In all office occasions, Qiao Ting's address to Tang Tao is always Tang Zong, Tang Tao sometimes admires her adaptation to the environment, it seems that the occasion changes, her expression and tone of voice, completely changed, his name for Qiao Ting, but at any time he calls his name. Some people understand, because Qiao Ting was originally his subordinate, even now, the financial department is directly subordinate to the financial management of the group, but it is also the management of the dotted line.

When he drove back from the county, Tang Taocai explained, your car, I let the driver put it at your house, go back to my place for dinner.

Qiao Ting was a little displeased, and you didn't tell me. I thought in my heart, his driver, looking at the big grin, said anything, but in fact, the real thing, you can't ask a word, he and Xiao Gu in front of Peng Dong, is the opposite style.

Tang Tao is strange, you are angry.

Qiao Ting explained that I have a class today.

Tang Tao is funny, I know, the time is urgent, after eating, I will send you to the good, and then I will go to the uncle for a while, and then go to the school to pick you up, what are you not happy about.

Touched is some touched, but also a little uneasy, why do you have to toss it, you send me to forget it, I will turn back to take a taxi, if you wait for me to get out of class, and then go back to your home, it is more than ten o'clock.

Tang Tao doesn't mind, what is this, these two years are good, our project, a lot of not to pick up, on the right track, I can sleep before twelve o'clock, content, if you take a taxi back by yourself, I can't answer your phone, the heart has not been able to put down, forget it, I would rather send you it.

Qiao Ting can not think so, less than ten o'clock after class, quite early, I worked part-time at school, more than that, good or bad, sometimes, the school door is closed, I will climb over the wall to go in, now good gangsters can also take a taxi, at that time, one is not so many taxis, the second is too expensive, but also reluctant, and then there are bicycles, much better, just started, is to run back.

Mention the past, some sad, but also some joy, the life at that time, in fact, later think about, is also very interesting, every day there are different stories, especially interesting.

When she mentioned the past, Tang Tao was a little curious, and said that you were a lady, and it turned out to be fake.

Qiao Ting smiled, Zhang Liying was a lady, she was dressed in a princess outfit at that time, and how many nights she waited for me to wait for the door, the door of our dormitory, the aunt locked, it didn't matter, she was waiting in the corridor.

Sometimes, she was asleep and never complained about me, saying every time, go up there and don't let your aunt find out. Our code, three long and one short knock, or she learned from TV. In the morning, she called me up, bought me breakfast, I said I don't eat breakfast, she always said, she buys more can not be wasted, in fact, there is a period of time, she is losing weight, is she does not eat, specially for me to run a trip, her person, is really a lady, educated, do not like people, she does not lose her temper, is to ignore people, or to find a teacher to complain, anyway, no one believes that she sues, she always smiles like a flower.

Do you know, I went to The clothes that Big Brother Jiang interviewed, or hers, that dress, I still have it, the thin skirt, which was popular at that time, and the hair was also made by her to help me, so that I could appear bigger, otherwise, a childish face, I would not be able to retry.

Qiao Ting sighed that Zhang Liying was an angel, she was the shadow of an angel and gave it to me.

Qiao Ting sighed a little, a little sadly. My luck has always been particularly good, and then I met Brother Jiang and Peng Dong, and now when I meet you, I am really a person with particularly good luck.

Han Xueli: Chess meets the opponent's third love floor (11) I am really a very lucky person

Falling in love with the upper floors – I'm really lucky guy

At the red light, Tang Tao stopped the car and shook Qiao Ting's hand, some heartache and some feelings, what kind of luck was that kind of luck on such a day.

Qiao Ting nodded, it is really good luck, I have always been lucky, really, Zhang Liying is ah, you are all, the green light Tang Tao continued to drive, he turned away from the topic, do you have any previous photos.

Qiao Ting nodded, there is a big book, Zhang Liying likes photography, does not like to draw, her husband, at that time was still a boyfriend, a few years older than her, went to work, gave her half a salary in January, afraid that she did not have enough pocket money, the Zhang family was very strict, Zhang Liying took the boyfriend's money, bought photographic equipment, very professional, entered our school's photography team, and won the award, she took a lot of pictures for me.

When Tang Tao took Qiao Ting's class and arrived home to see the photos, Qiao Ting took out the album from the drawer, but hesitated again.

Tang Tao wondered, what's wrong with you, I'm afraid I'll see what kind of classmate lover you have.

Qiao Ting blushed, what nonsense, I didn't have that time during college, nor did I have that mood, I still got a graduate school certificate on a blind date.

Then why don't you want me to see, he wonders.

Qiao Ting was a little embarrassed, I was actually more rustic than now, you must laugh, it is particularly silly and rustic.

Tang Tao took the album, and I saw how silly it was. In fact, not as serious as Qiao Ting said, at that time, Qiao Ting, at a glance, was a child, more innocent than the current temperament, simple and naïve, but the unchanged in the eyes is stubborn and firm, there are many photos, one is wearing Hanfu.

Qiao Ting explained that it was Zhang Liying's, and she had a Hanfu team at that time, and she wanted to shoot some Sheng Tang culture.

Qiao Ting is suitable for this kind of clothing, her face shape is a melon face, suitable for ancient clothing, such clothing, her temperament, soft and gentle, long hair thick black and bright, her eyes, rarely quite soft.

There is a picture taken by Qiao Ting in Jiang Hanxing, like the company's collective photo, Jiang Hanxing ten years ago, much thinner than now, at that time, the temperament Sven, now there is no trace.

Tang Tao took a few photos with his mobile phone. Qiao Ting was dissatisfied, oh, it's not pretty, you don't want to shoot, at that time, how silly, I looked at it and felt, especially childish.

Tang Tao looked at Qiao Ting, now than then, he would dress up, and his temperament had completely changed. However, there is no change in the eyes, they are particularly stubborn.

Han Xueli: Chess meets the opponent's third love floor (11) I am really a very lucky person

Qiao Ting said, then, if the person who has not been seen for more than ten years, is not, at first glance, not quite sure that it is me.

Tang Tao nodded, yes, and, feeling, you are also taller than then, anyway, no one dares to confirm.

Qiao Ting thought to himself, why did Mike dare to confirm at first glance, forget it, what kind of person Mike is.

Tang Tao looked at Qiao Ting's expression, you said, you are lucky, right, I also believe, no matter what, as long as you don't want to care, leave it to me.

Qiao Ting smiled, it's okay, I'm not a greenhouse flower, there is nothing remarkable, now is no better than then, then, I was a leaf, now, if I am a tree, a tree.

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