
Ren Hongen: A famous Yu opera artist who came out of a small village in Wen County, the old Ji Futuo, is determined to be in a thousand miles

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Ren Hongen: A famous Yu opera artist who came out of a small village in Wen County, the old Ji Futuo, is determined to be in a thousand miles

In the past two days, a news pushed by Jiaozuo Daily New Media has attracted the attention of many netizens in our city: Ren Hong'en, an actor who is well known for his "unlucky uncle", is actually our Jiaozuo fellow! For many Yu opera fans, "People Cheering horses", "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", "I Love My Father" and so on are must-see classic plays.

The main actors of these classic plays are all a person, he is ren Hongen, a famous Yu opera artist and a national first-class actor who is called "even the pores are dramas" by fans. What is less known is that Ren Hongen and Jiao Zuo are inextricably linked, his hometown is in Wen County, the premiere of "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was in Wen County, and he has cultivated many talents for Wen County, who are still active on the stage.

At noon on April 24, on the way to perform in Xuchang City, Ren Hongen, 77, was interviewed by reporter by phone. In more than an hour, talking about the past and recalling the shining days in the past, Ren Hongen's tone was full of pride and pride. The stage is the life, the art is the soul, and in his life the drama is bigger than the sky.

Learning drama at a young age makes up his own mind In the dark, Ren Hong'en is destined to get along with Yu Opera. Ren Hongen's hometown is in Renyangmen Village, Huangzhuang Town, Wen County, and when he was very young, he lived and studied with his sister in Xuchang City. When Ren Hong'en was 14 years old, the head of the local Yu Opera Troupe went to the school to pick actors, and the teacher recommended Ren Hong'en. At that time, Ren Hong'en brightened his throat and deeply impressed everyone. The leader of the troupe also went to Ren Hongen's home and asked Ren Hongen: "Are you willing to go to the troupe to learn drama?" "Yes." Ren Hong'en answered without hesitation. Without consulting with the adults in the family, little Ren Hong'en handed over his future and destiny to Yu Opera.

That night, Ren Hong'en packed up his clothes. The next day, he said goodbye to his sister and plunged headlong into the world of Yu opera that fascinated him. "Don't hesitate to practice, but worry about it." Recalling his youth self, Ren Hong'en said. Ren Hong'en was a martial arts student at that time, and he practiced for a long time every day than others, and he was practical in his heart.

If you want to sing, you have to sing well, and this belief has taken root in his heart. In the spring, summer, autumn and winter, Ren Hong'en got up at 5 o'clock every day to practice rain or shine. In order to get up on time, he tied a rope to his leg and the other end to the window. In the morning, as soon as the wind blew the window or someone opened it, he woke up.

Then, he went alone to practice kicking, holding the top, lowering the waist, and running round. At that time, the actors of the Beijing Peking Opera Troupe (now merged into the Beijing Opera House) and the Beijing Hebei Zizi Theater Troupe often performed at the grassroots level, no matter how big the horns were, and their performances were the best lessons for Ren Hong'en. As long as he heard that the famous Peking Opera Troupe, Han Opera Troupe, Sichuan Opera Troupe, Yue Opera Troupe and other performances in Henan, Ren Hong'en always had to find a way to see it. Sometimes, he couldn't take off his makeup after the performance, so he rushed to see another troupe perform.

Sometimes in order to learn drama from others, he would buy some souvenirs to give to others. In the troupe, he listened to the teachings of old artists such as Wang Yunsheng, Zheng Lanbo, and Tian Xiuling. "These Yu opera masters were very fashionable at that time." Ren Hongen said. What he said about "fashionable" means that compared with the well-known people in the country in terms of singing, he has been guided by so many teachers with his own heart, and Ren Hong'en's plays are singing better and better.

Before performing a big play, it is necessary to perform a folding play, the main purpose is to heat the scene, and insiders call it mat plays. At the beginning, Ren Hong'en, who was in his youth, was not enough to pick a big beam in the troupe, but he had become the perfect candidate to perform the folding play.

Because he followed the famous artists and learned from the masters, he could perform 7 folding plays a week, and the content of the performances was different. Acting in the folding play allowed Ren Hongen to learn to interact with the audience, and also learned to perform in a funny and humorous way, and the foundation laid by the origami play laid the foundation for his future success. "Uncle Unlucky" Premiered in Wenxian In the hearts of fans, Ren Hong'en's performance is humorous, funny, full of local atmosphere, grounded, and performs the spirit of a small person, just like a cute and cute uncle around us.

Ren Hongen: A famous Yu opera artist who came out of a small village in Wen County, the old Ji Futuo, is determined to be in a thousand miles

Actors and characters are interdependent. Actors use roles to show talent, roles rely on actors to create wonderfully, and good roles will make actors. He is Liu Zide in "People Cheering horses", he is Chang Youfu in "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", he is Zhang Defa in "Confused Pots and Pots", he is Zhao Tiexian in "I Love My Father"... In Ren Hong'en's masterpieces, every character is shaped by him to flesh and blood. However, when it comes to ren Hong'en's role that impresses fans the most, it is often blessed that "unlucky uncle" is often blessed.

In the 1980s, Chang Youfu first appeared on stage. Now that more than 30 years have passed, the artistic image of Chang Youfu still has a strong artistic vitality. You may not think that the premiere of "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was in Wen County.

In 1983, Ren Hong'en became a teacher at Wenxian Drama School. At the Wenxian Drama School, his platoon's "Muddy Pot Smashing Pot" won the provincial award. Later, he rehearsed "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" at the Wenxian Drama School.

Ren Hongen said that the "unlucky uncle" was made of small talk. In the 1960s, the Yu opera "People And Horses" was a great success. When performing in Beijing, the famous writer Guo Moruo once watched 3 times in a row, calling the lead actor Ren Hongen a "talented actor". Once, ren Hong'en and the playwright Qi Fei and others talked about the play "People And Horses Calling" when they were chatting together.

Ren Hong'en said to Qi fei: "After "Chaoyanggou", there is "Chaoyanggou Inner Biography", after "Scroll" there is a sequel to "Scroll", how about we write a sequel to "People Cheering horses"? The hero saw the same thing, and Qi Fei and others expressed their willingness to write a script on the spot. The script for the sequel to "Man Happy Horse Call" was soon released, called "Liu Zi can take office".

"Liu Zi Can Take Office" was performed in WenXian County, and the fame at that time was on par with the movie "Shaolin Temple", and many farmers drove tractors to the county seat to watch the play. Ren Hong'en invited experts from the province to give advice to the play "Liu Zi on Duty", and revised the script according to the opinions of experts in the province, which was later named "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle".

In this way, stepping on the shoulders of "Liu Zide", the "unlucky uncle" turned out to be born. The play was a great success when it premiered in WenXian county, and was required by the provincial party committee to participate in the provincial performance. Unfortunately, because there are two plays to be performed in our city, "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" can only be performed by a foreign Yu opera troupe. When participating in the provincial performance, "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" performed by the Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe won the second prize. Later, "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" became the group's signature play.

Yan Hunzao, a student of Ren Hong'en and director of the Wenxian Cultural Center, said that the premiere of "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was performed in Wenxian County, which is a very proud thing. In 1986, "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was performed in Beijing, and the famous cross-talk artist Ma Ji advertised for it. Wang Meng, the minister of culture at the time, not only went to see the performance, but also invited Ren Hongen and others to the Ministry of Culture as guests and rewarded them with 10,000 yuan for the troupe.

Later, "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was made into a movie and performed for a long time. In 2014, the sequel to "The Marriage of The Unlucky Uncle", "The New Affair of the Unlucky Uncle", was filmed into an opera movie, which had a high "attendance rate" when it was screened in the rural areas of our city. Ren Hongen said that Wen county is his hometown, in Wen county he has a passion for creation, many of his classic works are completed in Wen county.

During his time at Wenxian Opera School, he rehearsed "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", "Borrowing a Wife", "Muddy Pot and Smashing Pot", etc., and cultivated many backbone forces, who are still active on the opera stage. Ren Hongen's wonderful performance on the stage was seen by fans and gave him the warmest applause and cheers.

Countless honors also gave Ren Hong'en a taste of the joy after the struggle. In today's parlance, Ren Hong'en is really soft on getting the award. In 1985, with the role of Chang Youfu in "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", he won the first prize in the first drama competition in Henan Province.

In 1997, he played Zhao Tiexian in the opera film "I Love My Father", which won the 2000 Huabiao Award for Outstanding Film of the Ministry of Culture and the "Five One Project" Award of the Central Propaganda Department.

In 2004, he played Liu Laohan in the opera film "I Love My Grandson", and collaborated with comedian Gao Xiumin, which was well received. The Municipal Yu Theater once invited Ren Hong'en to perform in Jiaozuo, and the performance venue was on the center stage of the City's Dongfanghong Square, and the audience was full.

The old ji was overwhelmed and strong. Until now, Ren Hong'en, who is over seventy years old, has not left the opera stage that he has loved all his life. People are old but their hearts that love Yu opera are not old, and ren Hong'en's love affair with Yu opera is not over.

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