
Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

author:Jia Tingju Opera Art Studio

There is an actor named Ren Hong'en| Wei Youyi [Recommended Reading]

Original Henan Sike Henan Sike 2022-03-13 06:50

First, compete to become a close friend

  I asked Teacher Ren Hong'en, many people know that you are Tang Zhixian in "Tang Zhi County Trial Commandment", Liu Zide in "People Cheering horses", Neng Four Generations in "Mountain Village Merry Han", "Often Unlucky" in "The Marriage of Uncle Unlucky"... Why don't you know your name?

  Ren Hongen said with a bitter smile that in Xuchang he knew what my name was, and when he went to the field, he changed his appearance. As soon as "Gangjiu Sober Wine" was unveiled in Zhengzhou, the audience cheered and said that "Liu Zide" was the branch secretary! Performing "Stone Dream" in Beijing and "Muddy Pot Smashing Pot" in Suzhou, when the audience found out that I was the "unlucky uncle", you don't know how warm the applause was! But I don't understand whether these applause were given to ren Hong'en or to "Liu Zide" and "often blessed" them? From the heart, I want people to know – there is an actor named Ren Hong'en.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Ren Hong'en is a native of Wen County, Henan. Born in Bozhou, Anhui In 1941, he began singing in Xuchang in 1955. In 1960, after the 19-year-old Ren Hong'en won the first prize for the Xuchang Special District Opera Performance in "Tangzhi County's Trial commandments", Ren Hong'en took this play and won a reputation for the newly built Xuchang Yu Opera Second Troupe in the provincial city, and the drama "Peacock Bile" performed in Xinxiang and the Changying Actor Troupe was equally divided, and in Henan, there was a saying of "Ren Hong'en in the south and cattle in the north".

  In 1979, Niu Decao of the Yu Opera Troupe of Hebi City and Wu Bibo of the Second Yu Opera Troupe of Henan Province joined forces to present the 30th anniversary of the founding of New China with the play "Tangzhi County Trial Commandments" and won the grand prize. Xie Tian, a famous film director who is well aware of "Southern Ren and Northern Cattle", seized this opportunity and specially met with Ren Hong'en when he came to Henan to prepare for the filming of the opera film "Seven Pin Sesame Officials", listened to him talk freely about the performance experience of "Tangzhi County Trial Commandment", and left An ink treasure for Ren Hong'en.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  In Ren Hongen's artistic career, although he and Niu Decao, Ma Ji, Yang Lanchun, Chang Xiangyu, etc., have had such and such competitions, but "no fight, no deal", competition into close friends, is Ren Hongen's virtue and way of doing business.

  When the Chinese radio rap troupe led by Ma Ji performed in Henan, it was also impacted by Ren Hongen's acting. Although Ma Ji did not meet with Ren Hong'en at that time, he felt the weight of "masters in the folk" and remembered Ren Hong'en, an extraordinary actor, saying that he would definitely meet him when he had the opportunity in the future.

  In 1984, when Henan film director Zhao Wenxin invited Ma Ji to shoot the comedy film "Nanyang Rich Man", Ma Ji recommended Ren Hongen to the director and became a good buddy. In 1986, as soon as Ren Hongen's "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" was staged in Beijing, Ma Ji immediately spoke out in the Beijing Daily: "... To be honest, as cross-talk actors, we think all the time about how to make people laugh, and there are not many opportunities to really make us laugh. This play makes me laugh, laugh comfortably, laugh happily, laugh inspired, laugh and make me learn things..."

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Collaborated with famous cross-talk actor Ma Ji (first from left) to shoot the movie "Nanyang Rich Man"

  In 1965, Xu Changyu Opera Second Troupe rehearsed "People Cheering horses and calling", which was selected by Henan Province to participate in the Central and Southern District Opera Observation and Performance Conference. The province also adjusted the actors in the play, and Liu Zide, played by Ren Hongen, was not replaced. In the play, Uncle Wu was replaced by Wang Shanpu, the "bolt treasure" of the provincial third regiment; Wu Da Niang, was replaced by Chang Xiangyu, the president of the Henan Yu Theater; Xu Fugui was replaced by Liu Ling, the director and actor of the provincial third regiment; and Xiao Qin in the play was replaced by Wei Yun, the "silver ring" of the provincial third regiment. The play was unveiled in the Central and Southern District and received rave reviews. Tao Zhu, the first secretary of the Central and Southern Bureau, said with great excitement: "Originally, I was worried that there would be no good drama, and Henan's "People And Horses Shouting" would not be a good drama! Tao Zhu specifically praised Ren Hongen, saying that he had brought Liu Zide to life, which was "living self-reliance."

  As soon as the play was filmed in Xi'an, the opera of the same name was filmed, and it rushed to Beijing to perform non-stop. Guo Moruo not only watched it 3 times in a row, but also invited Chang Xiangyu and Ren Hong'en to his home as guests. Guo Lao praised Ren Hongen and said: "Looking at your performance on the stage, thinking that you are an old man in your fifties and sixties, I didn't expect that you were still a young man with fluff, you are really a genius actor!" ”

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Ren Hongen (fourth from left) and Yu opera performing artist Chang Xiangyu (third from left) pose for a performance of "Wish" in Beijing

  In the crew of "People And Horses Calling", Chang Xiangyu is undoubtedly the most famous actor. But I have to say that Ren Hong'en overshadowed any actor in this play. Chang Xiangyu once said to Ren Hong'en, "Hong'en, you can do everything and take away all my plays." I have never played a supporting role with anyone in my life, that is, I have given you a supporting role. But this "competition" between Ren Hong'en and Chang Xiangyu has made their feelings deeper.

  The relationship between Ren Hong'en and Chang Xiangyu has always been very good. On the CCTV stage to celebrate the first Teachers' Day, Chang Xiangyu, Ren Hongen and Xiao Xiangyu jointly performed an opera sketch.

Second, the peasant sentiment of the first world

  Ren Hong'en is definitely a big name in opera film and television. But his outfit was too earthy, with a crewneck shirt and big pants in the summer, and an old cotton jacket and a masked hat in the winter. Some people said that he was like an old farmer, and he smiled and said, "I am so happy to say that I am an old farmer!" ”

  Ren Hong'en is the son of a farmer. The rural life in his hometown in Wenxian County as a child made him form a deep friendship with the countryside and farmers, and also consolidated his life foundation for artistic performance. An expert told him that your carefree, attentive, and even crazy play in the countryside is your best experience of life...

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Going to the countryside to perform, the audience is crowded

  In April 1964, on the eve of the performance of "People And Horses" again in the provincial city, the relevant parties arranged for all the crew to go to Huangzhuang in Chencheng County to experience life. On the bumpy dirt road, Ren Hong'en saw the blue wheat fields outside the window and imagined them. Ren Hongen said: "I was thinking at that time, there are no people in ten miles and eight miles, how far do farmers have to run to cultivate the land? Thinking about the peasants sweating, wearing stars and wearing the moon, kissing every inch of the land here day after day, I suddenly had a kind of reverence, love, and pity for the peasants that I had never had before, which was also the source of my strength to praise the peasants and act for the peasants all my life. ”

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Played Liu Zide in "People Cheering horse calling"

  "People Cheering horses" made a good start, and then in a series of rural and peasant dramas such as "Gangjiu Sober Wine", "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", "The Wind and Flow of the Mountain Village", "The Dang Family of Wang Jiawan", "Confused Pots and Pots", Ren Hongen is the actor of the number one character in the play. Ren Hong'en said that if I sometimes can't enter the role, I think of my father's smoking appearance, and I quickly "enter" the play. Using his father's smoking to find the character image is not only a method and skill, but a deep love for the peasants that is deep in the bones...

  When reform and opening up and foreign culture surged in, some unclassified, hip-hop fast food culture and garbage culture became the mainstream of cultural entertainment. At this time, the actors went to the sea, the theater could not make ends meet, and when the opera stage was full of depression and was called "sluggish" by experts, Ren Hong'en did not believe in this evil. He said that we are a big agricultural country, the peasants are the majority, that is, the residents of the city, most of the three generations of Shangcha are also from the countryside, and their nostalgia for the countryside and the peasants is irreplaceable, as long as they step on the hot spots of society, I do not believe that no one is watching.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Stills from "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle"

  In 1986, the performance of "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" in Beijing was unprecedented for Henan Yu Opera.

  The invitation of the Xu Changyu Opera Troupe to Beijing was originally performed by the Beijing Municipal Government to celebrate the "August 1st" Founding Day and to offer condolences to the troops stationed in Beijing. Before the 5 performances for the troops were over, the news of "Henan Opera Is Good" caused a sensation in Beijing. First, the "People's Liberation Army Daily", followed by the "People's Daily", "Guangming Daily", "Beijing Daily" and other media rushed to report.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

At the first China Arts Festival, "Stone Dream" was performed, and Wang Meng (first from left), then minister of culture, received the cast and crew

  After Wang Meng, who was the then minister of culture in a foreign country, heard about it, he returned to Beijing early to watch the performance, and the next morning he invited Ren Hong'en to be a guest at the Ministry of Culture, and also gave him a heavy award.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

Played Chang Youfu in "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" (first from the left)

  To what extent is "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" popular in Beijing? The people waiting for the refund at the entrance of the theater were hungry and hard to find; CCTV and Beijing Television broadcast live performances at the same time, and shops on the street simply moved their television sets outside the door to satisfy pedestrians. But when it comes to the past life of the play, it is a wave of three twists and turns, almost premature...

  In 1980, Ren Hong'en, Qi Fei and Tian Gengshen, three Xuchang actors, participated in the filming of Henan's first TV series "Red Army Cave". When they have nothing to do at night, they talk and play poker. They talked about the Henan opera "Chaoyanggou Waichuan" and "Qin Xianglian's Later Biography", and Ren Hongen "hissed" when he threw the cards: "Qi Fei, you love to write so much, give us Xuchang's "People Happy Horse Calling", and also write a sequel." ”

  Ren Hong'en said casually, and Qi Fei seemed to have accepted a heavy responsibility. But I am worried that I am not an original author, and it is not easy to start. Ren Hong'en can do a good job in the work of the first author Liu Xinian and the second author Li Shuxiu. As a result, the first author withdrew from the jianghu, and Qi Fei joined forces with the second author, Li Shuxiu, and soon wrote a sequel to "People Cheering horses", which is the predecessor of "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle" - "Liu Zi on Duty".

  "Liu Zi can take office" was staged in Xuchang, overshadowing the movie "Shaolin Temple" that was being released in Xuchang at that time. Later, this play also encountered opposition from different levels and was once stranded.

  After Ren Hong'en and Qi Fei went to the provincial capital and changed the script to "The Marriage of Uncle Unlucky", they not only broke off their relationship with "People Cheering and Horses Calling", but also took advantage of the gap when the Xuchang Prefectural Committee was facing revocation and the Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe had been revoked, and went to Ren Hongen's hometown Wenxian Drama School, where "The Marriage of Uncle Unlucky" was rehearsed for the first time.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  The unfortunate uncle of the play is often blessed, and Ren Hong'en is the only one who takes the lead. In the play, Wei Shulan selected Cui Yurong, the winner of the first prize of the Henan Provincial Young Actors Grand Prix of the drama school. Hou Circle in the play, played by Ai Li. Ai Li is a martial arts actor taught by famous teachers in Peking Opera, who used to play the roles of Yue Fei, Lu Wenlong, and Hong Changqing, and he refused to perform such pickled horns as Hou Circle, and it was Ren Hongen and Qi Fei who forced him to act, which made him brilliant "Pickled Horns" of "Hou Circle" and "Kata luo".

  In 1985, Xuchang completed the withdrawal of land and established a city, and encountered the provincial opera performance. Therefore, after three times Wen County invited ren Hong'en to return, he decided to participate in the province's opera performance with the play "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle".

  Tang Yuying, the teacher who plays Wei Shulan, is the first actor in Henan Province to win the "Plum Blossom Award" in the opera. The Plum Blossom Award has a rule that "the age is generally not more than 45 years old". Ren Hong'en had already been informed that he had won the award, but later in the archives of the Chinese Dramatists Association, he was found to be more than half a year old and was blocked out.

  "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", which returned from Beijing, immediately caught fire in the province. Many theater owners found Ren Hong'en and said, save us, we can't pay our wages! Several theaters also started a lawsuit in order to win the Xu Changyu Opera Troupe to act.

Third, ruling and creating brilliant achievements

  At the beginning of 1986, after Xuchang completed the withdrawal of land and the establishment of a city, the original Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe was officially renamed Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe. Ren Hong'en is the first secretary and head of the Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe, and Ai Li is the deputy head of the troupe.

  Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe has a staff of 80 people, directly under the leadership of the Xuchang Municipal Bureau of Culture, and is a subsidy unit for the difference in undertakings. At that time, the cast was neat and complete, most of them were young and middle-aged actors, they were Ren Hongen, Tang Yuying, Ai Li, Qiao Junming, Zhang Fusheng, Su Zhaolin, Cui Yurong, Lu Chengzhu, Song Fuyu, Liu Fude, Zheng Xiuling, Wang Yaqin, Liu Caixia, Ma Wenhua, Wang Fazhen, Wang Gui, Li Gaiqin, Huang Liyang and so on. Ren Hongen, Ai Li and director, music design is Du Legal, stage art is Yang Zhenling. This new posture of the little devil is like the regional Yu Opera Second Troupe of that year.

  Qiao Junming, the lead actor of the troupe and director of the office, said that Ren Hongen's prestige among the masses was high, and whenever he spoke, no one interjected, he was listening carefully. Ms. Du Ping, former deputy director of the Xuchang Municipal Bureau of Culture and a famous choreographer, said: Even after I retired, I was pondering that when Secretary Ren Hong'en and the head of the regiment picked shoulders, they never directly criticized people, but why could they still do their work so well.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  Ren Hong'en does not have a director for rehearsal, and to use him and Ai Li to concurrently serve as directors is to encourage all cast members to base themselves on their own duties and look at the overall situation with the attitude of director and master. Ren Hongen said that the growth of actors cannot rely solely on the teacher's teaching and directing, but the key is to rely on their own "enlightenment". Only when you have realized it and digested and absorbed it, you are your own. He rarely has the final say, but vigorously advocates expressing his own opinions, improving himself in arguments, and achieving unity in arguments, and no matter how fierce the arguments are, no matter how ugly they are, they will not go to their hearts.

  Some experts said that the three troupes of provincial Yu opera are strong actresses, and in the "five starring roles" of Gao Jie, Ma Lin, Wang Shanpu, Wei Yun, and Liu Lanfang, actresses account for 4. In addition to Ren Hongen, Ai Li, Qiao Junming, Zhang Fusheng, Su Zhaolin, Lu Chengzhu, Wang Fazhen, Huang Liyang, etc., are all top stars. Why do these actors grow up so fast? Because Ren Hong'en encouraged everyone to be a director, "conniving" to argue one by one. Actresses love face more, male actors dare to argue, and slowly in the cast of Xu Changyu Troupe, a pattern of "male strength and female weakness" has been formed, and the plays that rely on this collective wisdom and collective efforts are more vivid, more vivid and more vital.

  Qi Fei's script was well written, and even better, he met the Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe led by Ren Hong'en. Good drama is all grinding, grinding drama depends on arguments, a script, scrambling, changing back and forth, it is this "secondary creation" of the actors that makes Qi Fei "fly" higher and farther, and the troupe is becoming more and more popular. Once the troupe performed in other places, Ai Li heard the cooker say that "people to the temper of the guest to the goods, the old cow to the wheat straw stack" is very fresh, and it is also very suitable for his own role in the "Mountain Village Wind And Flow man" Film Luo, several people discussed and decided, Ai Li said it in the performance of the night, and immediately caused the audience to applaud!

Fourth, look forward to Ren Paili

  Henan Yu opera is the largest local drama genre in the country. Elegant and popular, there are many genres, and there are huge audiences throughout the country and even overseas.

  From the 1950s and 1960s, the "six famous Dans" Chang Xiangyu, Chen Suzhen, Cui Lantian, Ma Jinfeng, Yan Lipin, and Sang Zhenjun appeared on danjiao in Henan Yu opera, and were called the Changpai, Chenpai, Cuipai, Mapai, and Sang factions of Yuju opera, respectively. The four people who appear in other trades, Li Sizhong, Niu Decao, Tang Xicheng, and Wang Sujun, are also known as the Li School, Niu School, Tang School, and Wang School of Yu Opera, which are currently recognized as the ten major schools of Yu Opera.

  In the decades following the ten major genres of Yu opera, some well-known performing artists have also emerged in Yu opera. From all aspects, Ren Hong'en should be one of the most contributing and influential Yu opera performance artists in this period.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  The reason why Ren Hong'en's greatest contribution is because after the ten major schools, Ren Hong'en created Tang Cheng in "Tang Zhi County Trial Commandment", Liu Zide in "People Cheering horses", Gang Jiu in "Gang Jiu Sober Wine", Chang Youfu in "The Marriage of the Unlucky Uncle", Wang Run in "Stone Dream", Neng Four Generations in "Mountain Village Wind And Flowing Han", and Wang Tu Billet in "Wang Jia Wan As a Family". This is the same as Ye Hanyan in Chen Suzhen's "Luoyang Bridge", Hua Mulan in Chang Xiangyu's "Mulan", Dou Shi in Cui Lantian's "Peach Blossom Temple", Mu Guiying in Ma Jinfeng's "Mu Guiying Hanging Commander", Qin Xuemei in Yan Lipin's "Qin Xuemei", the White Lotus Fairy in Sang Zhenjun's "White Lotus", Bao Gong in Li Sizhong's "The Case of Beauty", Tang Cheng in Niu Decao's "Tang Zhi County Trial Commandment", Tang Xicheng's Li Shimin in "Three Weeping Halls", and Pan Bizheng in Wang Sujun's "Chen Miaochang", all of which are original characters that cannot be copied and surpassed.

  "Eat dumplings and eat stuffing, watch the drama and watch the Dan", which is a common feature of Henan Yu opera and other dramas. Feng Jihan, deputy director of the Henan Provincial Bureau of Culture, affirmed the "Twelve Famous Dans" in "A Preliminary Study of the Flow of Yu Opera", the "Five Famous Dans" that first appeared in the first opera observation performance in Henan Province in 1956, until the "Six Famous Dans" that were later positioned, and the new "Ten Famous Dans of Yu Opera" headed by Zhang Baoying show that Danjiao has always been the protagonist of Yu Opera.

  The plays of Li Sizhong, Niu Decao, Tang Xicheng, and Wang Sujun of fei danjiao are basically in contrast with Danjiao. Wang Sujun, the founder of Wang Pai, said more modestly: "Our raw characters are to play for Dan characters."

  The Xuchang Yu Opera Troupe led by Ren Hong'en completely broke this pattern, in which he not only became the number one character, but also brought out a troupe dominated by a group of male actors. Regardless of the province or outside the province, regardless of the downtown and rural areas, it can make thousands of audiences and fans of the opera drunk and watch the drama at a group of "masters", which is his subversion of the pattern of opera performance.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  Is the character played by Ren Hong'en ugly? Is it raw? Or is it somewhere between a harlequin and a raw horn? Although the current conclusion is still inconclusive, the emergence of this phenomenon itself is his innovation and contribution to the prosperity and development of Yu opera.

  Ren Hongen's performance comes from a deep foundation in life and has his unique artistic innovation. He can make full use of the "four skills" of the opera "singing, thinking, doing and playing" and the "five methods" of "hand-eye-body method", and the details of life full of interest have been processed through natural exaggeration, and even dozens of times exaggerated artistic processing. It can make people can't help but laugh, but also make people feel humorous and subtle. The famous film and television writer Li Zhun commented on the "Stone Dream" starring Ren Hongen, saying that the peasant Wang Run, played by Ren Hongen, can make people laugh and cry, and is an artistic masterpiece with endless memories and elegant classics.

  Ren Hongen's singing voice, high pitched and bright, free of passion, humorous and witty, retracted and relaxed, the combination of its true and false voices, natural and smooth, without traces, and the more up the fuller, many experts are amazed. Yang Lanchun listened to Ren Hong'en's singing voice that "the spring breeze blows intoxicating people", and said: "This cargo has this voice!" Li Zhun also said in the article "Opera Spring": "Comrade Ren Hongen's singing voice is natural and smooth, suppressed and frustrated, high-pitched and low-pitched, stretched freely, and the character and environmental atmosphere are very appropriate." Through this play, the male singer of Yu opera enters a broad and smooth road."

  Ren Hong'en's confession is also a must. According to the plot and the character's ideological personality, he cleverly uses logical accents to accurately express the inner world of the characters. For example, "Liu Zide": "Relatives and friends, do not appreciate it!" "Blessed are always": "The size is in the middle, the size is in the middle!" "Black child, you can still say a white nih!" "Airplanes. You see now people can really, what time is it, still flying in the eyes of the clouds. "The same is a sentence, as soon as he says it, it is vivid, funny, tasteful, and dramatic...

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  In his stage career of more than half a century, Ren Hong'en pioneered the comedy genre of Yu opera. He said that talking amusingly, anyone will. I am exaggerating the fleeting material of life several times, dozens of times, and turning it into a full-flavored comedy. In July 2017, at the "Henan Provincial Opera comedy performance talent training class" held in Xuchang, Ren Hongen taught the theory and experience of comedy, and had a large number of teaching and counseling of performance practice, which is undoubtedly the affirmation of Ren Hong'en's comedy genre by the Provincial Department of Culture.

  The reason why Ren Hong'en has the greatest influence is because Ren Hong'en not only has great popularity and a huge audience among the people, but also Ren Hong'en's art is fully affirmed by all aspects.

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

  Ren Hong'en's performing arts, unpretentious, not showy, not mocking, fascinating, naturally make people laugh, and the aftertaste is endless. The famous writer Zhang Yigong said in the opera commentary: "He does not show off gimmicks at all in the play, nor does he sensationalize at all; instead, he strictly starts from life and serves to express the theme of the play and shape the character image." Every laugh he makes the audience laugh has a specific thought meaning. ”

Ren Hong'en inside and outside the play

The author of this article is with Ren Hong'en (right).

  Yu opera, which has a long history, should not lack leading figures in every historical period. Ren Hong'en is recognized as the most charismatic comedy performance artist after the ten major genres of Yu opera, and he also has all the conditions for establishing a school. Including Liu Haigong, Zhang Li, Dong Xuemin, Li Jianzhong, Wei Ji'an, Shi Jinhe, Zhang Rui, Huang Hua, Wang Ke, Zhang Xuan, Jin Xiaobing, Zhao Jinyin, etc. from the Provincial Yu Opera Troupe, an Anyang Yu Opera Troupe, Shandong Caoxian Yu Opera Troupe, and Xu Changyu Opera Troupe, are the inheritors of Ren Hongen's art. (The pictures and photographs in this article are provided by Cui Yurong)

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