
Are people with autism born artists? They are simply expressing themselves in ways other than words

There is such a group of children, who are rich in heart but unwilling to communicate with others, always sinking into their own unique world, they are blind to the things around them, lack of normal emotional response, accompanied by different degrees of language barriers. They are known as the "children of the stars" – children with autism.

But in their world, there is also a lot of beauty.

Although these "children of the stars" are not good at words, because of their sensitivity to music and color, they have more potential and creativity in music and painting, and they can usually use music and paintings to let everyone see their rich and colorful inner world.

Are people with autism born artists? They are simply expressing themselves in ways other than words
Are people with autism born artists? They are simply expressing themselves in ways other than words

Moreover, when autistic children are interested in certain contents, they are often simple and focused, which can create achievements that are amazing to ordinary people.

Liu Mingkang, at the age of 7, was diagnosed with autism and severe dyslexia, but he began to learn piano with his mother and could play many world famous songs in less than a year. When Richard Clayderman toured China, he also chose Liu Mingkang to play on the same stage.

Xiao Dai, who was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3, accompanied his mother to tao di parent-child class at the age of ten, and as an "auditor", he learned all the tracks in the class after a year. Since then, he has begun to contact more instruments, and now he has mastered a variety of instruments such as pottery flutes, pianos, gourd wires, etc., obtained different grade certificates, and won many awards.

Zhu Deyong, a famous cartoonist in Taiwan, suffered from mild autism since childhood, could not communicate with people as a child, and could only express the world in his heart through comics, and later gave birth to his masterpieces such as "Double Cannon" and "Shibu Girl", which has a large number of loyal readers. Zhu Deyong said, "I close myself, I am alone." Don't let the outside world disturb you, so you can have your own works. ”

Artist Michael Tolson Robles, who realized his autism in his fifties, has spent 9 years creating a large number of works of art without formal art direction. He believes that autism is his inner artist, so he is reluctant to take credit to himself, painting is his way of expressing his inner world, and these works are gifts from fate.

△ Michael Tolson Robles works

In recent years, bringing art into the lives of children with autism has become a new rehabilitation-assisted activity. Autism cannot be cured for life, but through painting and music, children with autism can improve their comprehension and perception ability and express emotions positively.

Xiao Dai's mother said that learning music has changed Xiao Dai a lot, from a timid, cowering, and non-communicative state to being willing to take the initiative to express herself, more sunny and cheerful. When accompanied by an instrument, there is always a smile on your face. Although his language skills are still not good, music has allowed him to walk out of his own world.

And more netizens have also obtained "healing" in Xiao Dai's story and smile.

Everyone has their own planet, but art can cross everything and become our language, connecting us together. Fortunately, there is art that can make the "children of the stars" shine.

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