
laughed numbly, and after getting the money, he finished spending "more than 1,000 upside down" in Fat Donglai, commenting on the fryer

author:Basketball Rain Brother

In the face of this sudden "noodle door" turmoil, Fat Donglai's response can be described as witty, decisive and sincere.

They first offered a huge reward of 100,000 yuan to report food safety problems, and took the initiative to ask Ying to accept social supervision, which not only resolved the public's dissatisfaction, but also created favorable public opinion for the brand's name. The "1,000 yuan refund" plan launched this time has achieved the ultimate in crisis management.

laughed numbly, and after getting the money, he finished spending "more than 1,000 upside down" in Fat Donglai, commenting on the fryer

Fat Donglai knows how sensitive consumers are to benefits, and the strength and sincerity of refunds are enough to make everyone's eyes shine.

Many netizens half-jokingly said that "I was tempted by the refund so that I don't want it", and went to get the refund one after another. Aren't these consumers taking action to support Fat Donglai? They voted with their feet and gave Fat Donglai trust and support.

laughed numbly, and after getting the money, he finished spending "more than 1,000 upside down" in Fat Donglai, commenting on the fryer

It's easy to get money back, but it's hard to win back people's hearts. Fat Donglai is well versed in the way of management, and knows that the trust of customers can be measured by 1,000 yuan.

While refunding the customer, they did not forget to do a good job of service, patiently answered the questions of the customers who queued for 3 hours, and exchanged their sincerity for the customer's understanding. Some diners who received refunds willingly spent their money back on Fat Donglai. This feeling cannot be calculated by money.

In the face of the crisis, Fat Donglai dared to face the problem, took the initiative to take responsibility, responded to public concerns with the greatest sincerity, and was worthy of the service concept of "customer-oriented". They used their actions to interpret what it means to "know the strength of the grass in the wind, and know the sincerity of the minister". Compared with those merchants who can only deny and pass the buck in case of trouble, Fat Donglai is eye-catching.

laughed numbly, and after getting the money, he finished spending "more than 1,000 upside down" in Fat Donglai, commenting on the fryer

Fat Donglai's crisis public relations is very clever, which not only dissipates public sentiment, but also wins brand reputation, and also drives in-store consumption. This combination not only has an immediate effect on brand promotion, but also helps to restore consumer confidence and reshape the brand image. Its ability to respond to crises is truly impressive.

"If a person is not a sage, he can do no wrong."

Consumers should also look at Fat Donglai with a more tolerant and rational attitude. Some netizens questioned that "1,000 yuan refund just wants to calm things down", which is inevitably biased. Problems are inevitable in enterprises, and the key is to see how they respond and how to rectify them. Fat Donglai can have the courage to take responsibility, sincerely apologize, take a step back and open the sky, this kind of bold-minded and sincere performance deserves more understanding and support from consumers.

laughed numbly, and after getting the money, he finished spending "more than 1,000 upside down" in Fat Donglai, commenting on the fryer

The turmoil of "Noodles Door" gradually subsided, and Fat Donglai handed over a surprising answer. They use sincerity to earn respect and actions to regain trust, and crisis management can be described as textbook.

I want to say: even if something unpleasant happens, you don't have to stand so far. As long as Fat Donglai can draw inferences from one another, learn from the pain, and believe that "the face is ruthless and the people are affectionate", Fat Donglai will be able to be reborn and achieve better results. What do you think? Feel free to leave a message to share your insights!