
Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

author:Yangxin Financial Media Zhai Chengxin

March is the season of spring and warm flowers, but a sudden epidemic broke the tranquility of Yangxin, and with the order of four "standstill", Yangxin launched a battle of epidemic prevention and control and annihilation. The epidemic situation is an order, And Guan Lianwei, director of the office of Yangxin Caijin Group, as a retired soldier and a communist party member, resolutely went to the epidemic line and actively joined the epidemic prevention and control battle.

Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

Race against time and build an air film laboratory at a rapid pace

On the evening of March 14, Yangxin Caijin Group received the task of docking the installation and support work of the "Dean Reddy Air Film Laboratory" rapid inspection project, and as the director of the group office, he joined the working group for the first time. Due to the high requirements of laboratory construction conditions, he entered a 24-hour working state, stationed on the front line day and night, followed the laboratory construction personnel to a number of sites for on-site inspection, and finally the air membrane laboratory was selected at the Jiulonghu Stadium.

Laboratory construction time is tight, the task is heavy, in the case of shortage of personnel, he and other personnel of the installation and support working group, quickly put into the cleaning and handling of sports equipment, through the coordination and cooperation with the county armed forces department, power supply company, Unicom company, fire brigade and other units, nucleic acid testing point supporting network equipment room, autoclave room, medicine garbage room and other 5 sets of board rooms were built in advance, all laboratory equipment installed in place. In just over a day, the "Dean Reddy Air Film Laboratory" rapid inspection project was officially launched, ensuring the smooth progress of the county's on-site nucleic acid testing work.

Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

There is a force called "I am a party member I go first", in the case of insufficient construction personnel in the air membrane laboratory, he and his colleagues in the group threw themselves down to join the construction team, practiced the responsibility of party members with their own words and deeds, stood out in the epidemic prevention and control battle, walked out, did not timid, did not shrink back, used strong party spirit to snipe the epidemic, always showed the courage and responsibility of retired soldiers, and let the party flag fly high on the battlefield of the epidemic.

Fight against the virus and draw the square cabin isolation point on the spot

Following the completion of the Dean Reddy Air Film Laboratory, Caijin Group received the task of preparing to build the Binyang Logistics Cabin Isolation Point. Guan Lianwei resolutely charged at the forefront of the team, rushing wherever he needed it.

Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

Consciously carry the responsibility on your shoulders. He served in the army for 12 years, strict military training allowed him to have excellent physical fitness, continuous shaft rotation for more than ten days, never dropped the chain. He took the initiative to become the "transit station" of the construction task of the cabin isolation point, not only to receive the instructions of the leader and other construction units, but also to do a good job of task scheduling for the entire team to ensure that the construction task is carried out quickly and orderly.

Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

I am keeping the responsibility in my post. In order to ensure that the supply of construction, medical and living materials during the epidemic arrived at the designated place in time, he actively coordinated with the Traffic Bureau, the Epidemic Command, and the Traffic Police Brigade, and handled passes for the aided construction vehicles of the China Construction Fifth Bureau, the Eighth Bureau of China Construction, and the Binzhou Transportation Investment Group, and was on standby for 24 hours a day, and coordinated the operation of more than 400 vehicles at the highway intersection; the construction task of the square cabin isolation point was heavy, the time was tight, and the construction work required a large number of workers, but because the whole staff of Yangxin County was in a static state, there was a serious shortage of personnel. Therefore, he constantly communicated and coordinated with the property and village committees of various communities, and quickly transferred personnel to join the construction of the square cabin. In just a few days, the barren and chaotic land has now been transformed into more than 1,500 neat isolation houses.

Strict epidemic prevention does not miss work. After the construction of the cabin was completed, he and other personnel of the group carried all kinds of security items and equipment in the cabin into place, and in order to ensure the safety of medical staff and staff, they laid artificial turf on the ground of the isolation point of the cabin overnight, avoiding the epidemic prevention and safety hazards caused by the wear and tear of the isolation suit on the cement floor.

Guan Lianwei: Retirement does not fade, and party members bravely take responsibility

He strictly implemented the nucleic acid testing due diligence requirements, organized more than 600 people at the construction site to conduct nucleic acid testing in an orderly manner every day, provided logistical support, and provided sufficient daily necessities for construction workers, medical personnel and volunteers at the isolation point.

Through nearly a month of perseverance and attack, the epidemic situation in Yangxin has been well controlled. Guan Lianwei believes that under the strong leadership of the party and the government, we will certainly be able to win the sniper war of epidemic prevention and control and protect the happiness and well-being of the people.

There are no heroes who fall from the sky, only mortals who stand up, Guan Lianwei told reporters that he is only one of many retrogrades, this is his responsibility as a party member, as long as there is a need, he will continue to insist, as long as there is a need, he will always be! (Zhai Chengxin)