
Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

author:Shangshan said entertainment

In 1971, Changde, Hunan Province ushered in a girl destined to be extraordinary-Qu Ying. She was born into an artistic family, her father worked in the Flower Drum Theater Troupe in the province, and her mother worked in the Art Troupe.

However, Qu Ying rarely felt the warmth of her father's love in her childhood. In her memory, her father was more like a hurried "post station", every time she came home, she would put down her luggage and go out to drink, leaving behind a strong smell of alcohol and a hurried parting.

Despite the lack of fatherly love, Qu Ying's childhood was not all gloomy. In order to support the family, her mother wears many hats, and every night when she comes home, she sings a song to Qu Ying and her brother as a "lullaby".

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

Although such a life is hard, it has also allowed Qu Ying to cultivate a positive and optimistic personality since she was a child. At the age of 15, Qu Ying was admitted to the drama class of Hunan Provincial Art School with her outstanding talent.

However, her proud height of 175cm caused her unexpected troubles. In the environment where southerners are generally short in stature, Qu Ying has become an outlier, and is even ridiculed as a "monster" by her classmates.

Luckily, the school's PE teacher spotted her potential and recruited her to the tennis team. This experience allowed Qu Ying to slowly learn to accept her own differences. After graduation, Qu Ying entered the Provincial Drama Theater.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

However, her tall figure once again stood in her way. On stage, she is either level with the male actor or half a head taller than the other person, which makes it difficult for her to get the right role.

In desperation, Qu Ying turned to the modeling industry. A twist of fate took place quietly at this time. An accidental wall calendar shoot made Qu Ying an instant hit. Her photos have become the façade of various stores, and the reputation of "Zhou Xun in the south, Qu Ying in the north" has spread far and wide.

Qu Ying's name began to be known to more people, and she gradually became the object of invitations from advertisers and directors. From a country girl to the "No. 1 domestic model", Qu Ying has completed a gorgeous transformation with her own efforts.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

However, she may not have thought that this aura not only brought her glory, but also became a double-edged sword on the road of her relationship in the future. Standing at the crossroads of life, Qu Ying's eyes flashed with a vision for the future, but also hidden a desire for love, and a life journey of ups and downs was about to begin.

With the booming modeling career, Qu Ying's acting territory is also expanding. In 1995, the opportunity came - she was selected by the famous director Zhang Yimou to star in the movie "Something to Say".

The role of "An Hong" played by Qu Ying impressed the audience deeply, especially Jiang Wen's affectionate "An Hong I miss you", which became a classic line. The success of this movie made Qu Ying become a new generation of "Mou Girl", and her acting career ushered in the first peak.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

However, fame brings not only applause and praise, but also disturbing scandals. Rumors with Jiang Wen are rampant, although both of them deny it, but this still casts a shadow on Qu Ying's love life.

This is also the first time Qu Ying has experienced the complexity of the entertainment industry. In the modeling career, Qu Ying has also achieved proud results. She participated in the American Top Model Contest and although she only finished runner-up, her performance broke the internal rules of the event and caused a huge sensation.

The crowd cheered for her, believing that she deserved to win the championship. This competition not only enhanced Qu Ying's international popularity, but also raised her status in the modeling industry to a higher level.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

She became the first Chinese female celebrity to appear in the international magazine VOGUE, an achievement that brought her popularity to new heights. However, just when her career was in full swing, Qu Ying's heart began to waver.

She longs for love, for a sincere relationship. This desire gradually influenced her career decisions and laid the groundwork for her later emotional experiences. Qu Ying, who was standing in the spotlight, still had a bright smile, but it was difficult to hide a trace of loneliness in her eyes.

She began to think about whether to continue to focus on her career, or to pursue the love that she longed for. This choice will have a profound impact on the trajectory of her life. Qu Ying's love life is like a marathon full of ups and downs, full of joy, loss, hope and disappointment.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

Her first love was with photographer Zou Xiong. The two met in a shoot, and Zou Xiong not only gave Qu Ying love, but also provided great help to her career. With the help of Zou Xiong's connections, Qu Ying was offered many job opportunities, including magazine shoots and advertising videos.

Gratitude gradually evolved into love, and Qu Ying devoted herself wholeheartedly to this relationship. When Zou Xiong took her home to meet her parents, she agreed without hesitation. Zou Xiong's mother, Qi Guirong, was very satisfied with this tall and beautiful prospective daughter-in-law, and even recommended Qu Ying to star in the movie "Don't Ask Me Where I'm From".

However, when Zou Xiong proposed marriage, Qu Ying, who was on the rise in her career, hesitated. She doesn't want to be bound by marriage and wants to break into a bigger world in the entertainment industry. In the end, the six-year-long relationship ended in a breakup.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

This decision deprived Qu Ying of what may be the most suitable partner in her life, and it also made her relationship start to be bumpy. Soon after the breakup, Qu Ying met the popular singer Luo Zhongxu.

The two fell in love at first sight and quickly fell in love. However, the good times did not last long, and Luo Zhongxu was paralyzed in bed in a car accident. Qu Ying resolutely put down her work and took care of Luo Zhongxu day and night.

Her selfless dedication touched many people, and even took him to the Spring Festival Gala to help him regain attention. However, this sincere feeling failed to keep Luo Zhongxu's heart.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

After recovering, Luo Zhongxu chose a Korean female artist, leaving Qu Ying to lick her wounds alone. The heartbroken Qu Ying worked even harder in her career, but she inadvertently met Li Yapeng.

Attracted by Li Yapeng's literary temperament, Qu Ying once again devoted herself to her feelings without hesitation. She even used her connections to find performance opportunities for Li Yapeng, but she didn't know that this had become an opportunity to push Li Yapeng to others.

When Qu Ying found out about the ambiguous relationship between Li Yapeng and Zhou Xun in the crew of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", her heart broke again. Li Yapeng wrote in his autobiography: "I didn't dare to look at her when she left the crew that day, and looked at Zhou Xun with very resentful eyes.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

This experience left a deep scar on Qu Ying. Repeated emotional setbacks did not make Qu Ying lose hope in love. On the contrary, she seems to yearn more for a sincere affection.

In every relationship, she devotes herself wholeheartedly, as if she wants to make up for the regret of her first love. However, fate always seems to play a joke on her, pushing her to the precipice of love again and again.

Qu Ying's friend Hu Bing saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He advised Qu Ying many times to be cautious about his feelings, but every time he could only watch Qu Ying repeat his mistakes. After the Li Yapeng incident, Qu Ying even spent a sky-high taxi fare to go to Shanghai to find Hu Bing to cry.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

Hu Bing's sigh is not only a pity for Qu Ying's emotional experience, but also a distress for this stubborn woman. Despite the setbacks, Qu Ying never seems to give up on finding true love.

Her emotional experience is like a never-ending marathon, in which she falls, gets up, falls again, and gets up again, never willing to give up the pursuit of love. After experiencing many emotional setbacks, Qu Ying met musician Zhang Yadong.

The two became acquainted because of their musical cooperation, and Qu Ying found Zhang Yadong to help write lyrics when preparing her album. This collaboration became an opportunity for their relationship. Qu Ying seems to have found the shadow of her first love in Zhang Yadong and devoted herself to this relationship.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

In order to express her gratitude to Zhang Yadong, Qu Ying invited him to watch the World Cup together. After returning from this trip, Qu Ying announced the relationship between the two, starting her 11-year infatuation.

Qu Ying's devotion to this relationship is distressing. She did not hesitate to spend a huge amount of money to buy a house, took the initiative to take over the children of Zhang Yadong and his ex-wife, and played the role of a stepmother.

Her dedication seems to want to make up for the regrets of her past feelings, and she also hopes to impress Zhang Yadong with sincerity. However, Zhang Yadong publicly stated that he was an "unmarried".

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

In the face of such a statement, Qu Ying not only did not flinch, but was more determined to impress Zhang Yadong with her sincerity. She seems to use this relationship as an opportunity to make up for her first love, and she does her best to maintain this relationship.

In these long 11 years, Qu Ying has experienced countless disappointments and heartbreaks. Zhang Yadong has been exposed to scandals with other actresses many times, the most eye-catching of which is the rumor with Karen Mok.

Some media exposed a large number of intimate photos of the two, and even the news of entering the hotel together. However, every time in the face of these rumors, Qu Ying always chooses to believe Zhang Yadong, and even takes the initiative to stand up for him.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

Qu Ying's almost persistent infatuation made her friends around her feel distressed. Her friend Hu Bing advised Qu Ying many times to protect herself, but she seemed to be stuck in a quagmire of feelings and couldn't extricate herself.

She put all her energy into the relationship to the point of neglecting her career development. Even in 2016, when Qu Ying was urged to marry on "Venus Show", she still said that she had a stable relationship with Zhang Yadong.

Jin Xing also shouted at Zhang Yadong in the air, telling him to work hard. However, the relationship eventually ended in a breakup. When Qu Ying came out of this relationship, she had spent nearly 20 years of her youth.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

In the past 20 years, her infatuation has only been exchanged for disappointment and heartbreak again and again. Hu Bing could only sigh helplessly as he watched his friend go through all this. Qu Ying's story has become a representative of infatuated women in the entertainment industry, and people can't help but sigh at the cruelty of love.

In her long relationship with Zhang Yadong, Qu Ying's career development has also experienced ups and downs. used to be the "No. 1 model in China", but now he has to face the challenge of career transformation.

Qu Ying tried to transform into a singer and released a solo album. However, this attempt did not achieve the desired results. She put a lot of energy into her music, but she didn't get the expected return.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

This defeat made Qu Ying realize how difficult it is to maintain long-term prosperity in the entertainment industry. In order to maintain her popularity, Qu Ying began to participate in various variety shows. She appeared in shows such as "Variety Show", trying to attract the audience's attention with the image of a "comedian".

This change not only surprised the audience, but also made Qu Ying feel a little helpless. From a high-flying model goddess to a funny role in variety shows, Qu Ying's transformation is embarrassing.

Qu Ying, who lost herself in love, seems to have forgotten her former glory. She focused so much on her feelings that she neglected her career development.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

When she finally came out of the mire of feelings, she found that her career was not as good as before. Qu Ying's experience tells us that while pursuing love, we should not forget ourselves.

Balancing love and career is a huge challenge for everyone. Qu Ying's story has become a warning to many people, reminding us not to completely lose ourselves in our relationships.

Today, Qu Ying, who is over half a hundred years old, still maintains her enthusiasm for life. Despite the ups and downs of her career and relationships, she was not defeated. Instead, she started a new chapter in her life.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

It is understood that Qu Ying is now in a relationship with an outsider and takes care of the other party's children. She seems to have found a new direction in life and formed a small family full of joy.

Although she is no longer the radiant "No. 1 domestic model", she is still trying to try all kinds of new things. Qu Ying's experience tells us that while pursuing love, we should not forget ourselves.

Her story is both a legend of infatuation and an allegory of self-loss and rediscovery. In any case, we should applaud her for her courage and strength.

Qu Ying, the No. 1 model in China, has been infatuated for nearly 20 years after missing her first love, and her friend Hu Bing can only sigh

Qu Ying used her own experience to interpret the true meaning of life: no matter what setbacks you encounter, you must continue to move forward bravely.

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