
The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

Parents now seem to be very happy to let their children enter the small class set up in the kindergarten in advance.

These small classes are designed to provide some basic education and care for children who have not yet reached kindergarten age.

In fact, the reason why these small classes are so popular is mainly to cater to the needs of the family.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

01 What are the benefits of the small class transition in kindergarten for the baby?

First of all, parents are now very busy with work, if you send your children to a small class, it is simply to save a lot of trouble with children;

Secondly, parents think that their children can receive some basic education in a small class, which is equivalent to children who are inferior to this kind of class, and they have prepared a lot of knowledge to be learned in the future.

However, many parents are only concerned about their own needs, whether the child is suitable for going to a small class, it is estimated that many people have not thought deeply.

02 Class 3 babies must not go to the small class

The reason why the official entry age of kindergartens is set at 3 years old is actually based on science.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

Children aged 3 are often able to begin to communicate normally and have a certain degree of self-care ability, so they will want to start independent.

3 years old can be said to be a watershed in the preschool period of children, if you let your child go to a small class before the age of 3, it may violate the child's natural development law. And there are 3 types of children who are determined not to go to the small class.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

The first: babies who are strongly dependent on their parents

Because of the extreme insecurity of this kind of child, if they cannot grow up to the age of 3 with basic independent self-care ability, then they will spend time in anxiety before this, causing great mental pressure to the child.

The second type: babies with not very good physique

The child's physique will slowly become stronger with the increase of physiological age.

Therefore, before the age of 3, parents must take care of their children in an all-round way, if their children's physique is not good, it is recommended to wait for the child's physique to get better before sending them to the collective life of the kindergarten.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

The third type: babies who do not have the ability to take care of themselves

The teacher of the small class has to take care of dozens of children, and they are all young children, if their babies do not have a certain degree of self-care ability, such as eating to be fed by others, then it is not recommended to send them to the small class. Because the teacher often ignores the other child when taking care of this child. In this way, the child may not have enough to eat and wear warmly.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

03 Instead of going to a small class, parents should do 4 things well

Instead of letting your child go to a small class, parents should do these 4 things in a down-to-earth manner, so that your child can be better than the child in the small class:

First, teach your baby to do his own things

Cultivating children's self-care ability can reduce the burden of parenting for parents while exercising their children's hands-on ability and thinking ability, and achieve the purpose of learning common sense by doing things.

Second, improve the child's physique

As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. Having a good physique is also essential for the baby's growth. Parents must do their homework in terms of diet, exercise and hygiene, and constantly improve their children's physique.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

Third, be mentally prepared for your child to go to kindergarten

Reading kindergarten can be said to be the first time that children leave their parents, and this separation is not to say that they are children, even adults will feel a certain reluctance. For children, the first contact with social groups, their inner separation anxiety is very obvious.

If you want your child to be fully prepared, you may wish to read the "I Love Kindergarten" series of picture books to your child.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

This set of picture books has a total of six themes, such as "Teacher, I want to go to the toilet", "I am the best in kindergarten", "Mom, I want to go to kindergarten", "You are my good friend", "After school, who will pick me up", "Eat more, grow up" and so on.

Each volume is through some interesting stories, simulating some actual scenes, so that children can fully and comprehensively understand the life of kindergarten, so as to adapt to the kindergarten life mode in advance, eliminate children's fear of kindergarten and inner separation anxiety.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

In addition, this set of picture books is also conducive to cultivating children's emotional intelligence, teaching children how to talk in kindergarten and how to get along with teachers and classmates.

If your child is about to enter kindergarten and you are still worried about your child's fear of entering the kindergarten, you may wish to read this set of picture books to your child, which can save you a lot of trouble.

The small class of kindergarten transition really has so many benefits for babies? Category 3 babies are recommended not to go to the best

Fourth, bring your baby into contact with society

If the child is locked up at home every day and does not have contact with the outside world, when he goes to kindergarten for the first time, he will undoubtedly feel fear, because people's fear often comes from the unknown.

If you take your child to know more about this society in advance and have more contact with others, the child will slowly become familiar with the outside world, thus becoming bold, and it will be easier to adapt to the new life of kindergarten.

04 Message

In general, the way to let children grow up healthy and happy is certainly not only a small class, but the love, education, communication and guidance of parents must be the most influential for children.

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