
Staying behind for a reversal? Taishan team 3 goals and 3 assists foreign aid renewed for 1 year, equipped with 6 foreign aid, Xiao De's identity changed

Staying behind for a reversal? Taishan team 3 goals and 3 assists foreign aid renewed for 1 year, equipped with 6 foreign aid, Xiao De's identity changed

Taishan is about to enter the AFC Champions League, this year Taishan will focus on the league, this season Taishan team personnel changes are relatively large. Mainly a number of domestic players left the team, Yang Yilin, Shi Yan, Li Songyi and other players joined other teams, Guo Tianyu missed the first stage of the game, Xu Xin is an unknown. The tarzan team needs to strengthen in the new season, and the opponent Harbor team has finalized the foreign aid center, and is actively introducing 4 international-level internal supporters.

Staying behind for a reversal? Taishan team 3 goals and 3 assists foreign aid renewed for 1 year, equipped with 6 foreign aid, Xiao De's identity changed

Hao Wei showed in previous interviews that Moises will leave the team, but the current situation seems to have reversed his stay in the team, according to media person Miao Yuan revealed that Shandong Taishan team and Moises renewed their contract for one year, which was a surprise. Originally thought that after the expiration of the contract, Moises will leave the team, last season he scored 3 goals and 3 assists, in the midfield attack and defense are good, although older, but in the Chinese Super League foreign aid level, Moises is still one of the best, for the championship is a guarantee.

Staying behind for a reversal? Taishan team 3 goals and 3 assists foreign aid renewed for 1 year, equipped with 6 foreign aid, Xiao De's identity changed

As a result, Shandong Taishan has 6 foreign aides, sun Zhunhao, Fellaini, Moises, Cressan, Judsson and Delgado compete. In addition to Moises and Kressan, other foreign aid has arrived at home, and Judsson, Delgado, and Sun Junhao have already ended their isolation and can train with the Taishan team in a few days. The new season of the Chinese Super League stipulates that 6 foreign aides are registered, 5 are registered, and 4 starters are registered, but the sixth foreign aid cannot play, and cannot play under any circumstances, only in the registration state.

In this way, Delgado's registration status is very critical, he was registered with the Taishan team last season as a foreign aid, and this season the Football Association stipulates that naturalized players will be transferred and registered according to the status of domestic players, which means that Delgado's registered status will change. The new season belongs to the registration of domestic players, but according to the foreign aid, the 6 foreign aides of the Taishan team can take turns to register for the game, which makes Hao Wei more room for adjustment, and can arrange the foreign aid registered for each game according to the opponent.

Ideally, Tarzan can have 6 foreign players, and it is not excluded that Delgado will be loaned to other teams, and the initiative is completely in the hands of Tarzan. Guo Tianyu could not play in the first half of the season, which had a great impact on the team, and Hao Wei also mentioned this problem, so among the 6 foreign aides, there are delgado and Cressan, two foreign forwards, if Cressan does not perform well, Delgado is on top at any time. The suspense of the new season is not big, that is, shandong Taishan team and Shanghai harbor competition, the competition has begun from the introduction of reinforcements.

At present, there is no way to train in the harbor, the Shandong Taishan team is practicing hot, and the return of foreign aid is also a certain advantage. Therefore, in the first step of the championship, the Taishan team is in the lead, so that the Taishan team is expected to ride in the dust in the first stage, and Hao Wei will usher in another peak in his coaching career. Foreign aid returns to training, this is the key to the team's championship, domestic players do have good strength, but in the end they have to rely on the play of foreign aid, the new season 6 foreign aid axis, in the personnel configuration is completely the best Super League lineup, the goal is to defend the double crown.

[Pay attention to the bench to watch the ball, welcome readers to comment, forward to participate in the discussion]

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