
"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

author:Post-90s female talent


"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

"The Biography of Zhen Huan" has been broadcast for more than ten years, and when I first watched it, I thought it was a cool drama of the big heroine. Later, it was found that this was the tragic story of a group of women, and everyone in the deep palace had their own last resort. The emperor who was high above was like this, and so was Zhen Huan who fought in the palace to the end. Not to mention the insignificant, unfavored concubines in the play. As well as the palace eunuch whose fate is like a few grasses, and so on. The man in the play is not hateful, not pitiful.

The tragic point of the palace fight is that there is no winner in this struggle, even if it is Zhen Huan who comes to the end. The struggle did not end when one beautiful woman after another came in. The old emperor is gone, the new emperor is on the throne, and the palace fight has always been there. A group of women with high appearance, high emotional intelligence, high intelligence and good family background are fighting for this and enjoy it. But one of the things that makes me a little uneasy should be An Lingrong.


"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

Huanbi has always looked down on An Lingrong, thinking that she looks ordinary, and her family generally finally achieved the concubine position. Jin Xi also said that An Lingrong's family lineage, her appearance is not outstanding, and it is difficult for her to achieve the concubine position. The emperor did not pay much attention to An Lingrong, but liked that she could sing and liked her understanding. But to be honest, An Lingrong's excellence is enough to shake off most of the girls.

People in the play all say that An Lingrong looks ordinary, is An Lingrong really plain looking? In the crowd of ordinary girls, at least the upper middle of the beautiful lady. The appearance is plain and plain is a beautiful woman like Princess Hua, Zhen Huan, and Shen Meizhuang. An Lingrong can only say that his appearance is not absolutely beautiful, not his appearance is ordinary. It's just that there are too many beautiful women in the palace, and the appearance of this piece is very strong.


"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

An Lingrong's family lineage is actually not low, and the daughter of the deputy county magistrate is not something that ordinary people can despise. But with HuaFei, Zhen Huan, and Shen Meizhuang, it was definitely a big difference. Therefore, An Lingrong is generally a small white rich beauty. But there are too many excellent girls around, just a bit of a phoenix girl, Cinderella flavor.

In addition, An Ling Rong is versatile. The art of embroidery and incense making itself is a must in the palace, and the singing and ice hi practiced the day after tomorrow also stand out among many beautiful women. However, such an excellent An Ling Rong entered the palace and was destined to be only a victim of the palace fight, and her advantages disappeared after being displayed.


"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

Therefore, the biggest feeling I have when I watch "The Biography of Zhen Huan" is that the palace is also too inward. A group of talented and beautiful women with outstanding IQ and emotional intelligence, and a good birth are fighting in the palace. If it were a modern society, how could they kill each other for a man?

If An Lingrong lives in modern times, eight points of appearance, a small middle-class family, and versatile. Be a craft blogger, teach everyone to make incense, and embroidery fans will definitely have a large number. Maybe it can also be praised by CCTV by name. Singing occasionally, dancing, and a few business activities for a few years is a little rich woman. The blood of the original family dog does not matter, so the topic is more sufficient and can resonate with the psychology of fans.


"The Biography of Zhen Huan" if An Lingrong lives in modern times

Of course, the above is just one of my assumptions. I have also read many people wrote about the online articles after the rebirth of An Lingrong, and inspiration is really inspirational. But so what, it's not about joining the palace fight. Such an excellent girl in the ancient society was also doomed to only fight in the palace or in the house. I can only say, what a pity. Many people say that they have not lived more than three episodes in the palace fight drama. Wrong, most of the girls are not qualified to participate in the palace fight at all, and they can't pass the level of the draft. Is your dad a deputy county magistrate? Do you have an eight-point appearance? You are as full of poetry as Zhen Huan, or as versatile as An Lingrong.

The other day I was thinking about the question of whether a person's success is a little more of a factor of effort or a little more of a factor of luck. I think there are still more lucky factors, such as a girl born in modern society is a kind of luck. Otherwise, even if you are as good as An Lingrong, how about a woman who really doesn't know what else to do except fight for an old man.

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