
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

Kunshan since April 6

Stricter control measures were introduced for seven consecutive days

Stop all unnecessary flows

Let the city slow down, calm down, stop

Stay at home during the silent period

How to deal with the "perpetual motion machine" at home?

Don't worry, Xiao Kun will replenish the "ammunition" for his parents.

Guaranteed to keep the active kids

Every day "power is exhausted"~

Parent-child chores

Wipe the floor

Have a floor-cleaning competition with the children, set the starting and ending points of the floor-wiping track, and prepare to start, to see who will wipe the ground of the runway clean and quickly.

This little game not only helps you wipe the floor clean, but also makes your child have fun.

"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

Organize the bookshelves

The children's books are scattered all over the place, and it is really distressing to organize them. If you say to your child: Come on, let's let the book baby play a game of queuing.

Tall books are placed in the back, and short books are lined up in front. Not only are the books neatly arranged in the bookcase, but also invisibly teach the children the spatial orientation and high and low comparison!

Cook rice

Children are very eager to participate in the affairs of adults, when you do housework, you may wish to let the baby also come to help (Tim) help (chaos), you will find that the baby is very enthusiastic and patient.

When washing vegetables, give the baby half a basin of water, a few vegetables, let the baby wash together; when cutting vegetables, give the baby a plastic kitchen knife and let them cut with you; when cooking, let the baby help you deliver things (be sure to hand over things you don't need, otherwise you will die)...

"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

Parent-child games

Game – Crossing the River

Points: Parents stand face to face and stand in parallel and alternately form a "bridge", and no part of the child's body can touch the ground, and it is necessary to walk across the "bridge" to complete.

Equipment: Marker tube.

Fight tigers

Point: One tiger, two hunters, the hunter hits the tiger by hitting the earth, and the tiger changes direction to dodge.

Equipment: Rainbow circle, leather ball, bouncy ball.

Over the mountains

Points: 2 parents do the slab support as the "bridge", the pyramid stretch as the "cave", and the other person crosses the "bridge" and climbs through the "cave".

Parent-child yoga

Action instructions: The mother and the child hold hands, each lifting one foot, and the raised foot is on the inside of the other thigh, remember to do the opposite side.

Exercise benefits: move the joints of various parts of the body, promote blood circulation, cultivate good posture and temperament, correct chest hunchback, etc., and exercise children's concentration.

"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!


Movement instructions: Spread your legs apart, inhale and stretch your arms and spine, hold each other's hands or fingers, exhale and tighten your waist, abdomen, and hips, and slowly bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Exercise benefits: Exercise your child's balance, exercise your leg muscles and the extension of your back, and improve your child's concentration and stability.

"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

Back flexed forward

Action instructions: Stand back to back, exhale back flexed forward, straighten your legs, hold each other's calves with both hands, inhale to straighten your spine, stay for a while and exhale slowly, inhale again and return to standing.

Practice benefits: slender muscle lines in the legs, promote blood circulation, not only beauty and beauty, but also help children improve memory, etc.

"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

At last

Xiao Kun also prepared a copy

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"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!
"Epidemic" from home, parent-child activity arrangements!

In this particular period

Let's create good memories between parents and children

Editor: Sun Chao

Review: Bin Zhang

Source: First Kunshan

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