
Exposed Lakers players to James negative body language troubles! Old Zhan will shrug his shoulders when he sees that Wei Shao is not playing well

On April 9, Beijing time, according to the US media "Los Angeles Times", the Los Angeles Lakers have missed the playoffs this season, and at the same time, the Lakers team feels some trouble with some of James's body language.

Exposed Lakers players to James negative body language troubles! Old Zhan will shrug his shoulders when he sees that Wei Shao is not playing well

It is worth mentioning that since the beginning of the season, the Lakers' players have begun to notice some changes in James' body language after the poor performance of Westbrook, which is because he and the Lakers' plans have some signals that do not work.

When he saw Westbrook make mistakes or play poorly, James often shrugged his shoulders and would hang his head after missing offensive or defensive opportunities, which also confused some Lakers players.

Exposed Lakers players to James negative body language troubles! Old Zhan will shrug his shoulders when he sees that Wei Shao is not playing well

In addition, after the Lakers lost 111-114 to the Pelicans' key card position battle on April 2, James was very disappointed, saying on his departure: "How can this be won? There is no possibility of XX at all! ”

Exposed Lakers players to James negative body language troubles! Old Zhan will shrug his shoulders when he sees that Wei Shao is not playing well

Therefore, since that time, perhaps the Lakers have given up on the next game, after all, the team's morale is low, and it is difficult to win the remaining games.

Exposed Lakers players to James negative body language troubles! Old Zhan will shrug his shoulders when he sees that Wei Shao is not playing well

At present, James has confirmed that he will not participate in the team's next games, which means that James has withdrawn from the scoring champion battle. This season, James can average 30.3 points per game, the state is very good, and even saved the team from fire and water in many games, but the lakers' performance this season is too crotch-pulling, the team has only won 4 games since the All-Star, which is too difficult!

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