
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved

author:Colorful starry sky

Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved

Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved
Blessed women, blessings come naturally, I hope that every woman can be loved

"Mom, do you think I will be blessed in this life?" I sat at the kitchen table and looked at my busy mother, feeling a little apprehensive.

My mother stopped what she was doing, turned around, and looked at me gently: "Silly child, blessings come naturally, as long as you are kind-hearted and sincere to others, blessings will naturally come to your door." ”

"But, Mom, I always felt like I was missing something." I lowered my head, with a bit of helplessness and inferiority in my voice.

My mother came over, sat down next to me, and patted my hand gently: "You have to believe that every woman deserves to be loved, and so are you." ”

This sentence warmed my heart. Mother was always so understanding and able to give me strength and comfort when I needed it most.

When I was a child, my family was not wealthy, but my mother always used her skillful hands and hard-working figure to create a warm home for us. She taught me how to stay optimistic in the midst of adversity and how to find beauty in ordinary days.

I remember one time, I was wronged at school, and when I came home, I hugged my mother and cried. My mother didn't blame me or anyone else, she just listened to me quietly, stroked my hair, and whispered: "Baby, in life, there will always be ups and downs, but as long as there is love in your heart, any difficulties can be overcome." ”

Mother's words are deeply imprinted in my heart. Her optimism and tenacity taught me how to face challenges and find hope in the face of adversity later in life.

Later, I met him – someone who genuinely loved me. His appearance made me understand my mother's words: blessings come naturally. We met and fell in love, and along the way, although there were ups and downs, it was more sweet and happy.

On the day of the wedding, my mother held my hand with a look of relief and blessings in her eyes. "Look, child, your blessing has come. Remember, no matter what the future holds, you must cherish the people in front of you, love with your heart, and be grateful. ”

"Mom, thank you." My eyes were moist and I hugged my mother tightly.

Life after marriage is plain but happy. Every morning when I wake up and see him sleeping next to me, I sigh at my luck. It was my mother who taught me how to love myself, how to love others, and convinced me that every woman deserves to be loved.

Now, I am also a mother and have children of my own. I taught them all the truths that my mother taught me, hoping that they could be like me, blessed, loving, and happy.

"Mom, will I be blessed?" My daughter asked me one day, her eyes full of anticipation.

I smiled and repeated what my mother had said to me: "Silly child, good fortune comes naturally, as long as you are kind-hearted and sincere to others, good fortune will naturally come to your door." ”

Looking at my daughter's innocent smiling face, my heart is filled with gratitude and happiness. My mother's teachings not only gave me the blessing to find myself, but also gave me the ability to love and protect my family.

I hope that every woman can be loved, cherished, blessed and happy like me. This is my mother's wish, and it is my wish.