
1688 stores have a hot model but no transaction volume, what to do?

author:Industry sinks

Blockbusters have the characteristics of selling well. Looking at the entire e-commerce market, what sells more must be a hit, and normally it is a hit that drives the sales and performance of the entire store. But sometimes we find that the store has done a good job of the explosion but there is no transaction volume, and the reason may be that we have made a fake explosion. Next, let's take a look at how to see if it is a fake explosion and how to create a blockbuster!

1688 stores have a hot model but no transaction volume, what to do?

Pseudo-explosive model is that we superficially see that this style really exploded but there is no transaction in fact, with traffic to cover up the illusion that he has become a blockbuster, which is what we call the pseudo-explosive model, there is no transaction of traffic and unstable traffic. The method of checking whether it is a fake explosion is as follows:

1. View traffic sources

Let's look at the channels and paths of traffic through the traffic source, if the traffic is from other sectors, then this traffic may be off-site. We can check whether the payment inside our own paid promotion network sales treasure is open to off-site promotion, in fact, in the early stage of paid promotion, you can turn off-site traffic, although the off-site traffic is large, but usually not very accurate, which will lead to traffic but there will be no volume.

2. Check the key words for entering the store

Open the business staff to view the keywords of entering the store, we are not only outside the station traffic will lead to our traffic is not accurate, our keywords are also a very accurate point of our traffic visitors.

3. Product cycle elements

As long as it is a product, there will be a growth cycle, will go through the process of selecting products to decline, and the product traffic will be little or no traffic during the recession period. Most industries experience a period of recession, for example, during the change of seasons. When the product reaches a period of decline,

We must learn a series of controls on the cycle of the product, lock in the life cycle of a product by observing a trend of the previous product or platform, and drive the traffic before the end of the explosive product to pack more new products, so as to achieve seamless connection.

1688 stores have a hot model but no transaction volume, what to do?

1688 stores are refined operations, through refined operations, optimize stores, in order to greatly improve the overall traffic status of the store, so as long as the refinement is done well, the store traffic will basically continue to grow steadily. A store wants to do it, it needs a relatively large traffic product to attract more traffic for the store, then you need to create a popular model of your own store to attract traffic, and then we see how to refine the explosion!

1, traffic is the fundamental factor: 1688 platform search in the hot list accounted for more than 30% of the platform traffic, once the goods into the hot list, is bound to attract a large amount of traffic, and the distribution of these traffic is also related to the quality of the goods, buy more people products is a good product, this is the basic judgment logic of consumers.

2, refined selection: to have a positioning of the store, such as what style of products to sell, which age group of consumers, the approximate range of product prices, etc.

3, do not have a large number of brainless goods: when on the new goods, should follow the principle of "less and fine", the number of goods is not the more the better, but the more refined the better.

4, the quality of the goods should be guaranteed: the goods themselves are the theme of sales, only with good products, can we improve the cost performance, attract more customers, in order to create explosive goods.

5. The store must be optimized regularly: the store can be optimized from the aspects of product sales, product price, product evaluation and detail page. It is necessary to regularly remove unsellable and unsellable products with no visitors to increase the sales rate of the store.

1688 stores have a hot model but no transaction volume, what to do?

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