
Pelosi was suddenly diagnosed with the new crown, the old lady could not make it bad for the time being, and the White House was very nervous now

author:Strait Herald Big Finance

Cows play the piano

Pelosi was suddenly diagnosed with the new crown, the old lady could not make it bad for the time being, and the White House was very nervous now

Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

This weekend, Pelosi was going to come to China's periphery to make a mistake - she was going to visit Japan, and she was going to Taiwan, but before anyone left, she was suddenly diagnosed with the new crown.

When I woke up, I saw Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Pelosi's office, announce that Pelosi had tested positive and quarantined, and that her trip to Asia had been postponed.

This change, the radian is a bit large. Interesting.

According to Japanese media reports, Pelosi arrived in Japan on April 8 to meet with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and she wanted to confirm with the Japanese side that "in the face of China's growing military strength, she will maintain free and open cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region."

What do you mean?

Isn't it bad for China?

Then, on April 10, on the 43rd anniversary of the enactment of the so-called Taiwan Relations Act, Pelosi was to arrive in Taiwan "to demonstrate U.S. Congressional support for Taiwan and the importance it attaches to the Taiwan Relations Act."

You know, Pelosi is not an ordinary person, as the speaker of the US House of Representatives, she is the third person in the US political arena and the second in line to the US president after the vice president.

She doesn't understand the sensitivity of the Taiwan issue?

Is she tired of seeing the "beautiful landscape" of the United States and wanting to go to Taiwan to observe it?

But the provocative implications are perfect, naturally, and we strongly oppose it.

Seeing that Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian used four "serious" reprimands yesterday, his original words were:

China firmly opposes any form of official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan. The US Congress is an integral part of the US Government and should strictly abide by the one-China policy pursued by the Us. If Speaker Pelosi visits Taiwan, this will seriously violate the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three Sino-US joint communiques, seriously damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously impact the political foundation of Sino-US relations, and send a serious wrong signal to the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. If the US side insists on going its own way, China will certainly take resolute and effective measures to firmly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. All the consequences arising therefrom must be entirely borne by the US side.

On the same day, when talking on the phone with boehner, the foreign affairs adviser of the French president, Wang Yi also made it clear:

The current international situation is becoming more turbulent. The United States emphasizes respect for a country's sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Ukraine issue, but blatantly tramples on the "one-China" red line on the Taiwan issue, which is a naked double standard. As a political dignitary of a country, if the speaker of the US House of Representatives knowingly commits a sneaky visit to Taiwan, it will be a malicious provocation to China's sovereignty, a gross interference in China's internal affairs, and an extremely dangerous political signal to the outside world. If the US side insists on going its own way, the Chinese side will certainly make a resolute response, and all the consequences will be borne by the US side.

Note the keywords:

Blatant trampling,


double standard

Knowingly committed,

Visiting Taiwan,

malicious provocation,

Gross interference,

Extremely dangerous,

Resolute response...

Wang Yi personally came forward to respond, and in front of his French counterparts, he said very seriously, which also showed the seriousness of the situation.

As far as the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is concerned, spokesman Ma Xiaoguang's statement is basically two "positive warnings":

We will not tolerate the wrong words and deeds that harm our core interests to the US side;

We are telling the DPP authorities to immediately stop any attempt to collude with external forces to seek "independence," and all crimes will be liquidated.

Quite simply, if Pelosi does go to Taiwan, one thing is certain: the Chinese side will definitely react, diplomatically, politically, militarily, and even not rule out a strong military reaction.

The Taiwan Strait will likely be a sudden change.

The crisis in Ukraine is still going on, the Americans are provoking China again, and just when the whole world is having a headache, Pelosi is suddenly diagnosed, and then she has to quarantine, at least in the short term, and she will not be able to go to Asia.

Pelosi was suddenly diagnosed with the new crown, the old lady could not make it bad for the time being, and the White House was very nervous now

But more trouble lies ahead.

You know, just one day before Pelosi announced her diagnosis, she went to the White House and had a lot of close contact with Biden. Anyway, looking at the video and pictures, neither of them wore a mask, and Pelosi stood next to Biden, Biden's hand, and from time to time la Pelosi.

The day before, the two embraced passionately and kissed on the cheek. Oh, and there was not only Pelosi and Biden in the White House at the time, but also Obama, who returned to the White House for the first time since 2017.

Everyone was together, elated, and none of them wore masks.

Obama is still young, Pelosi has just passed her 82nd birthday, biden is 79, they are all high-risk people of the new crown.

The White House was also nervous.

A reporter asked: After Pelosi was diagnosed, did the White House implement stricter epidemic prevention measures?

The White House spokesperson's response was: These assessments will be made by the president's doctors, but Biden has tested nucleic acids and is currently negative.

It is estimated that in the past few days, Biden has to test nucleic acids every day, and may even be multiple times a day.

Because, in the latest wave of the epidemic, many military and political leaders around him have been recruited.

For example, Meeks, chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee, who plans to go to Asia with Pelosi, was also diagnosed yesterday and is now in self-isolation.

In addition, the confirmed cases are also U.S. Attorney General Garland, Commerce Secretary Raimondo, The Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Of Congress Schiff, as well as Democratic Congressman Castro, Washington Female Mayor Bowser, and so on.

Oh, and the communications director of US Vice President Harris, also masturbated yesterday.

Note that this is only the latest wave, and if there were to be a full list, it would be a long list, longer than this one.

Finally, what do you think?

Today, let's take two shallows.

Pelosi was suddenly diagnosed with the new crown, the old lady could not make it bad for the time being, and the White House was very nervous now

First, the old lady couldn't make it bad for the time being.

I don't know if it is completely a coincidence that she let the wind on her front foot to go to Taiwan and the back foot announced the diagnosis of the new crown; or whether the Americans deliberately engaged in a set, that is, they wanted to grab a world headline before isolation.

If it's the latter, they also see China's solemn attitude; if it's the former, well, the virus is a bit unbearable.

Second, Trump is not expected to be idle.

I remember when Trump was diagnosed, Pelosi publicly criticized: you Trump such a good protective condition, actually hit the recruit, so like to go to crowded places, do not wear a mask, this is a tragedy, too should not be ...

Now, what he has said has fallen on his head. Biden is also very annoyed, although the surface wishes Pelosi a speedy recovery, but does not rule out that the heart also muttered: You have frequently come to the White House before, and you have not taken epidemic prevention measures, what is your heart?

As for Trump, he is looking for an opportunity for revenge. Sure, he had a lot of "nice" words and was waiting for the old lady.