
In the midst of an anxiety disorder, who can understand you?

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Normal people can be anxious at any time, and most people don't understand anxiety disorders, which leads to many people not understanding patients with anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are included in the Diagnostic Guidelines Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-V), and the stress and emotional trauma brought about by the environment can trigger anxiety disorders.

When anxiety sickness strikes, people seem to be facing death, and their hearts beat violently as if they are about to crack. Even after experiencing great pain, the people around you don't know what's going on, and the worst response might be "What's the big deal?" "Don't think about it", "Calm down, there's nothing to be anxious about". When the anxiety disorder comes, it seems that no one can understand you.

Anxiety is hard to control or overcome, but remember that even though it seems to last forever, it will eventually leave.

Today, Psychologist Professor Rong Xinqi takes us to understand how to face anxiety disorders and provides a few suggestions to help cope with sudden anxiety.

First of all, we need to sort out one thing first: the symptoms of anxiety are actually one of the natural response mechanisms of the human body. It effectively makes us aware of potential dangers and helps us escape, or deal with it.

If properly controlled, a slight anxiety can motivate us and improve the efficiency of doing things. Problems arise only when anxiety reaches an uncontrollable situation.

The brain sees anxiety as an immediate threat, and in order to get out of this situation, the brain triggers a series of human reactions such as a faster heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure, and an increase in adrenaline in the blood.

Anxiety becomes worse when the brain and body tell us to "get out of danger" and have negative, devastating thoughts in our heads.

1. What are the emotional and physical symptoms of anxiety disorders?

Some people are afraid to fly, some have agoraphobia, arachnophobia or water phobia, and some people are anxious because of emotional trauma.

While many factors can trigger anxiety, their symptoms are common and easy to identify.

Emotional symptoms of anxiety disorders include:

Worry, nervousness, involuntary fear.

Difficult to concentrate.

Feeling anxious and oppressed.

Fatalistic thinking: Always expect the worst.

Feeling negative and panicking.

Tunnel vision: The foreground is dark, no matter how you walk, it is not right.

Physical symptoms of anxiety disorders:

, the heartbeat is accelerating.

, increased blood pressure.

, excessive ventilation.


, stomach pain and feeling nauseous.

, frequent urination or diarrhea.

Breathing heavily, it feels like a heart attack.

, trembling, twitching, muscle tension.

Headache, extreme fatigue and weakness.

What is the relationship between anxiety and depression?

If anxiety attacks are frequent, it may be a combination of underlying depression. Anxiety and depression are often triggered by the same cause: feelings of helplessness, usually when we are unable to control our current affairs and feel miserable and helpless.

What we should be clear about is that anxiety and depression are two very different diseases, one of which may sometimes be another induced symptom, and it is certain that in the face of such a problem, you should consult a doctor or counselor, or ask him to help refer to other medical experts.

Third, no one can understand, how to deal with anxiety?

When anxiety disorder strikes, you need to deal with emotional reactions first, and instead look at the threat, fear or source of stress from a rational and logical way. Try to break through everything that upsets you and sort out every source of anxiety until it's gone. When someone has an anxiety attack around you, you can help from the following points!

1, should first understand their situation, they are not crazy, but need help, sometimes just bystander calm and understanding.

2, you can also try to ask them how they feel, how they feel, take them to a place where there is fresh air, or loosen the belt and tight clothing.

3. If there is excessive ventilation, provide a paper bag to cover the mouth and nose to breathe, or guide them to breathe in the way of blowing out the candle.

4. Repeat the warning to the patient that "you don't have a heart attack" and "I'll help and everything will be fine."

5. Guide them to place one hand on the stomach and stomach, and the other on the mouth of the heart, and guide and control breathing.

6. If the symptoms do not disappear, or the pulse is still very fast, you must see a doctor, especially for patients with heart disease, diabetes or obesity.

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