
"Special Battle Glory" Yan Baoyue rescued people trapped in the cave and almost died, Yang Yang played Yan Baoyue alive

author:Showbiz circle SF
Yan Baoyue, played by Yang Yang, seems to me to be okay, at least I saw the appearance of a soldier in him, which is also in line with the appearance of a soldier.
"Special Battle Glory" Yan Baoyue rescued people trapped in the cave and almost died, Yang Yang played Yan Baoyue alive

The protagonist aura of Yan Breaker Yue

As a protagonist, Yan Baoyue had a very distinct individualistic character at the beginning, not because of the plot setting, but because he wanted to become stronger, because of what he experienced as a child.

He wanted to be stronger from the beginning, so no matter what, even if he was assigned to the cooking class because of his provocative behavior, he did not give up in the slightest.

He is still practicing in the rest time, Xu is the protagonist aura, when he is a recruit egg, he meets the son of the head of the drug lord, who is killed because of infighting, but because of his outstanding performance, although the hostage is dead, it is also an ability to identify the fake soldiers on the other side's radio.

In this way, he and his "family" were even sealed with third-class merit, which was the fastest opportunity for recruits to make meritorious service.

"Special Battle Glory" Yan Baoyue rescued people trapped in the cave and almost died, Yang Yang played Yan Baoyue alive

Yan Baoyue was trapped in a cave with lack of oxygen and suffocation

Yan Baoyue had just made a meritorious contribution, although it was Yan Baoyue's companion who was transferred to the special service company, although he was lost, but it further stimulated his fighting spirit.

With the establishment of the third class, there are confrontation exercises in the cooking class, he still continues his personal style of competing for the first place, and at the same time wins the opportunity for him to get ahead.

"Special Battle Glory" Yan Baoyue rescued people trapped in the cave and almost died, Yang Yang played Yan Baoyue alive

But the protagonist, there will always be a little ditch and bumps that need to be tempered, with the rain for several days, the landslide on the top of the mountain, the cooking squad leader takes people to connect the mother and lover, encounters a landslide, Yan Puyue goes to save people, and the company commander's mother is trapped in the cave together.

However, Yan Baoyue was fine, the rescue mission was started, and finally when the company commander's mother was rescued, with the second collapse, Yan Baoyue was still not rescued, and the lack of oxygen was fatal, fortunately, at the last moment, he was rescued and successfully entered the special service company.

"Special Battle Glory" Yan Baoyue rescued people trapped in the cave and almost died, Yang Yang played Yan Baoyue alive

But the most anticipated thing is still the back, the drug trafficking day is the child who was locked up with Yan Baoyue when he was a child, when Yan Baoyue escaped, but he did not, he may be the last child to survive, the representative of the fierce.

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