
6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

author:Humorous white clouds

Jin Dong, the outstanding athlete in the torch relay, finally got a precious opportunity to rest after the successful completion of the mission. He chose to enjoy a quiet and romantic time in a small town near the artsy city of Paris.

The small town of Paris attracts Jin Dong with its unique charm. There is no hustle and bustle of the big city, there are quiet streets and old buildings. Jin Dong strolled on the stone road, feeling the leisure and peace of the town. He felt particularly relaxed as he walked through narrow alleys lined with flower-adorned windowsills and occasionally heard church bells in the distance.

In the center of the town, there is a small square, where local residents and tourists gather. Jin Dong sat in the café by the square, ordered a cup of fragrant coffee, and watched the people in the square chatting and playing. Children frolic around the fountain, and old people bask in the sun leisurely on the benches. This simple and real life scene made Jin Dong feel a long-lost warmth and calm.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

In the afternoon, Jin Dong decided to visit a small art exhibition in the town. The exhibition features the work of local artists, and each painting is imbued with a love for small-town life and a celebration of natural beauty. Jin Dong stopped in front of each work, feeling the emotions and creativity of the artists. These works gave him a deeper knowledge and understanding of art.

In the evening, Jin Dong chose a famous local restaurant to dine. The setting of the restaurant is elegant and the dishes are delicious. He tasted the local specialties and left him with every bite that he would be able to repeat. During the meal, he also had a pleasant conversation with the restaurateur and learned about the history and culture of the town.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

As night fell, Jin Dong walked along the town's riverside. The river sparkles in the moonlight, and the willow trees by the river gently sway in the wind, creating a serene and romantic atmosphere. He breathed deeply in the fresh air and felt the peace of mind that this tranquility brings.

Such a time is a rare enjoyment for Jin Dong, where he finds a kind of tranquility away from the pressures of daily life, and also experiences a kind of romance that is different from the city. After the intense and hectic nature of the torch relay, such rest and relaxation were crucial for him. He knew that the experience would be a fond memory for his life.

When Jin Dong participated in the citywalk event, he stepped into an ancient street with a long history. This ancient street retains the style of traditional buildings, with blue bricks and gray tiles, cornices and corners, each of which reveals the traces of time. Sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves and dappled the stone pavement of the old street, adding a touch of warmth and vitality to the street.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Jin Dong walked slowly along the ancient street and felt the unique atmosphere here. The streets are lined with a variety of small shops, selling traditional handicrafts, local snacks, antiques, calligraphy and paintings. Each store is full of stories, and Jin Dong walks in from time to time to talk to the shopkeepers and learn about the culture and history behind the goods.

In a small shop selling pottery, Jin Dong was attracted by the exquisite pottery works. The owner is a kind old artist, who introduced Jin Dong to the process and history of pottery making. Jin Dong touched these works with his own hands, felt their temperature and texture, and felt sincere admiration for the exquisite skills of traditional craftsmanship.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Continuing on, Jin Dong came to a small open-air market. It is a place where many locals and tourists gather to pick up fresh produce, sample street food and enjoy a leisurely time in the sun. Jin Dong also joined them, trying some local specialties such as grilled skewers, sugar gourds and handmade pastries, and every bite made him feel the flavor of the ancient street.

At the end of the ancient street, there is an old stone bridge, and under the bridge is a small clear river. Jin Dong stood on the bridge, watching the river glow silver in the sun, the willow trees on the bank of the river swaying in the wind, and a few ducks playing in the water. The scenery made him feel refreshed, as if all his worries had gone away with the wind.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

As the citywalk deepened, Jin Dong also visited some monuments and historical buildings. These places have witnessed the changes of the ancient streets and also carry rich historical stories. Jin Dong stopped in front of these monuments and listened to the explanations of the tour guide, which gave him a deeper understanding of the city's past.

As the sun gradually sets in the west, the scenery of the old town becomes more charming under the reflection of the setting sun. Jin Dong sat on a bench by the river, looking at the sunset in the distance, feeling the tranquility and beauty of the ancient street. He knew that this citywalk event not only allowed him to experience the leisurely scenery of the ancient street, but also made him feel the beauty and tranquility of life.

Zhao Liying, as a popular actress in China, is not only loved by the audience for her superb acting skills and fresh image, but also attracts attention for her unique fashion taste and love for traditional culture. In the live broadcast event of the Huiyuan brand, she showed her versatility in a new way.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

The livestream event was held in a summer-style outdoor venue, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers, and the sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves on Zhao Liying's body, adding a touch of natural brilliance to her. She is dressed in a light summer dress with fresh colors that complement her surroundings and perfectly show the vitality and freshness of summer.

In the live broadcast, Zhao Liying showed off her hand-woven haute couture handmade works. Using traditional weaving techniques combined with modern design elements, each piece is unique and full of art. She introduced the weaving process to the audience in detail, from the selection of materials to the weaving skills, to the final display of the finished product, every detail revealed her intentions and professionalism.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Zhao Liying's hand-woven works are not only decorations, but also a cultural inheritance. She hopes that through this live event, more people can understand and appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinese handicrafts, and at the same time, she hopes to stimulate everyone's interest and love for traditional culture.

During the live broadcast, Zhao Liying also interacted with the audience and shared her understanding of fashion and life. She talked about how to combine traditional elements with modern fashion to create pieces that are both culturally rich and stylish. Her answers are full of wisdom and insight, giving the audience a deeper appreciation of her talent and charisma.

In addition, Zhao Liying also showcased some of the other products of the Huiyuan brand, such as exquisite accessories and clothing, each of which complements her hand-woven pieces, showing the freshness and elegance of summer. She personally tried and tried them on, showing the audience the unique charm of these products.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

The whole live broadcast event was full of a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and Zhao Liying infected every audience with her enthusiasm and sincerity. Her participation not only adds luster to the Huiyuan brand, but also contributes to the dissemination and development of traditional culture. Through this event, Zhao Liying showed a different side of herself than being an actress, proving her talent and potential in multiple fields.

In the first half of 2024 filmmaker preference survey launched by CCTV6's "Today's Film Review", Zhao Liying was selected as one of the top ten filmmakers along with other outstanding filmmakers for her outstanding performance in the film field and her deep-rooted role creation. This honor is not only a recognition of her acting skills, but also an affirmation of her influence in the film industry.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Zhao Liying's award is due to her outstanding performances in many films. With her superb acting skills, in-depth understanding of the role, and delicate grasp of emotions, she has won unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders. In the survey, many critics and audiences mentioned Zhao Liying's performance in the movie, she can vividly interpret the roles of different personalities and backgrounds, whether it is a gentle woman in a costume drama or an independent woman in a modern drama, she can accurately capture the essence of the character and let the audience feel the real emotions of the character.

The selection event attracted the participation of many film lovers, who voted through the online platform to express their support for their favorite filmmakers. Zhao Liying's fans are actively canvassing for her, and her social media is full of praise and support for her. Her award is not only a symbol of personal honor, but also a reflection of fans' deep feelings for her.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Zhao Liying showed humility and gratitude after learning the news of her award. She said in an interview that this award is an encouragement for her and an affirmation of her work. She thanked all the audience and judges who supported her, and said that she will continue to work hard to bring more high-quality works to the audience.

During the selection process, Zhao Liying's works received extensive attention and discussion. Many of her films have achieved good results at the box office and word-of-mouth in the first half of the year, and these achievements are inseparable from her in-depth excavation and superb interpretation of the role. Her film works are not only popular in the domestic market, but also have gained a certain degree of international recognition, showing the demeanor of Chinese filmmakers.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

In addition, Zhao Liying's public welfare activities and social responsibilities outside of movies have also won her people's respect. She is actively involved in philanthropy and uses her influence to help those in need, presenting a positive image of a public figure. Her behavior has also won her more support and love.

Zhao Liying's award is not only a milestone in her personal acting career, but also an affirmation of her contributions to the film industry. Her success story inspires more young actors, and her professionalism and charisma have become a model in the film industry.

Wang Yibo, as a sought-after idol in the contemporary Chinese entertainment industry, has shot an impressive set of fashion blockbusters for the LOEWE brand with his unique charm and fashion sense. In this group of blockbusters, he not only shows the brand's high-end fashion taste, but also shows his unique understanding and interpretation of fashion.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

At the shooting site, Wang Yibo wore a nappa sheepskin cuffed jacket, which perfectly set off his body line and temperament with its soft texture and elegant design. The cuffed design of the coat has a hint of vintage charm, while the sheen of nappa sheepskin exudes a sense of understated luxury in the lighting. Wang Yibo's every movement and every expression complements this coat, showing a calm and unhurried sense of fashion.

In addition to the jacket, Wang Yibo also showcased the LOEWE brand PebbleBucket bucket bag. With its unique shape and exquisite craftsmanship, this handbag has become the new favorite of the fashion world. The design of the bag is inspired by the pebbles found in nature, and the rounded shape and soft leather give it a natural and intimate feel. Wang Yibo held this handbag, whether it was easily carried on his shoulder or casually held in his hand, showing a casual and elegant attitude.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

During the shoot, Wang Yibo worked closely with photographers and stylists to achieve perfection in every detail. His fashion sensitivity and expressiveness make the whole shooting process full of creativity and inspiration. The photographer captures the harmonious resonance between Wang Yibo and LOEWE brand products, and every photo is full of a sense of story and art.

The background design of this fashion campaign is also very sophisticated, with a simple and modern style, which coincides with the design concept of the LOEWE brand. In this context, Wang Yibo's image is more prominent, his temperament and the brand's products are perfectly integrated, showing a high-end and unassuming fashion attitude.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Wang Yibo's cooperation not only brought more attention and recognition to the LOEWE brand, but also further consolidated his position in the fashion industry. His expressiveness and fashion sense make people see a multi-faceted Wang Yibo, an idol who not only has outstanding achievements in his acting career, but also has his own unique insights in the field of fashion.

After the release of this set of blockbusters, it quickly attracted widespread discussion and attention on social media. Fans were full of praise for Wang Yibo's fashion interpretation and expressed that they were attracted by his fashion sense and temperament. At the same time, it also allows more people to pay attention to and understand the LOEWE brand, as well as the fashion concept and lifestyle it represents.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

In the fashion campaign shot for the LOEWE brand, Wang Yibo interprets a distinctive personal style with his unique personal charm and profound connotation. This group of blockbusters is not only a visual feast, but also an in-depth display of Wang Yibo's personality and style.

In front of the camera, Wang Yibo showed a calm and confident temperament. His eyes are deep, as if he can perceive people's hearts, and every look is full of stories. His movements are natural and fluid, whether standing, walking or sitting quietly, revealing an uninhibited demeanor. This demeanor coincides with the refinement and elegance that the LOEWE brand strives for, and together it creates a unique fashion context.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Wang Yibo's clothing choices also reflect his personal style. He opted for simple yet designed garments that were cut and made of materials that showed off both his figure and his taste. In the choice of accessories, Wang Yibo also showed his unique insights, whether it is a watch, a ring or a necklace, each accessory complements the overall look, adding a bit of delicacy and personality.

In the shooting of the blockbuster, Wang Yibo also skillfully used light and shadow effects, creating changeable visual effects through different lights and angles. Sometimes, he stands in soft natural light, showing a warm and affectionate image; At times, he is in the spotlight again, showing a strong visual impact. These changes in light and shadow not only enrich the level of the blockbuster, but also further highlight Wang Yibo's multi-facetedness.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

In addition, Wang Yibo's expression control in the blockbuster is also commendable. He is able to show different expressions and emotions depending on the scene and theme. Whether it's a smile, a contemplative or a stare, every expression is just right, conveying both emotion and personality. This precise control of expressions makes his personal style more distinct and makes the blockbuster more engaging.

Wang Yibo's blockbuster shooting is not only a fashion interpretation, but also a display of personal style. He interprets the fashion concept of the LOEWE brand in his own way, and at the same time shows his unique personality and charm to the world. This style is not only reflected in the way he dresses, but also in his attitude and spirit. Through this group of blockbusters, we see the versatility of Wang Yibo as an actor, an idol, and a fashionista, as well as his uniqueness as an independent individual.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Zi, the famous Chinese actress, was chosen as the torchbearer for the Paris Olympics with her superb acting skills and wide influence. This is not only a recognition of her personal achievements, but also an affirmation of her contribution to social welfare. On her journey to Paris, she will carry the Olympic torch, a symbol of peace and friendship, and carry the Olympic spirit.

From the moment she departed from the airport, Yang Zi became the focus of media and fans. She was dressed in a simple and elegant sportswear, holding the torch in her hand, and her face was full of pride and expectation. At the airport, she was warmly welcomed, and many fans and journalists gathered there to catch a glimpse of the torchbearers.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

On the flight to Paris, Yang Zi's mood was both excited and calm. She was well aware of the responsibility she had on her shoulders and felt the honour of being a torchbearer. On the plane, she used the time to review the history of the Olympic Games and think about how to better convey the Olympic spirit. She hopes that through her efforts, she can inspire more people to participate in sports and experience the joy and challenges brought by sports.

After arriving in Paris, Yang Zi immediately threw herself into the preparations for the torch relay. She communicated with the local organizers and learned about the specific process and precautions of the torch relay. She also visited some of the iconic buildings in Paris and got a feel for the city's historical heritage and modernity. These experiences made her look forward to the upcoming torch relay.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

On the day of the torch relay, Yang Zi came to the starting point early. Together with other torchbearers, she received brief training and mentoring. With the start of the relay, Yang Zi held the torch in her hand and began her torch relay journey with firm steps. Along the way, she was warmly welcomed by locals and tourists, who waved flags in their hands to cheer her on.

Yang Zi showed her style in the torch relay. Her movements are graceful and powerful, and every step looks so confident and calm. Her eyes reveal love and respect for the Olympic spirit, and her smile is contagious to everyone. In her hands, the torch is not only a passing tool, but also a bridge connecting different cultures and countries.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

This torch relay was an unforgettable experience for Yang Zi. She not only had the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games, an international event, but also had the opportunity to show the world the demeanor of Chinese youth. She hopes that through her own efforts, more people can understand and pay attention to the Olympic Games and feel the power and charm of sports.

Yang Zi, a highly acclaimed actor in the film and television industry, has earned wide respect from audiences and peers for her deep understanding of the role and superb acting skills. Each of her roles is regarded as her attentive interpretation of art, whether it is a gentle woman in a costume drama or a strong woman in a modern drama, she is able to accurately capture the soul of the character, and show the emotions and inner world of the characters to the fullest.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Zi's trip to Paris is not only a simple trip, but also an opportunity for cultural exchange and personal growth. She was selected as the torchbearer of the Paris Olympic Games, which is not only an affirmation of her acting career, but also an expectation that she will show the image of Chinese youth on the international stage. Her trip has been blessed with success by countless people, and I hope she can gain more experience and insights on this trip.

In Paris, Yang Zi will experience different cultural atmospheres and artistic styles. She plans to visit local museums and art exhibitions, interact with local artists, and learn about art creation in different cultural contexts. She hopes to be inspired by these exchanges and experiences to breathe new life into her performing arts.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

At the same time, Yang Zi also hopes to convey a positive Olympic spirit through this torch relay. She knew that as a torchbearer, she was not only passing the torch, but also a spirit and strength. She hopes that through her own efforts, more people can participate in sports and experience the joy and challenges brought by sports.

Yang Zi's trip to Paris was also a journey of self-challenge and breakthrough. She will face different circumstances and challenges, but she believes that as long as she maintains her love for art and the continuous pursuit of herself, she can overcome all difficulties and achieve self-transcendence. She hopes to be able to continue to learn and grow on this journey, and become a more mature and well-rounded actor.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Zi's trip to Paris has received attention and support from all walks of life. Her fans took to social media to send her their best wishes, wishing her all the best and most rewarding on this journey. At the same time, many industry insiders also expressed their expectations and support for her trip, believing that she can show the demeanor of a Chinese actor on the international stage.

In general, each of Yang Zi's roles is her heartfelt interpretation of art, and her trip to Paris was blessed with success. Her trip is not only a personal growth and challenge, but also an opportunity for cultural exchange and spiritual transmission. We look forward to her wonderful performance on this journey, and we believe that she can bring us more surprises and touches.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Yang, a popular actor in China, is loved by fans for his sunny and handsome image and versatile talent. Recently, he shared a set of summer photos on social media, accompanied by a humorous caption "City! This not only shows his understanding and use of memes, but also shows his intimacy and sense of humor in interacting with fans.

In this group of summer follow-up photos, Yang Yang is wearing casual clothes, standing or sitting, with a natural posture and a relaxed expression. In the photo, sometimes wearing sunglasses and sometimes holding ice cream, he perfectly captures the relaxed atmosphere of summer. In the background, the city's high-rise buildings or tree-lined parks complement the warmth and energy of summer.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Yang's accompanying text "City! It is a clever use of the popular internet meme "city boy". This meme is derived from a fashionable style of urban youth, usually referring to young people who dress casually and pay attention to the quality of life. Through such accompanying texts, Yang Yang not only expressed his sensitivity to fashion trends, but also showed his willingness to communicate and resonate with the younger generation with an open attitude.

Fans responded enthusiastically to Yang Yang's photos and accompanying text. They left messages in the comment area, expressing their love for Yang Yang's summer style and their appreciation for his humorous personality. Some fans also imitated Yang Yang's accompanying text and created their own "city! version, forming an interesting interactive phenomenon.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Yang's relaxed and humorous way of sharing not only shortened the distance between him and fans, but also allowed him to show a side of his life in addition to his busy work. This kind of real and unpretentious attitude makes fans feel Yang Yang's kindness and cuteness as an ordinary person.

In addition, Yang Yang's summer photos also reflect his love for the art of photography. From the composition, light and color of the photographs, it shows his unique insight into photography. Through his own lens, he captured the beautiful moments of summer and shared this unique visual enjoyment with everyone.

Yang Yang's sharing is not only a simple social media update, but also a bridge to communicate with fans. His sense of humor, sincerity and artistry is perfectly reflected in this set of summer shoots. We look forward to Yang Yang being able to share more wonderful moments like this in the future, and continue to use his way to bring more surprises and happiness to fans."

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Yang, as a leader in the contemporary Chinese entertainment industry, has not only won wide recognition for his excellent acting skills and charming appearance, but also showed another side of him as a public figure with his keen insight and active participation in trends and online culture. His surfing 5G online status is a vivid embodiment of his keeping up with trends and online culture.

In this era of information explosion, Yang Yang is not satisfied with the traditional way of obtaining information, but actively embraces new technologies and uses the high speed and convenience of 5G networks to obtain first-hand information and dynamics. In this way, he is not only able to keep abreast of the latest social developments, but also to interact with fans in more real-time and in-depth ways.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

Yang Yang's surfing 5G online status is also reflected in his rapid response and participation in network hotspots. Whether it's the latest memes, buzzwords, or trending topics on social media, he's quick to catch and engage with them. This sensitivity and engagement with online culture has made him extremely popular and influential among young fans.

On social media, Yang Yang often shares his daily life and work status to interact with fans. His posts often contain the latest memes and buzzwords, showing his familiarity with and use of online culture. Fans are also happy to see him on such a down-to-earth side, thinking that he has no star frame and is more intimate and real.

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

In addition, Yang Yang also actively participates in various online activities, such as online live broadcasts, online voting, etc., to communicate more directly with fans. His active participation not only shortened the distance between him and his fans, but also allowed him to occupy a place in online culture.

Yang Yang's surfing 5G online status is also reflected in his love and exploration of technology products. He often tries to use the latest technology products, such as 5G mobile phones and smart wearable devices, and shares his experience and feelings on social media. This love and spirit of exploration in science and technology has also given him a certain influence in the field of science and technology.

In general, Yang Yang's surfing 5G online status is a manifestation of his keeping up with trends and Internet culture. His state not only made him successful in his acting career, but also gave him a wide influence on the Internet. We look forward to him continuing to be in this form in the future and bring us more surprises and excitement."

6.27 Entertainment: Jin Dong, Zhao Liying, Wang Yibo, Yang Ziyang, Tang Yan, Zhang Yixing, Tan Jianci, Reba, Bai Jingting

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