
What are the twelve signs in school?

Zodiac signs in school are: 1, Aries: naughty student; 2, Taurus: class teacher; 3, Gemini: principal; 4, Cancer: director of teaching office; 5, Leo: main subject teacher; 6, Virgo: sub-subject teacher; 7, Libra: lavish student; 8, Scorpio: student council president; 9, Sagittarius: security; 10, Capricorn: canteen chef; 11, Aquarius: physical education teacher; 12, Pisces: librarian.

What are the twelve signs in school?

1. Aries: Naughty student

Aries has a very lively personality and is very enthusiastic and cheerful. They seem to have strange ideas and endless energy at all times, so Aries is more like a mischievous student at school, which makes people love and hate. Aries students are particularly intelligent and have a direct impulsive personality. They were definitely a good friend of morality when they were children, and they often fought for their friends. It is the heroic image of justice in the eyes of the students, and indeed the problem children in the eyes of the teacher. They are never afraid of the teacher, and they often engage in confrontation with the teacher, and they are often the one who is caught by the teacher and punished, and they feel that they are particularly handsome and honorable.

2. Taurus: Class teacher

Taurus people have a stable, down-to-earth personality, responsible for work, patient, Taurus teachers treat students gently and considerately, very willing to teach everyone what they have learned all their lives, turn work into their own fun, let students happily learn the knowledge that should be learned, such teachers are most popular and trusted by excellent students, many students will take the initiative to consult Taurus teachers, and Taurus teachers will also tirelessly guide them over and over again, but because Taurus people are more stubborn and rigid, they will drill the tip of the bull's horns on some issues If you meet students who can't teach anything, for Taurus teachers, it is really the end of the world, and they will wonder if they are not teaching well and where there is a problem!

What are the twelve signs in school?

3. Gemini: Principal

Gemini is the kind of person who is very capable, very decisive, and very courageous. And they have strong management skills, both in work and life, are very authoritative and influential, so Gemini in the school identity is more like a busy principal.

4. Cancer: Director of the Teaching Office

Cancer is the kind of person who has a strong sense of responsibility, is very impatient, and has a temper and even a little grumpy. But their hearts are actually very good, no matter how anxious they are, it is also for the good of everyone, and sometimes it will make people feel very wordy, so Cancer's identity in school is more like the director of the teaching office.

What are the twelve signs in school?

5. Leo: The main subject teacher

Leo is the kind of person who works seriously, diligently, and his business ability is well received by those around him. They are also very capable, so they are often entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Therefore, Leo's identity in school is more like a hard main subject teacher.

6. Virgo: Associate teacher

Virgos are also the kind of people who love their work, but at the same time they don't like restraints, prefer a free working environment, and it is best not to be too stressed. So for Virgos, they're more like sub-subject teachers who are more flexible in their time and less stressed at school.

7. Libra: Honors student

Libras are the kind of people who are very proud, they are very good at learning, they accept new things much faster than others, and their IQ is also very high. So Libra is more like the kind of honor students in school who are loved by everyone.

8. Scorpio: Student Council President

Scorpio is the kind of person who is very keen to organize groups and carry out activities. They have a strong personality, are organized, and can be competent for many activities. And they know how to use everyone's abilities. So Scorpio is like the student council president in the school.

What are the twelve signs in school?

9. Sagittarius: Security

Sagittarius' personality is more lazy and not motivated. They don't like to work very much, and they can mix up a day and a day. So for Sagittarius, they're like security guards in schools, who like simple jobs.

10. Capricorn: Canteen chef

Capricorns are very food-loving people, they not only love to eat, but also like to do. And like to develop a variety of new dishes, invite all kinds of friends to taste, so Capricorn in school identity is more like a canteen chef.

11. Aquarius: Physical education teacher

Aquarius is a very athletic person, and they take time out of exercise every day. And they have a wide range of hobbies, football, basketball, swimming are all very interested, so Aquarius in school is more like a physical education teacher.

12. Pisces: Librarian

Pisces is the kind of person who has a quieter personality and doesn't like to be disturbed by others. At the same time, Pisces is also a person who likes to read, where there are books, they can stay there for half a day, so Pisces in school is a librarian.

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